Chapter 211

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Matt's POV: Once I finished talking to Dr. Halstead and telling him that we weren't leaving the house, I made my way back in and saw Gabby carry Louie back to bed from the washroom. "Someone going to bed?" Louie then looked at me and nodded, getting tired. "Here, let's get you on the bed. Daddy is going to sleep on the bunks tonight." Gabby then shook her head. "No, I got him in a sleeping bag. You are sleeping in here with me on your bed." I nodded and agreed with her. Seeing Gabby take out the sleeping bag and putting it on the ground, I smiled at Louie.

Louie then went to get in his sleeping bag right away as I went to sit on the ground next to him. "You're already tired aren't you buddy?" Louie nodded as Gabby went to give him his blanket from her bag. "Here buddy, here's your blankie." Louie then smiled. "Thanks mama." I smiled when he said that. Gabby then tried to sit down next to me when I stopped her. "Here, let's let Louie come up to you." I then went to pick him up and he smiled. "Listen, he can sleep at the end of the bed. He's still small." Gabby then looked at me. "Put the chair there so he doesn't fall."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before going to move my chair to the end of my bed. I then went to sit on it (temporarily and just looked at Louie). "You more comfortable there buddy?" Louie nodded when I said that. Gabby then went to sit behind him and rubbed his back. "How do you like it at the firehouse so far bud?" Louie then looked at Gabby. "It's okay." Going to rub his arm, Gabby smiled at him and then went to kiss his head. "I am sure that we might be able to go home tomorrow night. Right daddy?" I then bit my lip. "You guys can."

Gabby then looked at me when I said that and was obviously not happy. "Matt..." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, I am acting chief. I can't leave at the same time as you. I leave when my shift is done." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Then that is what I am doing. Matt, I need you with me all the time. We are getting further along in the pregnancy and I don't want to over do it." I nodded and agreed with her while going to grab her hand. "I will try and call the District Chief. I can see if tomorrow then can get a replacement chief. I don't..."

I then looked at her. "I am not sure if I am cut out for doing this job." Gabby then shook her head when I said that. "Listen, Louie has to go to bed. Go to your office and I will be right there okay? I want to talk about what you just said." I nodded and agreed with her. Looking at Louie, I smiled at him and then went to kiss his forehead again. "Daddy loves you, you know that right buddy?" Louie smiles and nodded when I said that. "I love you too daddy." I smiled when he said that before going to grab his little hand. Quickly rubbing it, I then went to walk away to Chief's office.

While walking away to Chief's office, I saw that Kannell was there waiting for me. I smiled when I saw him. "You need to talk to me Kannell?" Kannell then looked up at me and nodded. "If you don't mind Casey." I agreed and nodded as I went to lead him into my office. "What's bothering you? You worried about Boden?" Kannell sighed when I said that and nodded. "Honestly, yeah. I mean, what if he doesn't come back from that? I mean, have you got an update?" I then shook my head when he asked me that. "Unfortunately, I haven't..."

That's when I saw Donna and the Commissioner walk into my office. Little did I know, this conversation that I was about to have was about to change my life forever...

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