Chapter 132

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Matt's POV: When Severide reminded me that we have had fire scenes all over the city, I knew that this was going to be tricky. That's when I realized something...we haven't had a fire here. "Well, you could always do it here." Gabby then turned to look at me. "When? I want to be here when he does it. Sorry but, regardless of the fact that I am pregnant...I want to be here when you guys have your engagement party." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, that is pushing it don't you think? I mean, I need to get back to the Bahamas too so I can do an interview with your agency. Either that or for the time being, I need to un-resign from the CFD and go work at OFI."

Gabby sighed when I said that but, she seemed to understand where I am coming from. Triplets were going to be expensive...and so was the cost of having them. Even though she doesn't have the aneurysm anymore...I still want her to have the best quality healthcare possible when she gives birth. I do not want to risk anything if we don't have to. "Gabby, I need to know where you want to give birth. Are we going to wait it out here or are we going to go down to the Bahamas before the birth. You keep changing your mind and I am sorry to put this pressure on you but, I am going to need to know where we are giving birth." Gabby nodded and listened to me.

"I read online that the average length of a triplet pregnancy is 32 weeks. We are at 8 weeks right now. That leaves us with 24 weeks. You have 6 weeks to decide where we are giving birth since we would need to take time to fly. Then, I want you on bedrest in 16 weeks. I know this is hard Gabby...but it's for your health and I want you to really think about that." Gabby looked at me when I said that and then nodded, seemingly understanding where I was coming from. "I guess that's reasonable. You want me to be healthy and you want me to be resting in the last quarter of my pregnancy." I nodded and smiled at her. "That too much to ask?"

Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "No, of course not...I understand Matt and I promise not to push it. You just want me to be safe and healthy. Whatever I can do to make sure that you are comfortable with travelling...I'll do it. I want to keep the stress down. I know you are trying to as well's not just you that has to do it. I have to do it as well." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "Sorry man but, that was totally reasonable why I wanted to kiss her." Severide laughed when I said that. "Dude, you don't need a reason to kiss your wife. You always have one...she is pregnant and hormonal. Just say that you know when she wants you to kiss her." I smiled when he said that and nodded in agreement.

Severide then looked at the both of us. "God, I am going to say it guys are just the prime example of what we dream of when it comes to a relationship. I mean, you got through the long distance, you guys are still in love after all this time and you guys are also just so damn cute. Sorry but, Stella says that all the time and I can't help but agree anymore. She sees you as inspiration for the two of us. Not too sure I could do triplets. I mean, my parents were crappy parents and I am not sure if I have the skills." I then looked at him. "Dude, don't even say anything when it comes to having crappy parents. My dad abused me and my mom is a convicted felon who murdered my dad...I win the bad parent competition any day."

Looking at each other, we all laughed and smiled. "Okay, that was just awkward but so true." Gabby then looked at me. "But I know you are going to be the best father to our children babe." I smiled when Gabby said that, going to grab her hand and intertwining our fingers before going to kiss her head. That's when Gabby let my hand go. "Sorry Matt but...I need to go to the washroom." I looked at her and got concerned. "Sick?" Gabby then shook her head. "Just the hourly routine that our kids have me on." Gabby then went to walk away so she could go to the washroom. However, Severide was confused as I got up to get her some more water. "Okay, why the hell does she have a routine when it comes to having to go to the washroom?"

I sighed when Severide asked me that. "She has to drink a lot more water than the both of us considering she also has to give water to the triplets. And when you are pregnant, the kids can press on your bladder. That makes you have to go to the washroom a lot more often." Severide nodded when I said that. "I didn't understand much of what you said but...I got the last part." I laughed when he said that before going to put Gabby's water bottle (that I grabbed when I got up) on the table. Getting back on the couch, I looked at Severide. "You better come down when she's giving birth. I am going to need my best friend to calm me down." Severide laughed and agreed. "Of course man. I want to meet my nieces and nephews ASAP."

I nodded when he said that. "I just hope that I can get back in touch with my mom. I want somebody from my side of the family to join us. Either her or my sister has to come." Severide nodded when I said that. "How's your relationship with your sister anyways?" I smiled when he asked me that. "It's better. She was at the baby shower remember?" Severide nodded and smiled. "I couldn't help but see her looking at me every once and a while. She have a thing for me?" I laughed and nodded. "Don't worry, she knows that you're taken. And I think I told her that you were doing to..." I was about to say propose when Stella came back from her appointment. "God, I swear...that weather better not have ruined my hair!" 

I then looked at her. "You know, I didn't even ask Severide where you went when we came back out from resting in bed." Stella then looked at me and smiled. "I had a hair appointment. I have to get a new CFD photo ID done." I nodded and knew about that. "Right, you want to look fancy for it." Severide smiled when he felt Stella get in his lap right after she took off her shoes. "Well, I like it just saying." Coming out of the washroom, Gabby smiled when she saw Stella. "Girl, I love you hair. It's amazing." Stella nodded and agreed with her. "Just something to hold me over for a couple weeks. I am going back before Valentine's Day." 

Gabby nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "We can do it on our spa day. Sorry Matt but, I am going on a spa day before we leave. I am going to get my hair cut short like I had it while I was in Puerto Rico and I am going to relax. Let me know what day you are going to get the movers to come and we can do it that day." Stella nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "That sounds like the perfect day to do it." I smiled when she said that. "For sure." Gabby then came to sit back down in my lap and smiled at me. Putting my hand on her stomach, I went to kiss her head and smiled. "So, has Boden talked to you about the exam yet?"

Stella shook her head when I said that. "No and I told him that I am not doing it this year. I am not ready and I want to wait a bit longer." I agreed with her when she said that. "I would do it sooner rather than later Stella. Remember, Hermann is going to apply to be Captain and I don't want you to be passed over to be Lieutenant. I told Boden that we need to diversify the firehouse. We need to have alternating ranks. So, if there's a male captain...the Lieutenant has to be female. And then, they get promoted when the Captain retires." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I like that idea. Now listen, can you go start supper?"

I then looked at her and nodded. "Already starting to get hungry?" Gabby sighed and agreed with me. "Yeah, triplets remember?" I nodded and smiled. "Oh, I remember. Severide, how about we let the girls gossip and we can go make us some supper. We can eat together. After that, me and Gabby are going to go relax in bed. I want to look at places in the Bahamas. I have a feeling we are going to be staying there for a while." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I Said that. "That's a good idea. And we should look at the hospital to see if they have any that specialize in triplets. If not, we should just stay here." I nodded and agreed with her.

Walking over to the kitchen with Severide, I smiled as we prepared to make supper for our girls while they gossiped in the living room.

NOTE: I am going to skip 45 minutes next chapter to when the food is ready.

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