Puerto Rico Flashback #2: Date Night

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July 5th, 2019 - Downtown Old San Juan
Gabby's POV: As me and Matt walked down the streets in Old San Juan, I just looked at him because he was quite handsome that night. We talked last night again about us trying for kids and we decided to keep talking about it and not close a door on it. He knew that I wanted it bad and that eventually, we were going to have to try. I know that it's risky but...I wanted to give Matt kids. And he knew I was against adoption because of what happened with Louie. It's hard.

Matt could obviously tell I was thinking about something as he looked at me. "You are thinking about what we talked about last night aren't you?" I sighed when he asked me that. "Matt, I need you to know why I want this so bad. It's because of what happened with Louie." Matt nodded and just turned to look at me. "Gabby, listen...can we not talk about this tonight. It's my second last night here. I just want a nice date with my girl. Yesterday, we had a double date. Tonight, I have my girl all to myself for the first time in I don't know how long."

I nodded when he said that and sighed as I stepped close to him before putting my hand on his chest and just kissing him softly. "I'm sorry." Matt then went to push my head up. "Don't be sorry. I know how passionate you are about this and I never want you to loose the passion for whatever you want to fight for. But, I am just not ready to risk it okay babe? Maybe if you found a doctor that specialized in these types of pregnancies...I would consider it. But not with just any OB/GYN. I would do it but...Boden is giving me more work now since I'm alone."

I smiled when he said that. "Don't you live with Severide?" Matt sighed and nodded. "Yeah but, I am trying to do more work outside of the house. Get some more money so that I can use more of my furlough. I want to come down more often. I want to make this work Gabby, I really do. But I feel like we need to see each other more because then, it'll just get harder." I nodded and understood what he meant. It was getting hard, heck it's always been hard.

"Is that why you don't want to talk about kids at all?" Matt sighed. "Gabby, until we are in a better place...we are in no place to be bringing a child into this world. I promise, we are going to figure something out. Maybe we can do surrogacy. I know you want to do it yourself but...can we at least meet in the middle babe? It would be your egg but, another woman's body. Can you think about that and I will think about moving down here permanently?" I thought about it and nodded as I brought him close to me. Kissing him softly, we just held each other.

"I still want to get a second opinion on whether it would be safe." Matt laughed and agreed. "We will, I promise. But just remember that there are other ways to have kids. But if it becomes a sticking point between loosing you for good and keeping you...I am going to really reconsider. However, don't you dare think that's a reason to send me divorce papers. We are still making this work and we are happy, right?" I nodded when he said that. "Yeah, we are."

Matt smiled when I said that before going to kiss my head. "So, restaurant or home?" Gabby then smiled. "Let's go home okay? I know we dressed up but...I think we have the place to ourselves." I laughed when she said that and smiled as we both turned around to go back home. Wrapping my arm around her back, I smiled as we went back home.

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