Chapter 247

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Jay's POV: After making our way out to my truck and getting in together, I looked at Erin as she went to pull out of the driveway. "Just promise me you'll be careful with her. I just got her cleaned, waxed and polished." Erin laughed when I said that. "You are ridiculous." I nodded when she said that. "That makes you Mrs. Ridiculous-to-be." Erin then shook her head when I said that. "Not happening." I was shocked when she said that. "What? I want us all to share a last name." Erin sighed. "And I want to be an independent married woman." 

I then sighed when she said that. "And what, be addressed as Mr. Jay Halstead and Mrs. Erin Lindsay? People will then ask us if we are just dating or engaged. Sure, we'll have rings but..." Erin then turned to look at me. "This is the 21st Century babe! I am not going to let your name overshadow my achievements." I then looked at her when I said that. "But you will if you want military benefits. They have this stupid rule where women need to have the same last name as their military husband or veteran for you to be covered."

Erin was shocked when I said that. "What? They only provide coverage for spouses of active-duty service men and women or veterans if they have the same last name." I sighed when she said that. "Because your benefits would go through me. If you don't have my last name...then we need to do an interview as to why you are opposed to taking it and it's this huge process with interviews and everything. And it's other stuff that I really don't want to talk about." Erin was confused when I said that. "Okay, now we are going to talk about it."

I sighed when she said that. "If you have the same last name as me...they will be able to link our profiles easier and you can just claim health benefits and stuff for me. Also, it will make it easier for me to get you security clearance. With you being an intelligence officer with the FBI, you do not have as high a security clearance as I do." Erin laughed when I said that. "No, I have a higher one?" I shook my head and sighed. "Nope, I have a higher one. I worked for the defense intelligence agency. That means I got to know stuff about terrorism."

Erin then sighed when I said that. "Erin, I am not going to push you anymore. Just...there are benefits if you at least take Lindsay-Halstead. I can get you clearance to everything I can see. Babe, I am trying to make it so that there are no secrets in our marriage. But, what if there is a national security threat that I learn about...I won't be able to share it with you and that is going to break my heart. I mean, it'll eat me up inside because I am lying to my wife to protect her." Erin then laughed. "Protect me from what?" 

I then sighed. "From you going to jail if you ever look at something on my laptop that is for my eyes only. If you ever look at stuff on my laptop...that is something that can get me in huge trouble babe. I can get sent to jail and so can you for me revealing state secrets. And you can go to jail for being in possession of the knowledge of state secrets. That won't be good for our baby and that means he will be raised by Hank and Will instead of us." Erin then got scared when I said that. "Okay, Lindsay-Halstead it is. I already hate that idea."

Erin then went to grab my hand. "Sorry I am fighting this so hard." Intertwining our fingers, I looked at her and smiled. "Don't be. I love how you fight to have it your way. It is a real turn on if we are being completely honest. Knowing that my wife-to-be can handle herself is very calming." Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "You are just saying all of this to get me in bed again." I smirked when she said that. "That you offering?" We both laughed when she said that when we started to turn towards the store. "Make up sex?"

I laughed when she said that. "More like pay back sex. You are turning me on by being so feisty." Erin smiled when I said that before going to find a parking spot for expectant mothers. Going to park the truck there, she smiled. "Boy, the joys of being a pregnant woman." I then looked at her when she said that. "What are you talking about?" Erin then pointed to the sign. "You get to park in the front of the aisle because you are pregnant." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "Does that work for dads too?" Erin then laughed. "If you can run after a bad guy, no."

That's when I heard my brother walk by me. "And you guys are already going to make me barf up my lunch." I turned to look at him and then smiled. "Day off?" Will nodded and smiled. "Do you mind if I hug you guys or..." I then bit my lip before looking at Erin. "Yeah, I think we are good for now." I then went to hug him and smiled. "How's my best man-to-be?" Will smiled when I said that. "Good. Seems like you're out of breath Erin? What did my brother do?" Erin then sighed. "It's what I did. I fought with him about not taking his last name." 

Will then looked at me when I said that. "Dude, that is a loosing battle." I laughed when he said that. "Actually, I won. If she takes our last name...then I can get her DIA clearance. So, she would be able to see the same intelligence that I can." Will smiled when I said that and nodded. "Yeah, that's a good thing I guess. But listen, you guys stay safe this pregnancy okay? I don't want to see anything happen to you. Oh and don't show up in my ER. I am going to get scared. I already told them that you are pregnant and to tell me if you ever come to the ER."

Erin nodded when he said that. "Thanks Will. Now listen, we need to go get food." Will nodded and agreed. "Just to let you know, I saw Matt and Gabby in there. They were on their way in. They seem to be doing better. I heard it from the paramedics working on shift...or did you tell me?" I then looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I think I did. I forgot." Will smiled when I said that. "Listen, you guys be safe, have a good day and tell me when you know the gender." I laughed and agreed. "I'll tell you when we need to go tux shopping too."

Will smiled when I said that. "Yeah, I am going to wear my wedding tux to your wedding if that's okay?" I thought about it and nodded. "Good, one less tux to buy." Erin then looked at me when I said that. "We are not paying for any of your groomsmen's tuxes because you are not wearing tuxes! You are going to wear your dress uniform." I then thought about it and agreed with her. "Of course. Talk later Will." Will smiled and nodded as I said that. Me and Erin then went to walk away to get shopping. "By the way, sorry about the stuff in the car."

Erin nodded when I said that. "I'm sorry too." She then tugged me in and went to kiss me softly. "C'mon, let's go get our food." I agreed and nodded as we made our way into the story...and I was hoping that we would run into Matt and Gabby while we were here.

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