Chapter 171

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Matt's POV: After getting dressed to go out to the store, I came out to see that Gabby was still writing the list. That's when I remembered that I ordered myself some masks to wear and went to grab them in my side drawer. Looking at them, I decided to play with Louie and ask him which mask I should wear. "Hey Louie..." Louie then looked up at me. "Which mask should daddy wear? The Firetruck one or the Black one?" Louie smiled when I asked him. "The black one, I want the firetruck one." I then looked at him. "What do we say?"

Louie then looked at me. "Please." I nodded and went to kiss his head. "I am going to buy you one okay?" He nodded and smiled while laying down next to Gabby in bed. Walking around to bed, I then went to lean over her and kissed her softly. "You need anything...and I mean anything, you call or text me. I do not want you to get overwhelmed." Gabby nodded and smiled as I sat down next to her. "I mean it, just stay here and relax. Sorry if I am panicking but..." Gabby then went to grab my hand. "This is the first time you've left me alone since Hawaii."

I nodded when she said that. "And since we've started COVID. Heck, this is the first time I've been out since COVID started. Just know that I am going to be safe and that I am always going to put our health first. Sorry if I am talking too much...I just don't want you to worry and get stressed because then I will feel guilty if anything happens." Gabby nodded when I said that and just went to grab my neck, kissing me again. "Matt, I understand. Believe me, I understand babe. Now, I already texted you a list. Promise me that you are going to stay safe."

I looked at her and nodded. "Listen, the day that I promise that I'm not going to stay safe is the day I am no longer your husband." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "What I am trying to say is that I am going to promise to stay safe for the rest of my life. I promise babe, you are not going to have to go through dealing with 4 kids alone. I am in this forever. I promise you that." Gabby smiled when I said that. I then went to look at Louie before going to bend over Gabby to kiss his head. "You keep momma company in bed okay?" Louie nodded and agreed.

I then went to put my hand on her stomach and went to kiss it softly. "Daddy will be back soon okay little ones?" Gabby smiled when I did that. I then went to get up and grabbed my phone along with my wallet. "Now, you call me if you need anything. Do you need any of your products or are you good?" Gabby nodded. "I am good babe, I promise. Just get me another water bottle okay? I know they are expensive but...I want to wash them more often." I nodded and agreed with her. "I want you to drink while I am gone okay? Can you do that for me?"

Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled. "I promise Matt. Now, go get the groceries that we need for whatever you are going to make me for supper." I nodded and agreed with her before waving at her and then going to make my way downstairs so that I could go get groceries for us.

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