Chapter 194

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Matt's POV: Once I finished putting Louie down for a nap, I smiled when I came upstairs and got changed into my sweats. We weren't leaving the house anymore so...this was what I thought Gabby was going to be wearing too. But to my great surprise, she came out wearing a dress that I hadn't seen before. Looking at her as she came to look at herself in the mirror, I saw her look up at me. "Oh, I didn't hear you come back up. That was fast." I nodded. "Yeah, he was out like a light. I think the park really tired him out." I then went to walk up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "So, when were you going to show this to me? Or is it just foreplay." I was about to play with her when Gabby stopped me. "You ruin this dress and I go Latina on you!"

I was confused when she said that but backed up and went to lean against the end of the bed. "What was all that about?" Gabby sighed as she turned to look at me. "Sorry, this is just the dress Cruz and Chloe custom ordered for me. I wasn't going to fit in the bridesmaids dress that all the other girls were wearing because you know...I'm pregnant. So, I asked her to choose something similar and then bring it to me. She did while you were working I think. I just remembered that I had to try it on and I think I look fine in it." Gabby then went to try and cover herself up more at the top while also adjusting the shoulder strap. I then decided to get up and helped her. "Here, what parts are bothering you?" Gabby then sighed. "The girls."

I was confused when she said that. "What?" Gabby then looked at me in the mirror. "My breasts. That's what women call them...the girls." I nodded and agreed with her. "Honestly, I think you look great. Just remember that you don't need to worry about showing off. Nobody there is going to care because the only man who is going to be staring at you that way is me." I then went to wrap my arms around her before kissing her neck softly. "Do you get to keep the dress after the wedding?" Gabby nodded and smiled as I held her close. "Yeah, why?" I smiled when she said that before whispering in her ear. "That night, we get Louie a babysitter...once people start getting drunk, we sneak out and come home where it can be me, you and the triplets in bed."

Gabby smiled when I said that before looking at me. "I really like the sound of that. I always like the sound of us being alone. I know that's wrong for me to say as a mom but..." I then stopped her when she said that. "Hey, turn around and look at me." Gabby then looked into my eyes and I smiled at her. "You should never feel ashamed for wanting to have a night alone with your husband. In fact, you should take them if they help relieve your stress." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before going to grab my hands. Intertwining our fingers, she then moved to hold me close. Putting my hands on her stomach, I smiled and kissed her head. "You want to lay down in bed together? You look tired." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Help me?"

I nodded and then went to hep undo her dress. Slipping it off of her, I smiled when I saw her step out of it. Turning around in my arms, she then looked down at the dress. Picking it up for her, I went to grab the hanger it was on and went to hang it back up in her closet. "You looked gorgeous in it babe. You have nothing to be worried about." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to lean against the end of the bed. Turning around and looking at her, I could tell something was bothering her. "Okay, something is bothering you...I can already tell." Gabby sighed when I said that before motioning for me to come close to her. Doing what she wanted, I went to put my hands on her stomach and then kissed her softly. "Talk to me Gabby, I'm here."

Putting her hands on my arms, Gabby looked at me. "I am just starting to feel guilty about even going to the wedding. I mean, we are going to want to leave early. And if we are in the wedding party, it's going to be even more obvious that we aren't there. Do you really want that for Cruz?" I then shook my head. No, not because I didn't want that for Cruz but because Gabby shouldn't think this way. "Hey, you look at me and listen to me okay? You are pregnant with our triplets and I assure you that everybody at the wedding will gladly understand if you have to leave early okay? They will understand both because you are going to be tired and because of COVID. If you want, we can call Cruz...tell him the dress fits and that we are not going to be at the after party."

Gabby smiled when I said that before kissing me softly. "Listen, how about we get comfortable in bed? Do you want me to get dressed or would you rather I stay in this?" Looking at the lingerie she was wearing...I smirked and then went to put my hands on her stomach. "Depends how close you want to get to me." Gabby then smiled as she stepped close to me before kissing me softly. "I don't care how close you want to get to me...I am going to put my PJs on." Walking over to her side of the bed, Gabby went to get. Meanwhile, I turned around defeated and just stared at her. "You are going to be the death of me woman!" Gabby laughed when I said that before going to look at the door when she saw Louie. "Matt..."

Louie then looked at me while holding his blankie. "Is daddy dying too?" 

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