Chapter 115

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Matt's POV: After shaving Gabby's legs for her, I smiled when we both made our way into the shower. Already in there before me, Gabby was in the midst of getting wet and running her hands all over her body when I saw her rub her baby bump. Moving into the shower behind her, I smiled when I went to put my hands on her stomach. "Hey, how about you look at me?" Gabby then turned around to look at me and nodded as I went to put my hands on her stomach again. "Hey little ones, you need to be good for mommy and daddy for a while. We are going to be busy moving home to the Bahamas." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to wrap her arms around my neck. I then went to rub her arms and smiled while kissing her softly.

Taking it slow with me, Gabby just smiled as I went to grab some soap and washed her that morning while we were in the shower. "I am glad we are moving somewhere warm. Means I am going to get a whole bunch of beach time with my girl and our kids this year." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Just be glad that I am not as body conscious anymore. I might even go to the beach with you in a bikini on Valentine's Day." I smiled when she said that. "You will?" Gabby laughed and shook her head. "Not happening buddy. I was just kidding. I am not going to be seen in a bikini for years." I nodded and understood. "As long as you remember, you are beautiful in whatever you wear. I do not care if it's a bikini or a swimsuit."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Have I told you how much I love you recently?" I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Every time you kiss me or put your hands on my chest." Gabby smiled when I said that. Moving close to me, she just held me close while I ran my hands around her body. "Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled at me. "Why must you be the best husband in the entire world." I smiled when she said that. "Because you are my wife and you deserve the best after all that you've been through over the past couple years." Gabby nodded and agreed with me.

Grabbing some soap, Gabby then went to wash me too. I loved the feeling of her hands on my body because it allowed us to get really close. That's when she started to get a bit tired and just went to grab my hand. "Hey, you okay babe?" Gabby then leaned against the shower. "Okay, I might have already worked on packing a bit too much today. I didn't sleep much when you didn't call after your last fire." I then realized that. "Shit, I thought you were asleep." Gabby then shook her head. "Matt, we live near the firehouse. I hear whenever the trucks go out. I was worried most of the night. Only after I got that text was I okay."

I felt bad when she said that and then went to hug her. "I'm sorry Gabby. I didn't mean for that to happen. Forgive me?" Gabby nodded when I said that, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as we held each other close. I then moved my hand to her back and just kept her close to me. "Want to get out and go relax in bed now or are you okay?" Gabby then looked at me. "Honestly, I didn't plan on staying long. It's been getting harder to stand up without worrying I am going to tip over. We just had to have triplets now didn't we?" I smiled when she said that. "Yes, yes we did. Now listen, let's get out of here and we can get some rest. It's been a long morning."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she went to go rinse her hair, turning around so she was facing away from me. Grabbing some shampoo, I remembered that we did wash our hair. Putting some in mine first, I went to wash it quickly before putting some in her hair. "Here, let me wash your hair quickly and then we can get out." Gabby nodded and agreed as she felt me run my fingers through her hair to wash it. I then quickly went back to keep washing my hair but it didn't take me long. Turning back around in my arms, Gabby cuddled up to me as I rinsed us off with the shower head. 

Detaching it from the holder, I went to rinse us both off slowly so that we could relax a bit that morning before we had to get our and (eventually) work.

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