Chapter 172

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Matt's POV: After making my way to the local target, I smiled when I went to grab my list of stuff to buy while walking in. That's when I saw Antonio there talking to Jay and Erin. "So, sounds like I am not going to be seeing you guys around the office for the next 9 months." Jay laughed when he said that and nodded while wrapping his arm around Erin. "More like the next year. Just promise not to tell anybody about the pregnancy until we get a chance. I just wanted to let you know so you don't complain if Hank gives you more work." Walking over, I smiled at them.

"How far along are you guys?" Jay then turned to look at me when I said that. "What...what are you talking about?" I then looked at Jay. "Dude, I am not blind. That box...I had to buy many of those during the first few weeks of Gabby's pregnancy. And her wearing loose clothes to hide any pregnancy...yeah, I am sure that people will be able to know she's pregnant right away. By the way, haven't..." Antonio then turned to look at me. "Right, of course. How are Gabby and Louie? They both safe." I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. But too much Blues Clues."

Antonio then looked at me. "Wait, that show is still on TV?" I nodded and just looked at him. "And I am already annoyed with that dog." Jay then looked at me. "You have a dog that just moved next door?" I then stared at him. "Please tell me that you are joking right? Have you never babysat Owen?" Jay then looked at me and nodded. "He didn't like Blues Clues? The mystery solving blue puppy. By the way, there's another cousin!" Antonio then turned to look at me. "Wait, you mean it's no longer..." I then shook my head. "3rd Host." 

Antonio then shook his head. "God, that is ridiculous." I nodded and agreed with him. "But, the little guy loves it. I am glad that he's happy with us and safe. Thanks for expediting the background check on me. They didn't have it and..." Antonio then put his hand on my shoulder. "Matt, I had it ready the minute Gabby said you were looking into adopting Louie again." I laughed when he said that and nodded. "Thanks man. Now listen, you guys have a good day. I have to go get stuff for a date. Oh and I need to get a couple more water bottles."

Jay then looked at me. "Get reusable ones." I nodded and agreed. "That's all I use. I already put enough toxic gas in the atmosphere every time I go to work. If I can reduce my carbon footprint at home...I am going to do that." Jay agreed with me and smiled. Walking into the store with Antonio, I smiled at him before going to grab something in my pocket. "By the way, this is for you." Antonio then looked at me confused. "What is this?" I then smiled at him. "Most recent sonogram." Antonio then looked at me. "You just handing these things out."

I laughed when he said that. "I know it's your day off and I know you shop here too. I knew that you weren't at home because your car wasn't there. Add it all together and I know that either means the district or shopping. We both shop here so...yeah." Antonio laughed when I said that. "God, how did I not think about that? I mean, I'm the detective!" I laughed when he said that. "Technically, so am I." He was confused when I said that. "What?" I nodded. "I am working as the Firehouse 51-Office of Fire Investigations liaison during the pandemic."

Antonio nodded when I said that and smiled when I walked by the water bottles. I then went to walk up to the water bottles when I saw that they had a kid size one. "Oh god, he is going to love this bottle. God, is there a firetruck or animal one?" I then went to bend down and found one with a blue monkey. "Here we go, to match his stuffed monkey." Antonio looked at me. "You buying that for Louie?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. We don't want him having to drink out of water fountains right now. We are being very cautious with this."

Antonio nodded as I went to put the bottle in my shopping cart. "Because he is young?" I then sighed. "And because he is African American. His dad had like black skin if you know what I mean so...his mom must've been white because he's in the middle. So, young, unvaccinated and minority population. The worst case scenario for COVID." Antonio agreed and nodded when I said that. "Hey, at least you get to practice being a dad before you get triplets." I nodded and agreed with him. "Hey, remember what you promised us eh?"

Antonio looked at me and nodded when I said that. "Okay now I need your help. I want to know what Gabby likes to eat while pregnant. I am so lost. Remember, this is my first pregnancy really." Antonio laughed when I said that and nodded. "Oh believe me, I can tell. You are really worried. And may I also remind you that it is also your last. Remind me why you guys chose to take Louie in when you are having 3 kids?" I sighed when he asked me that. "Because it's Louie. If it was another kid...we would've said no but, he's different."

Antonio nodded when I said that. "Plus, it was his father's dying wish so...I had to do it. God, that was the hardest part. I still struggle with this. Having to tell my son that I was the one that didn't save his father. I mean, I tried so hard. That was the hardest day of my life." Antonio then looked at me. "Harder than when you almost lost Gabby while she was pregnant the first time around?" I sighed when he said that. "Okay, maybe on the job then. Dude, I was so conflicted. He was the man that ruined my wedding night. Literally....he showed up to get him on our wedding night!"

Going to walk over to the freezer section of the store, I went to grab a couple frozen pizzas. "You are grabbing those?" I then turned to look at him. "You have time to cook when Laura was pregnant with your second child?" Antonio then rubbed my back when I said that because that was so true. "And remember, Louie is very energetic. He is still a bit shy. Heck, we just got him to realize that he isn't going to be taken away from us again." Antonio sighed when I said that. "Was that a problem when he first got to your place? And was it a problem for Gabby?"

I shook my head when Antonio asked me that, continuing to walk down the aisle. "No, we didn't take him in until he was our son officially. I told Gabby that we are not bringing him home until we are his legal and permanent parents. She was pregnant and I didn't want to have to protect her from getting too emotionally attached when I had other stuff to do." Antonio nodded when I said that when he saw me grab some ice cream. "Keep that away from Louie." I nodded and agreed with him. "This is for Gabby. Most recent craving is Chocolate Chunk!" 

I then went to keep walking. "Now listen, I need to think about a good meal for her to eat. I promised her a date tonight. I am making her supper and then giving her a massage in bed." Antonio smiled when I said that. "That sounds like the perfect date." I nodded when he said that. "Now, how about we head to the fresh produce area and you can give me ideas for an easy meal. I am not experimenting yet when it comes to taste buds. That and I am cooking 2 different meals tonight." Antonio was confused when I said that. "Okay, why's that?"

I then looked at him. "You really think we are going to have Louie on our date. I am getting sparkling water and making her a nice dinner. We haven't had a night like that and a while...I want to remind her that we are in this life together and that I am always going to be on her side. I made that mistake last time around and I don't want to make it this time." Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Can I say that I agree with you?" I smiled when he said that and nodded. "C'mon, I also promised Louie to get him some kids snacks."

Antonio nodded when I said that. "Then let's go get him some cookies." I nodded when he said that and smiled as we both made it towards the snack aisle together.

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