Chapter 250

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby made our way home with Louie, I sighed when I finished putting all of his things away in his room before coming back downstairs to see him watching TV on the couch while Gabby stood in the kitchen, putting the groceries away. We really just dropped the off instead of putting them away. And now, I was going to help her but...only after I talked to her and helped her calm down. We already lost one of the babies, we don't want to loose another one. Walking up to Gabby, I put my hands on her hips and then rubbed her waist. "How are you feeling? You need to talk to me?" Turning around to look at me, Gabby sighed and nodded when I asked her that. Stepping close to her, I just looked at her as she put her hands on my chest.

Rubbing her arm as I held her close, I sighed and just looked at her because I knew that she wasn't doing the best. "I just yelled at my mom...that's how good I am doing." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, she was pushing you to say something she wanted to hear and that wasn't fair. She can't tell you want to do. Nobody can. Remember, that's something I love about you." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to wrap her arms around my waist. "You don't feel like you are going back to work too early do you?" I shook my head when she asked me that. "No, I feel like I can do it. I feel like I have to do it Gabby. I am not going to expect them to understand when it's my first shift. And I don't really want to tell them that you miscarried."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "That is pretty personal isn't it?" I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. I then went to push her chin up and looked at her while leaning down to kiss her softly. "And nobody but me and you need to know what is going on in our marriage. Gabby, it's our marriage for a reason...we are the only ones that get to know about it. We are the only ones that benefit from being married, nobody else." Gabby then smiled when I said that. "Well, maybe Louie benefits from having his parents be married too." I then turned to look at him and nodded when she said that. I smiled and went to grab her neck before stroking her cheek. "I also benefit because I have the best wife in the entire world by my side every day."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Want to just stay down here for a while? We can lay down on the couch and just relax with Louie?" I smiled at the thought. "You sure you don't want to get comfortable in bed? That was our original plan after all." Gabby then thought about it and then agreed. "Fine, we can do lay down in bed. Want to get changed into our PJs as well...oh and can Louie sleep with us tonight?" I thought about it and then nodded. "Yeah, and tomorrow night he can sleep in our bed too. I mean, unless you want to..." Gabby laughed and shook her head. "Not happening. Listen, can you finish putting this away? I am going to go put Louie in his PJs and then we are going to go get in bed together, okay?"

I nodded when she asked me that. "You want me in my PJs or boxers?" Gabby then smiled when I asked her that. "Can you wear your PJs? I want to be quiet and lazy today. We can order pizza for supper. I don't want to cook and I just want to hold my family close to me for the rest of the day and night." I nodded and agreed with her, kissing her quickly. "That sounds like the most amazing day that we've had in a while." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "My thoughts exactly. Now, Louie..." Louie then turned to look at me. "Yes mommy?" Gabby then smiled at him. "We are going to go lay down in bed together. Upstairs in mommy and daddy's big bed. How about we go get you changed into your PJs?" Louie nodded.

Getting up off the couch, Louie then went to run away with Gabby. Smiling at me, she laughed before walking back over to me and giving me a quick kiss. "I am going to be wearing a nightie okay? I will be under the covers and want to sit in your lap. Maybe you can run your hand up and down my leg for a bit. It might give me comfort." I smiled when she said that and nodded before going to kiss her softly. "Yes please. Now, go upstairs before Louie thinks we are doing anything. Oh and a white one please. That is the one I like right now." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before walking away to go upstairs. However, all I could think about was the fact that she was going to be wearing a nightie for the rest of the day and night...that sounded so sexy.

Okay, calm down Matt and remember that Louie is going to be on your bed. Going to put the dishes away, I smiled as I tried to get it done as fast (yet at the same time, as efficiently) as possible so that I could make my way upstairs to bed (and my girl) as quickly as possible.

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