Union Station Fire Part 2

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Matt's POV: While waiting for Truck 813 and Lt. Cordova to get on the roof, I got a call from Truck 811 and Lt. Kidd. "Chief?" Proceeding to speak to Stella, I got curious what was happening. "What's up Stella?" Stella then spoke to me. "Can you get me a gas meter to check the toxicity of the gas in here? I believe that somebody left a train running. Either that or they passed out." I got worried when she said that. That's when Lt. Hunter spoke to me. "Sorry Chief, Lt. Hunter Squad 33 Reporting. I am having trouble getting into the Intercity Bus Terminal offices. Permission to break and enter?" I agreed. "Proceed Hunter and Stella, I think Gallo has one." Gallo then spoke over the radio. "I got one Chief. I just checked the reading lieutenant. Getting toxic in here."

I got scared when he said that and spoke to everybody. "Okay everybody, masks do not get removed. I am requiring a permanent mask mandate for the rest of the fire." Every agreed when I said that when I went to speak to the Ambo crews. "Chief to Ambos. Please note that you are to assume that any and all patients you are transporting are deemed to have inhaled toxic fumes. Please proceed under the toxic exposure protocol. I repeat, toxic exposure protocol has been activated for the rest of the call." I then decided to call Gaffney Medical. "Chief Casey to Gaffney Medical." Gaffney's radio operator then responded to me. "Go ahead Chief Casey."  I then went to alert them to possible toxic fumes exposure. "All Union Station patients are deemed to be exposed to toxic fumes. Please proceed with caution."

They agreed with me. "Roger that Chief. Proceed with caution. Attention Union Station Ambos...proceed with caution under Toxic Exposure protocol." I then agreed with her and decided to radio to Commissioner Grissom so he could get Hazmat on route. I didn't know the numbers by heart. "Chief Casey to Grissom." Grissom then responded to me. "Go ahead Casey." I then took a break. "Please be advised that I am declaring this fire to be a toxic exposure scenario for all CFD personnel who have entered the building. Proceed with caution. Also, can you call the unit...I don't have the number on hand." He agreed with me when I said that. "Understood Chief Casey, I'll call Hazmat Decontamination." I nodded when he said that. I then decided to ask him for advice. "Grissom, what do we do for clothes? We don't have enough new uniforms."

Grissom then spoke to me. "I will get HQ to bring them to the scene with the Hazmat teams." I agreed when he said that before going to call CPD. "Chief Casey to CPD Union Station team." Antonio laughed when I said that. "Good way to describe us Casey, what's up?" I then went to speak to him. "Please note that a CFD Hazmat Decontamination  unit is on route. Direction is TBA, please allow them to go through. Toxic exposure probable here on site." Antonio agreed with me when I said that. "Understood Chief Casey, all CPD Units...please continue with traffic control. Exception is CFD Hazmat. Please allow through." I agreed when he said that. That's when I saw Severide on the route. Looking around for me, he then went to radio to me. "Chief Casey, do we need to check the garage here at Union Station as well?" I then thought about it.

"Yes, please do." Sylvie then spoke to me. "Chief, I have many patients here that need transport. Permission to transport multiple patients at once." I then thought about that. Do I even have the powers to declare this a big enough emergency to allow for that? I was about to screw that and just go with my gut when I heard paramedic Chief Hatcher walk up to me. "You need some assistance Chief Casey?" I turned to look at him and nodded. "Can you take control of all CFD Ambulances on scene?" He agreed and nodded. "You got a big crew today." I nodded when he said that. "Yeah, I brought everybody in because it's my first day as Chief." He smiled when I said that. "Congratulations. How's Gabby?" I then sighed. "Listen, another time. I'm working."

He agreed with me. "Oh, can you give them clearance to transport multiple patients at once in the Ambulances? We are overwhelmed with patients." Hatcher nodded and agreed with me. "I already did. Just note that when you need to, you can go ahead as scene commander. If there as mass casualties...I would just do it and tell me later. I can't be everywhere with COVID." I nodded and agreed. "Listen, can you just stay here and be oversight over Ambos? I already have Grissom here helping on another side. If you can take care of the paramedics that would be great!" He agreed and nodded when I said that. "Of course." He then went to radio to all of the paramedics. "Chief Hatcher to Ambulances at Union Station. You are under my control effective immediately. Chief Casey will be taking care of the fire." Everybody agreed with that and I nodded.

Turning back to the fire, I went to radio to Grissom. "Grissom, you are going to want to get the Fire Marshal, the Office of Fire Investigation and a Joint CPD-CFD task force established ASAP. Can you also speak to Amtrak and see what they can do? I am going to call it right now...Chicago's Union Station is hereby declared to be a disaster zone, unfit for habitation and off-limits for the public effective immediately." Grissom agreed with me when I said that. "Always thinking ahead Casey, nice job." I agreed with him when he said that. That's when I saw Chief Patterson and Firehouse 90 walk over to me. "I heard over the radio that you're dealing with Union Station. Do you need any help Chief Casey?" Thinking about it. "Can you guys help with getting the people out of the station? If I can keep the paramedics out here, that'd be better. I can set up triage." That's when I thought of something.

"Grissom, I am going to call Gaffney Medical okay? I am going to see if they can send a team of doctors for triage. We are going to have a bunch of patients coming. Is that okay?" Grissom then agreed with me. "Thinking ahead, that sounds great." I nodded. I then proceeded to grab my phone so that I could call Sharon Goodwin at Gaffney Medical Center so that I could get a team of doctors here at Chicago's Union Station to act as triage. "Chief Casey to Chief Hatcher." Hatcher then spoke to me. "Go ahead Casey." I then sighed. "I am going to call Gaffney and get some doctors here on site. Maybe they can help with triage. I mean, this is a lot of people. They are still coming out." He agreed with me. "Maybe get them to set up a field hospital somewhere?" I agreed. "Can you take care of the medical side to this call?" He agreed.

"Understood Chief Casey. Get Gaffney here and I will do the rest." I agreed and went to grab my phone to call Goodwin. That's when I got a text from Gabby.

G: How's the call going?
M: It'll be a long one...don't worry about me. I'm safe but, it's a big fire.
G: Got it, be safe. Love you....xo. 

I then went to put my phone away before proceeding to call Gaffney. Thank god I had a direct line to Goodwin because she answered right away. "Hello Chief Casey, how can I help you?" I then sighed. "Can I get a Medical Team to Chicago Union Station? Mass casualties are expected. I am trying to help since you are already overrun with COVID I bet. If we can create a field hospital here...that would be good." She agreed with me. "I will do my best to get as many doctors as I can there but, we do have COVID as well. I will speak to my counterparts at other hospitals and see if they can assist and provide extra staff." I nodded and agreed. "Could you possibly try and get Dr. Choi to come? I know he has a military background, he might be best suited to help us."

She agreed with me when I said that. "Like I said, I will try my best." I then decided to remind her. "Also, please remind the doctors you send that this site has been deemed a site where toxic exposure is probable. This site is a health hazard and they are to be cautious. CFD is already masked permanently for the fire. Please ask your doctors to do the same." She agreed. "Understood Chief Casey. Have a good day and let me know how your first days go. And of course, I send my condolences. I heard about what happened with Gabby." I agreed and sighed. "Of course Mrs. Goodwin. Now, I need to get back to work." She understood. "Good luck, stay safe and feel better." I then went to hang up and waited for the doctors to come help.

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