Chapter 165

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Matt's POV: As I finished getting a picture of the most recent sonograms of our triplets, I went to grab us some sandwiches too. That's when I got a text from Gabby. 'What's taking so long?' I then sighed and went to text her back. 'Making sandwiches. PB for Louie, Ham for us' I then went to grab the bags of sandwiches I just made before grabbing the pictures. Walking out of the kitchen, I then smiled when I walked out to the garage so that I could give food to everybody. "Sorry it took so long. Here are some sandwiches for everybody." I then went to give them to Christie, Violet and Gabby. 

Christie then realized that I gave her something with her sandwich and went to look. "Oh god, is this your latest ultrasound?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "We made extra copies for the entire family. Baby A is the girl." She smiled when Gabby said that and then went to show Violet. "God, this is real." I nodded when she said that. "Yeah, every time we get just becomes more real for us." I then looked at Gabby while grabbing Louie's sandwich. "Louie, you want mommy to feed you or daddy?" Louie then looked at Gabby as she held him. "I think he's shy."

I sighed when my sister said that. "Yeah, it's complicated." Christie then decided not to push more because she didn't want to scare him. "Anyways, I also think that he's getting tired. You want to go take a nap after lunch bud?" He nodded and agreed. "Please daddy." I smiled when he said that before going to wrap my arm around Gabby as I went to take a bite of my sandwich. "I think that's our plan for after lunch. He goes down for a nap and we get to relax together in bed." Christie smiled when I said that. "You guys ready for the triplets yet?" 

I sighed when she asked me that. However, Gabby didn't like the sound of that. "Are we not ready for triplets babe?" I looked at her. "Babe, can you really be ready for triplets? I mean, it's going to be a huge adjustment for us...and when we thought it was just going to be us and the triplets, that alone was going to be a huge adjustment. Now, we are doing it with Louie and that's going to make it harder because we aren't going to want to make him feel neglected or unloved while we are taking care of the triplets." Gabby nodded when I said that. "You're right."

I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her head. "Listen, how about we eat? Then we can go relax. Sorry sis but...I think this little guy here is going to need to take a nap when we are done. That and I wouldn't mind sitting in bed. I am still worried and want to read up on all this. I need to figure out my job too. See if they are going to send me another case." Gabby then looked at me. "Probably not today after what they just did. It'll be hard for you to work when you are going to be thinking of that fire." I nodded and agreed with her. "Probably."

We then all looked at each other and smiled as we all just ate our lunch. It was starting to get awkward and that was probably a good reason for us to just relax as a family after lunch. This was a scary time but...I was trying not to look scared. That would stress Gabby out and we didn't need that considering she was pregnant with triplets. Anyways, we are going to get through this easily. I got this and we are going to be fine.

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