Chapter 227

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Matt's POV: After making our way to Molly's, I smiled as we walked into the bar together. Taking my coat off on the way in, I then turned to look at Gabby. "Here, how about you give me your jacket?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she gave me her jacket. Taking it off for her, I then went to hang it up on some of the hooks we provided for customers. Walking over to everybody, I smiled and then walked over to the bar. "I get 1 tonight Hermann." Turning to look at me, Hermann smiled and got me one. "You got it Chief." I smiled when he said that before looking at Gabby. That's when I saw Antonio there with Christie and Violet. "Hey babe, can you wait for my beer?" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Why?" I then went to point at Violet and smiled.

"Oh, go ahead Matt. Go say hi to Violet." I smiled when she said that before putting my hand on her stomach. Giving her a quick kiss, I smiled before walking away so that I could go see Antonio, my sister and Violet. "Violet, how are you?" Violet then turned to look at me and smiled. "Sorry I didn't come today uncle Matt. I was busy." I nodded and agreed with her before going to hug her. I then looked at Antonio and then looked at Christie. "You hurt her, you deal with me." Antonio then looked at me. "No, I am going to deal with my sister. We both know that she is much better at yelling at me. She can punish me a lot more than you can any day." I then thought about it and agreed. Going to hug my sister, I smiled. "Congratulations again Chief Matthew Casey."

Violet then looked at me and smiled. "Right, congratulations Chief Uncle Matt." I smiled when she said that before going to hug her again. "Thanks. By the way, you can come work for me whenever you want. I am sure I can find you a job around the firehouse. I need a receptionist." Gabby then walked over to me with my beer and smiled. "Actually, I was thinking...what if that was my job?" Turning to look at her, I smiled while going to put my hand on her stomach. "We'll see. Right now, your only job is to keep these babies safe and deliver them healthy." Gabby nodded when I said that. I then went to kiss her forehead and smiled at her. "But yes, you are coming to the firehouse for all of my shifts. You are going to need a bunch of extra hands."

That's when Severide walked over to me. "Congratulations man." I smiled when he said that and then went to toast to me being appointed Chief. Antonio then realized what I was drinking. "Is that a beer man?" I nodded. "I asked Gabby and she said I could have 1 to celebrate my appointment as Chief of Firehouse 51. By the way...attention Firehouse Staff." Everybody then turned to look at me. "I want you all to put your e-mails on your cell phone. I am not doing paper memos anymore! I am going to do all of my communications through e-mail. Is that understood?" Everybody nodded when I said that. "Of course chief!" I smiled when they said that before going to take another sip of my beer. "God, beer tastes so good after a break."

Gabby laughed when I said that. "Enjoy it. The only reason that you're having one is because we are celebrating your appointment. Well, you are celebrating it with our friends and family. We already celebrated earlier." I smiled when she said that. "I am pretty sure that your brother didn't need to know that Gabby." Gabby blushed when I said that and then nodded. "You're probably right. Sorry Antonio." Antonio nodded and then smiled at us. "By the way, I am thinking of talking to Voight about me being your liaison." I nodded and agreed with him. "Please do, I would much rather have to deal with you and Jay rather than him any day." That's when I (unfortunately) heard Voight walk up behind me. "And that is to be expected Casey."

Turning around to look at him, I then blushed. "Voight, I am so sorry that you had to hear that." He then went to shake my hand and smiled. "Congratulations on your promotion to Battalion Chief. I promise we can work something out where either Antonio or Jay and Erin can be your liaison to the intelligence division. I know we said we would put it in the past but...can we really do that in complete honesty?" I sighed when he said that. "Maybe in the future." Voigt nodded when I said that and smiled. "Yes, hopefully." Turning to look at me, Gabby then smiled. "Listen, I am going to sit in a booth...that okay?" I nodded when she said that. "Hey, of course. You go spend time with our friends. Just let me know when you are tired okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before walking away to go talk to Stella.

Antonio then looked at me. "By the way, what is with the tight dress?" I then smiled when he said that. "She likes to tease me sometimes. Honestly, I was just as shocked as you are. But boy does my girl look hot in that dress. It's incredible." Antonio laughed when I Said that. "On other notes, what are you going to change at the firehouse? I hear there are rumors that you are going to change some stuff." I nodded and smiled. "I am going digital. I am done with all of these paper reports and stuff. It's so complicated and messy. I am going to get computers installed. Either that or I am going to get everybody to bring laptops." That's when Severide came to join me. "You going to make us do reports online or on the computer now?"

Turning to look at him, I bit my lip. "Would you be opposed to that? I mean, it would be easier and you can do them much faster. I would like to do it because then I can do it on my iPad while I am laying down in bed and helping Gabby feed one of the kids." Antonio then looked at me when I said that. "That is actually a really good idea. Listen, I am going to get us a salad for supper okay Christie?" Christie nodded and smiled when Antonio said that, kissing him quickly. He then walked away while I looked at my sister. "You mind if I join you guys? I mean, we are family." Christie then smiled as she looked at Violet. "Can you get another chair for you?"

Violet then went to grab one at the bar for herself. Hermann however didn't like that. "Hey...what are you doing?" I then looked at him. "Hermann, I told her to get a bar chair to sit on. Me and Gabby are going to sit with our siblings who are dating. I want to sit next to my wife please." Hermann nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Of course Chief." I smiled when he said that before going to take another sip of my beer. Looking at Gabby as she interacted with our friends, I could tell that she was enjoying this just as much as I was. "So, update on what's happening in your life Christie...I mean other than you dating my brother-in-law, what's up?" Christie then sighed. "I just got furloughed because of the pandemic. I work in schools after all." 

I agreed and nodded when she said that. "If you ever need something, I can help you with a job at the firehouse. I need some support staff. Some of them are retiring because of Boden's death." Christie then thought about it and shook her head. "Sorry but, I am not going to work for my brother. It's already awkward enough having my boyfriend be my brother's's another thing for me to work for my brother." I looked at Violet and smiled at her. "Don't think I am not going to try and recruit you for a summer job miss. I am going to get you doing something." Violet then laughed when I said that. "Like what?" I smiled and shrugged. "I haven't figured out yet. It's my first day as Chief. I have the powers, just not the experience yet." 

Antonio then looked at me and smiled. "Just curious, when's your first shift as Chief?" I then laughed. "April Fool's Day." He smiled and agreed with me. "I just hope the firehouse knows that I WILL NOT BE A HAPPY CHIEF IF I GET PRANKED ON MY FIRST DAY AS CHIEF ON APRIL 1ST!" Everybody then turned to look at me when I said that. "Oh yeah, that's get your attention. Just remember, I approve your furloughs from now on." Gabby then sighed when I said that and shook her head. "And you are going to be in trouble with me if you don't shut up." I then smirked when she said that, winking at her because I was trying to flirt with her. Gabby shook her head though and went back to talking to Stella. That's when Severide walked over to me.

"God, you are going to rule Firehouse 51 with an iron clad fist aren't you?" I nodded when he asked me that. "Dude, I am the youngest chief in the history of the CFD...I need to get a good reputation and I need to make sure that people respect the authority I have as a chief." Christie looked at me when I said that. "Hold up, youngest chief in the history of the CFD? You are kidding me right." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Yeah, I even beat Patterson by 3 months." That's when I heard Patterson walk up to me. "Speaking of the new youngest chief in history. Congratulations Casey." I then turned to look at him and smiled as I got up. I then went to shake his hand. "Thanks Patterson. Hey, think I can talk to you for a minute?" He nodded and smiled when I asked him that. I just hoped he could give me a bit of advice.

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