Saving Violet

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Matt's POV: While me and Boden drove to the scene, I looked at him and just loved the rush of driving. "Okay, this is fun. I haven't driven this fast since I first became a full firefighter." Boden nodded and agreed with me when I said that, feeling me turn after the truck. "So, at the going to wear your jacket or what is your plans?" I bit my lip and thought about it. "Honestly, if I wear my jacket...I am more likely to go in. So, I would rather not. I can just work from out here. Want me to do the Truck from outside and co-ordinate with Ambo?"

Chief then thought about it. "You would know a lot of stuff wouldn't you?" I nodded. "Yeah, Gabby taught me some stuff on my trips to Puerto Rico. I went into the field sometimes so...I know some words that I never thought I would ever learn." Boden then nodded. "I still would feel more comfortable if you wore your jacket." I agreed and nodded. "Just no mask. Then, I am not going in." Chief agreed when I said that before pulling up on scene. "Oh shit." Chief looked at me when I said that. "What's wrong?" I then looked at him before yelling. "I am going in this fire."

He then stared at me. "But Gabby..." I then pointed to the house. "But nothing. This is my ex-brother-in-law's house. My niece might be here!" He nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Of course." Running over to the truck, I looked at Stella. "Stella, get me a mask!" Stella then looked at me. "Gabby said not to..." I then shook my head. "I don't give a damn! This is my ex-brother-in-law's house!" She then agreed and went to get me a mask. Looking at Severide as he was about to go in. "Severide, stay there...I am coming with you." 

Severide then turned to look at me. "But Gabby..." I then went to grab the mask and put it on. "Ex-brother-in-law's house. My niece has to be here." I then turned to look at Chief. "Chief, call Gabby...tell her to meet me at the hospital and to call my sister!" He then agreed with me when I said that. Getting an air tank on me, I went to get all set up and looked at Severide. "Let's go. You take care of her dad if he's here...I am taking care of my niece personally. Name's Jim." He nodded when I said that. We then both went to go into the house.

Kicking the door down, I went to yell out. "VIOLET!" Severide then yelled. "VICTIM!" That's when I looked around. "You do main floor, she's mostly upstairs in her room. I then looked at my truck. "Half of you, do the main floor and basement. Rest, come with me. I deal with my niece." They all agreed and nodded as I came upstairs. Looking at some of the pictures on the wall, I tried not to get emotional. That's when I spoke to Hermann. "Hermann, you are in charge of the scene effective immediately. Once we have her, I am gone." He understood. "Understood captain." 

"VIOLET!" That's when I went to check the rooms and found hers. Walking into her room, I went to see her passed out on the ground. "Violet!" Walking over to her I then went to roll her over and then picked her up. "Violet, wake up." Violet then started to come too as I put her over my shoulder. Running away, I went to carry her down. "Put me down jackass!" She then started to hit my back. "Violet, it's uncle Matt! Your house is on fire!" Violet then stopped as I went to carry her out of the home. "Sylvie!" Sylvie then looked at me. "My niece." She agreed.

That's when Severide came out with a friend of hers. He was in worse shape than Violet and was on his way. Chief then looked at me. "I am on the line with Gabby." I then went to looked at him and set Violet down. "Violet, go get in the ambulance...I will be right there." Going to grab the phone, I went to speak to Gabby. "Gabby." Gabby then spoke to me. "You went into a fire!" I then sighed. "Just meet me at the hospital. Babe, I have to go!" Gabby was about to say something when I went to get into the ambulance. Sylvie was about to close the door when I stopped her.

"I am coming in this one. That's my niece!" Chief then ran over to me with my little jacket. "Here, take this." I agreed and nodded. "Thanks." I then went to get in when the doors closed. Looking at Violet, I got scared and went to kiss her forehead. "You are going to be okay Violet." Violet nodded and agreed with me when I said that, really scared of the fact she was just in a fire.

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