Chapter 180

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Gabby's POV (Part 1): Once I finished putting Louie to bed, I made my way up to me and Matt's room to see the light on in the bathroom. Matt must've heard me come up because he came out right when I came in the room. Seeing him in his towel, I smiled at him. "I guess that answers my question." Matt seemed confused when I said that. "What do you mean?" I then went to walk over to him. "I didn't know whether we were still doing the bath or not." Matt then went to put his hands on my arms and smiled at me, kissing me softly. "Every night, I promise."

I smiled when he said that and then went to rub his chest. "Don't make promises you might not be able to keep." Matt laughed when I said that. "Believe me, this is one promise I intend to keep considering it involves me getting very intimate with you." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Ah, so that's why we are doing you more pleasure." Matt then looked at me. "No, we are doing this because I love you and want to do something special for you." Grabbing my hand, Matt went to intertwine our fingers. I nodded and smiled at him. "I know."

Matt when went to bring me against his chest before kissing me softly. "You want some help getting undressed or do you got it?" Putting my hands on his chest, I smiled at him. "I think I want some help considering it's starting to get hard with me being pregnant and all." Matt smirked when I said that. "Oh, is that the one reason you want my help getting you undressed?" I smiled when he said that before going to kiss him softly. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I just held him close and felt him move his hands to my back. "I swear, you are so gorgeous."

Going to take off my shirt, Matt then went to put it in the laundry before looking at me since I wasn't wearing a bra. "Really?" I nodded and smiled at him. "I am not going to be wearing a bra for the rest of the pregnancy since it hurts." Matt nodded and smirked when I said that before going to kiss me again. He then went to take off my sweat pants as well as my underwear, throwing them away. Seeing I was naked, Matt smirked at me before going to bend down and kiss my stomach. "God, you are so gorgeous." I smiled when I felt Matt do that.

Looking up at me when I ran my fingers through his hair, Matt then got up and went to grab the towel he had there for me. Wrapping it around me, Matt went to kiss me softly. "Let's get in the bath okay?" I nodded and smiled when he said that before grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. Following him into the bathroom, I smiled when I saw that he put rose peddles and lit a bunch of candles around the bath. "Oh babe." Matt smiled when I said that before turning to look at me. "See, not just a pretty face." I laughed when he said that and shook my head.

Matt's POV: As I saw Gabby's face light up when I said that, I couldn't help but be really happy that we were taking this time alone to just be husband and wife. Sure, we were parents now but...I still believe that us putting our marriage first is the best thing for us. Our family needs a strong foundation and that is going to be me and Gabby's marriage. "You want me to help you into the bath? Then you can sit in my lap once I am in there?" Gabby nodded when I said that. Going to take off my towel, I went to put it on the counter next to hers and got in.

Looking up at her as I saw in the bath, I smiled at her and then watched as she came to sit down in my lap. Facing away from me as she sat in my lap, I smiled as I went to wrap my arms around her and then put my hands on her stomach. I then went to kiss her shoulder and smiled as I went to intertwine our fingers. "You know...I think this is the first time we've taken a bath together since we moved here." Gabby was shocked when I said that before rolling over onto her side. "Wow, that's shocking. I mean, I love this bath because it is so big and comfortable."

I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her head. "So tomorrow, what are you planning to do?" Gabby then looked up at me. "Don't you mean we?" I sighed when she said that before wrapping my arm around her waist. "Unfortunately, it is just going to be you. I am working tomorrow from 9 to 5. Remember, I have OFI." Gabby remembered that and nodded, feeling my lips on the side of her head. "You can always come downstairs and help me if you want. I mean, instead of you just doing boring stuff with Louie up in here in bed."

Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Boring! You call me playing with Louie in bed boring?" I then stopped her from thinking that. "Hey, of course not." Going to put some soap on my hands, I went to start washing her and gave her a massage so that I could calm her down. "Babe, please just relax and listen to me. Of course I don't think us doing stuff with Louie is boring...I love spending time with him and always will love spending time with him. He is our son and I love him." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Sorry just tense."

I then got concerned when she said that. "What's got you on edge and concerned babe?" Gabby then laid her head back and seemed to relax a bit more when I started to give her a massage. "The pandemic mostly. I mean, can it seriously come at a worse time? Between us being pregnant and now, us adopting's hard to do stuff that keeps him occupied." I nodded and understood what she meant. "We could always go visit the firehouse tomorrow. I can call Chief ahead of time. I am positive they would all love to see Louie."

Gabby's POV (Part 2): When Matt brought up the idea of going to the firehouse, I was a bit nervous about that considering that was where paramedics worked on a daily basis and I was scared that they might bring the virus back...or even worse, that I might catch it. The whole reason that we stopped working there (for the time being) was to protect ourselves. That's when I remembered that it wasn't our friends on shift tomorrow anyways. They were on shift today since Matt has to work tomorrow. "Matt, you realize it's second shift tomorrow right?"

I then thought about something. "However, I am going to call Hermann. I was reading today about how we can keep Molly's in business." Matt then looked at me. "Oh really, how's that?" I smiled when he asked me. "You can apply to the city to build a sidewalk café. And I think I might volunteer my favorite, most loving and caring contractor husband to build the bar one?" Matt laughed when I said that and smiled while kissing my head. "I would love to do that. Anyways, I am a part-owner of the bar. Benefits us too." I nodded and agreed with him.

I then went to grab his hand and intertwined our fingers. "We are going to survive this right?" Matt seemed a bit confused when I said that. "What are you talking about babe?" I sighed when he said that. "We just got Louie back, but there are people saying this pandemic is really going to test people. We haven't really lived together that long...we are going to survive this pandemic right?" Matt then went to kiss me shoulder. "Listen, roll over in my arms and look at me." I nodded and agreed with him, looking into his eyes.

"Gabby, I want you to make a breath and hear me when I say this...we are not only going to survive this but we are going to come out of this in a much better place, not that we aren't in a great one already. But believe me when I say this Gabby, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to our marriage. We've been married 3 years now and nothing has torn us apart. Not distance, not loosing Louie. A pandemic isn't going to do that when we are expecting triplets." I nodded and agreed with him, going to kiss him softly. "You know I love you right?"

Matt smiled when I said that. "I know. I love you too. Now listen, you need to let me out so that I can help you out okay? Then, we can figure out how in the world we are going to keep our little guy entertained tomorrow. I promise though, I am going to try and work while he's napping so that I can be very helpful tomorrow." I nodded and agreed with him as he went to help me out of the bath. Grabbing both of our towels, Matt gave me mine and put it on me before wrapping his towel around his waist. "Now, let's get in bed and we can figure this out." I nodded and smiled when he said that, following him out to bed.

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