Chapter 134

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished praying, we smiled at each other. "You seriously just pray too?" I nodded and smiled at her. "I prayed for my wife to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. If there's something I can do that might benefit that you have just that...then you are sure that I am going to do that." I then went to get up and smiled while going to kiss her cheek. "There's nothing more important in life to me than the safety of my wife and our kids." Gabby smiled when I said that and then grabbed my hand. Meanwhile, Severide just looked at me.

Turning to look at him as I sat back down, I just shook my head. "Dude, shut up! You would do the same if Stella was pregnant with triplets. Dude, she may no longer have the aneurysm but...this is still considered a high risk pregnancy because it's multiples. Every pregnancy that involves multiples is risky." Gabby nodded when I said that. "But, I don't need to think about that right now considering we are thinking about moving to the Bahamas while we are pregnant. I hope you are okay with putting it on hold if I get too scared."

I nodded when she said that. "Gabby, if you get scared....just let me know and we will delay the move. I promise that I am not going to force you to move if you aren't ready. I want you to be ready to move as well. And I also want to do it when it's safe. If it's not safe to do it...then no, we are not going to move and we are going to stay put. Heck, we might even like it here and decide not to move at all." Gabby smiled when I said that. "For some reason, I am actually starting to think about it." I was shocked when she said that. "You are?" Gabby sighed when I said that.

"It's because all of our friends are here. I mean, I get my family is in the Bahamas but...I want our friends to be here too." I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, I hate to say this but...I am really excited to go live in the Bahamas. I haven't said this yet but...I am already talking to a mortgage company down there and I am talking to the local fire academy down there. Maybe instead of being a firefighter, I can work on training future firefighters." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I like that idea. That way, you are still a firefighter a controlled setting."

Severide then smiled when he said that. "Call me, I can give you advice. I taught a course once I think." I nodded and agreed with him. "Actually, didn't you teach a class there Stella?" Stella nodded and agreed with me. "Yeah I did, however my supervisor was sexist. I swear, I hate to loose you to the Bahamas Gabby but...we need for female firefighters. They should make it a rule that every class from now on is 50/50." Gabby then turned to look at me when she remembered something. "Just curious, what happened to the charity idea?"

I then sighed when she said that. "Gabby, I need to be realistic. I hate to say this but...I need to look at the salary for jobs. The fire academy down there probably pays better than the charity. I don't want you to feel pressured to work a can volunteer whenever you want. But that means I need to get a paying job with benefits. Plus, maybe I can get them to recognize my rank from up here for seniority. I mean, they can't just discount 17 years of service." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "I am just scared about the bush fires."

I sighed when she said that and looked at her. "Gabby, I don't have a college I am limited to what I can do." Severide nodded when I said that. "Me and Matt aren't like you Gabby. You had to go to college to become an EMT. We just needed to pass the fire academy." Gabby then looked at him. "Oh, you make it sound so simple to pass the fire academy. My class was 95% male." I sighed when she said that. "Listen, you are starting to get worked up babe...maybe we can just take a breath and relax okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Of course."

Smiling at each other, we both knew that we were headed to bed once we were done eating. So, we decided to just eat again while talking with Severide and Stella, laughing as we did so because this was fun. We wanted to take advantage of the time we have left with them because we were going to miss them. "By the way, don't you guys dare think of sneaking out to the Bahamas. You are getting a goodbye party before we leave at the firehouse!" Me and Gabby both smiled when he said that. "Then get it done fast. Remember, we have a deadline." 

We all nodded when Gabby said that because that was the truth. "I know, 8 weeks. You want to be moved when I am 16 weeks pregnant and on bedrest at 24 weeks." I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Yes. Now, how are we finish eating so that we can go rest in bed for the night." We both smiled when I said that, ready to get in bed together so we can (maybe) look at houses.

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