Chapter 258

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Matt's POV: As I held Gabby in my arms after learning what happened when she found out she had a partial miscarriage, I could just imagine how she felt. Crying a bit myself, I just held onto Gabby with all we had. That's what we needed to do right just hold each other and make sure we knew that we had each other's backs. Nothing was ever going to stop me from being there for her. "Gabby, I am so sorry you had to go through this alone. Had I not been so stupid, maybe I could've either prevent this from happening or at least...I could've been there."

Gabby nodded when I said that and just laid down on my chest. "And listen, I know you are going to say that it wasn't my fault....but I am going to say it was my fault that I wasn't there to comfort you. Gabby, I should've been the one holding your hand and holding you that night after you found out the news. And for me not being able to do that, I am always going to be sorry." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I still could've bailed you out." I sighed and just went to kiss her head. "Gabby, just know that if I could go back...I would've been there."

Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "I know that baby, I know." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss the top of her head. Running my fingers through her hair...I just held her in my arms and made sure that she was okay. "Listen, if you need me to do anything...I am going to do it okay? I am here for you and I am always doing be here for you. You know that right?" Gabby nodded when I said that before cuddling up me more. "Is it wrong that tonight I want you to take me in your arms and make me feel better?" I laughed and smiled.

"I love the sound of that. Just me and you in bed, taking it slow like we did when I got back. But, I don't think that's the best thing for us to do right now. However, I will hold you close and give you skin-to-skin contact. I mean, unless you want me to say in my PJs." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Honestly, I have no clue what I want or even what I need right now." I nodded when she said that, rubbing her back and just holding her in my arms while we grieved together. "Listen, just know that I am always going to be here for you even when I am at work, you come first."

Gabby nodded when I said that. And even though I have said it a lot, I still thought that I had to say it all the time because I wanted to reinforce the fact that we are a team and that I was her husband first. Nothing...and I mean nothing was going to stand in my way of making sure that Gabby was okay. Louie could tell Gabby was sad and came to lay down on my chest so that we could cuddle as a family. "You okay mama?" Louie then went to rub his back and smiled. "Mama is just sad that we lost one of the babies. It's okay to be sad about it okay buddy?" He nodded.

I felt bad for him though. I knew he felt lost and I could see that he wanted to help as much as he could. But right now, only I could help because I was really the only one who knew what Gabby needed right now. We had gone through this before and I wanted to make sure that we got through it together....just like we did last time. However, I just knew that I wasn't going to ever forgive myself for the fact that I missed the chance to hold her in my arms right after we learned about the miscarriage. I should've been there to hold her, console her and just be her husband.

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