Chapter 169

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Matt's POV: After making my way back upstairs with Louie, I smiled when I came to join Gabby in bed. Keeping Louie close to me on my chest as he cuddled up to me, I then went to grab the blanket and put it over my shoulders so that he could cover up with it. He liked doing it and I was glad. Gabby then looked at me. "He clingy again?" I nodded and sighed. "He still isn't the most secure when it comes to this being permanent. I just talked to him. Can you wait to talk to him...I think he finally has it but, I just want to hold him to reinforce that." Gabby nodded and smiled at me when I said that. "That's fine because you look really comfortable with him on your chest." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "That's because I am. Like really comfy."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to move close to me and just cuddled up to me too. "Hey bud, you want Mr. Sippy to get some juice?" Louie then nodded when I gave it to him. Starting to take a drink, I smiled when I went to rub his back. "You are home buddy, I promise." He agreed and nodded when I said that before going to put his little hand on Gabby's stomach. "You know, I don't think we ever told him the babies' names yet. Or have we?" I looked at Gabby when she said that and honestly, I was shocked that was the case. "No, we must've told him at least once." Gabby then shook her head. Turning to look at Louie, I smiled at him. "Hey bud, you want to know what your brothers and sister's names are going to be?" 

Louie then looked at us both and nodded. I then smiled at him and then to rub Gabby's stomach. "Well, you need to promise me something first." Gabby was confused when I said that and was about to say something when I spoke up. "You have to promise me that you are always going to look out for your brothers and sisters. You are their big brother forever and you need to promise daddy that you are going to protect them. Can you promise daddy that?" Louie nodded and then looked at me. I then went to point to my lips. "Can you give daddy a kiss to promise me?" He then nodded while kissing me softly. "I love you buddy." Gabby smiled when I did that and just went to grab my hand. "God, that was adorable babe."

I smiled when she said that. "Thanks. Now, where was I...oh right, the names. I am going to tell this guy his siblings names once he is laying down." Laying his head down on my chest, Louie cuddled up to me and I just went to kiss it. "Okay, well your sister's name is going to be Emilia. Can you say that for me buddy?" Louie then tried to say it. "Emily." I then smiled at him before turning to look at Gabby. "You rethinking the Hispanic names?" Gabby then nodded. "Might just be easier for him to say. I don't want to get him frustrated about it." I nodded and agreed with her. "Okay, so yes...Emily Isabella Casey." Louie smiled when I said that. "Now, you are going to have 2 brothers. That means boys rule in this house."

Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Is that so?" I then looked at Louie. "Except when it comes to mommy. She's the real boss in this marriage. Don't tell her this but...she's really bossy and I like it." Gabby then just rolled her eyes. "Oh c'mon, you seriously just roll your eyes?" Gabby then looked at me. "Maybe I did. Now, continue." I nodded and agreed with her. "Now, your brothers names. The first one is going to be named after daddy. His name is going to be Matthew James Casey, Jr. but, you can call him MJ." Gabby then went to grab my hand when I said that. "God, I already love that nickname...MJ" I smiled when she said that. "And the other one is special to me and mommy. His name is Andrew Casey."

Louie then looked at me. "You remember how daddy is a firefighter?" Louie nodded. "Big trucks!" I then laughed when he said that. "Yes, I get to ride in big red trucks. But you see bud...sometimes firefighters die because they get sick or because they get hurt at work." Louie then got worried and I went to calm him down. "But daddy isn't a normal firefighter. He's a fire captain and that means that he doesn't go into fires." He nodded and agreed with me, already calmer. I then looked at Gabby, relieved. "However, some daddies aren't as lucky as your daddy. My good friend...his name was Andrew or Andy and he died in a fire. So, we are naming him in his honor. He is named after someone important."

Louie nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "What do you think of your brother and sister's names?" Louie then got excited. "I love them and I love the babies already!" I agreed with him. "Good, because you are going to help mommy and daddy take care of them right buddy?" He agreed and smiled at me when I wrapped my arms around him. Kissing his head, I just held him close. Turning to look at Gabby, she smiled at me and went to grab my hand. "Listen, you just stay here and cuddle with him okay? I am going to go take a shower." I nodded and agreed with her. "There is nothing I'd rather do instead." Gabby smiled when I said that and went to kiss him. "By the way, that was the last time before I give birth. It was just weird now."

I nodded and understood. "Because of how big your stomach is?" Gabby sighed when I said that. "I'm sorry babe but..." I then went to grab her hand. "Hey, relax okay? I understand. I wasn't going to say anything was pretty awkward." Gabby smiled when I said that and just held my hand close. "I am glad that you understand." I nodded and agreed with her. "I am always going to understand when it comes to you feeling okay. Now, go take a shower and I am going to hang out here with this little guy. Maybe we can watch a movie? How about Finding Dory?" Louie then looked at me when I said that. "Daddy, please!" 

I smiled when he said that and went to kiss his forehead. Meanwhile, Gabby looked at me. "Do we even have that movie?" I nodded. "I got Disney+. I know I should clear these expenses with you but...I know we are going to need them over the pandemic. We need to keep this guy safe and we also need to keep him entertainment, especially if I am working and you are resting. Or when the kids arrive...when they are napping." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I think that was a good move. And honestly, there is more than just kids stuff on there. I am pretty sure that Grey's Anatomy is on there. God, I really hope it keeps going."

Note: I don't care if Grey's Anatomy is on ABC and Chicago Fire is on NBC...I like both shows and in my dream world, they exist in the same universe. Remember, my story!

I nodded and agreed with her. "Now listen, you go take a shower and I am going to put Finding Dory on. However, you need to sit next to me to watch the movie bud." Going to grab the remote to our smart TV, I went to turn it on before opening the Disney+ app we have on the TV. Louie then went to sit next to me under the covers and I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around him. Meanwhile, Gabby just smiled at us before walking away so that she could go take a shower. Meanwhile, I went to go find Finding Dory on Disney+.

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