Chicago Med Crossover Part 1

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Matt's POV:
After arriving at the hospital with Violet, I was worried when they rolled her in. She passed out in the ambulance from smoke inhalation and she was attached to the monitors. Going through the lobby, I looked at the paramedics as they both started to list what was wrong with her. I was in no place to talk. But, then I remembered that they might need blood. Once Sylvie finished telling them the basics, she went to put Violet on the bed and turned to look at me. Seeing Will was on the case, I walked over. "Dr. Halstead." Will then pushed me away.

"Not right now Matt, you can get medical advice another time." I then went to stop him from touching Violet. "This is my niece. Her blood type is A-, no allergies but she does have a broken ankle." Will then looked at me. "Okay, thanks Matt. The more information the better, we got her though." I agreed and nodded. "Her mother and father are on route." He agreed with me and then got to work. Meanwhile, I went to walk out and looked at Maggie. "Until her parents are here, I will be her proxy." She agreed and nodded when I saw Gabby come into the ER.

Looking at me, she was just mad. "Care to explain why exactly..." I then just walked over to her and went to hug her, tearing up because I was scared. Gabby then wrapped her arms around my back and was confused. "Okay, you don't have to fake cry. Matt, I am still mad at you." I then leaned back and looked at her. "It's Violet." Gabby then stared at me and then just went to hug me more. "Matt, I am so sorry. I'm not mad okay? Hey, calm down and just relax...I understand." I nodded. "I knew you would. That's the only reason I went in." Gabby nodded and kissed me.

I then went to pull away when I saw Jim. "Jim!" Jim then turned to look at me and went to hug me. "God, what happened?" I then sighed. "All I know is that she was passed out in your home. I am sorry but, I didn't get much of a look at what happened. I ran in there, saved her and then brought her right here. So...I am going to have to get back to you on what happened. Your house is gone down so, that's something I know." Jim then hugged me and nodded. "Where is she?" I then went to point at her room. "Trauma 2." He agreed and smiled. "Thanks Matt."

I then sighed and turned to look at Gabby. "I promise from now on, I am not going into fires. But, we have to make exception for family." Gabby nodded when I said that and just hugged me. "I would've wanted you to do the same if it was Laura's or Antonio's house." I nodded and went to kiss her head. "I knew that. That's why...right when I saw the house, I didn't even question it. I just put my gear on and told Chief that I was going in. He didn't care at all. I just did it." Gabby nodded and agreed with me, kissing me softly. "Listen, your sister is coming."

I nodded and smiled at her. "How about you go see Violet? I can wait for her." Gabby nodded when I said that and went to go see Violet. "Oh, while we are here...think we can get an ultrasound done?" I smiled when she said that and nodded. "I would love that. But first, let's take care of Violet." She agreed and nodded while walking away to go see Violet.

Gabby's POV:
Walking towards Violet's room, I went to knock on the door and looked at Jim. "Jim?" Jim then turned to look at me while Violet was given some oxygen for a while. "Who are you?" I then sighed. "Sorry, I'm Matt's wife. Do you mind if..." He then nodded. "Hey, of course you can come see her." I agreed and smiled as I went to go look at Violet. "Hey Violet, you need to pull through okay? I need you to help me with your cousins when they are born." Jim then looked at me. "When are you due?" I then bit my lip. "'s triplets."

He nodded and agreed with me. "I get it. But hey, Matt always wanted kids." I laughed and agreed with him while looking at Violet again. Running my fingers through her hair, I went to get some of the ashes out of her hair. "You need to pull through sweetheart." I then went to kiss her forehead softly. "Listen, you need anything?" That's when I heard Matt. "Gabby, if he needs anything...he can ask me or a nurse. You are not going to get him anything." Matt then brought in a chair for me. "You can stay here but you sit okay? Jim, I am still waiting for Christie."

Jim nodded and agreed with Matt. "Thanks. She is going to kill me." Matt then sighed when he said that. "Honestly, I wish I could say something to say that wasn't true but...sorry man. I know what it's like to be a dad. And if I ever did that to our kids...which would never happen of course since I would've saved them by the time the trucks got there..." I nodded when he said that and grabbed his hand. "I understand Matt and you damn better do that." Matt smiled when I said that before going to kiss my head. "You aren't mad right?" I shook my head. "Of course not."

That's when Dr. Halsted looked at us all. "You could've at least waited until I was done examining here." I then looked at him. "And you are not going to stop a woman pregnant with triplets who is worried for her niece to sit in her room now are you Halstead? Or do you want me to remind everybody why exactly you got red hair. We all know you are not a natural ginger. Remember, I was at the bar that night after you broke up with Nat. You told me the truth when it comes to how you got red hair." Will then laughed when I said that. "You want an ultrasound?"

Me and Matt then both looked at each other. "Please?" That's when Natalie walked over to us. "How about I do that for you guys? Will, concentrate on his niece." Will nodded and agreed with Natalie when she said that. Meanwhile, me and Gabby walked away to another room so that we could get an ultrasound done and get a checkup on the triplets.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin