Chapter 200

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Matt's POV: After getting dressed for work and packing some bags for us, I watched as Louie sat on the couch downstairs while Gabby got some snacks for him. "Hey, you know that I appreciate this right? If it's going to be bad...then I would feel horrible just sitting around when I know that I can be out there saving people." Gabby nodded when I said that before turning around to look at me. "Just remember what you promised me. You can do fires around cars and outside do not go into fires. And you also stay safe, mask stays on as much as possible."

I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "I promise. We are going to be safe." Gabby nodded when I said that when I got a text from Boden. 'Briefing in 30 re: co-operating. You are in charge of 2 shifts today. We have an extra truck and engine from the shop. Also, we have CPD here. They are posting officers here to get faster response. Officers??' I then smiled when he said that. "So, I am going to be in charge of 2 shifts tonight babe. Please stay in my quarters as much as possible okay?" Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Wait, 2 shifts?"

I nodded and sighed. "You changing your mind?" Gabby sighed when I said that. "Listen, I am going to call my mom and see if she can come be with us." I bit my lip when she said that. "On the condition that...if the power goes out, you come right to the firehouse." Gabby then looked at me. "Okay, I'll come in. Just tell chief that he needs to have a mask policy on. I am not putting this at risk." I nodded. "Let me give him a call." Gabby agreed and nodded as I went to call Boden (again)." I was just glad he answered right away. "You changing your mind Matt?" I sighed.

"Chief, I need you to do us a solid." Chief then listened to me. "What's that?" I then sighed. "If there are going to be 2 shifts there tonight...we need a strict mask policy. Tonight, all employees need to be masked. I am bringing Gabby because I don't want her to have to drive if we loose power. That means Louie is coming. Also, what officers are coming?" Chief then responded. "We are getting Antonio, Halstead and Lindsay. And of course I can implement a mandatory mask policy. Heck, I should do that already. If you aren't on are wearing a mask."

I smiled when he said that. "Thanks Chief. I just want to protect us. Listen, you get ready for the briefing and I will be right there. Can you make sure that nobody takes my office? I know that there are guys from 2nd shift that sleep in there. I think the officer in charge of Truck 81 from shift 2 sleeps there." Chief laughed when I said that. "Yeah, I think he does. But, I want to say that Gabby isn't going to be alone with Louie. Cruz just asked if Chloe could come. That okay?" I agreed. "Sure, she can make sure that Gabby doesn't get too stressed."

Chief agreed with me when I said that. "Now, is Gabby going to help with the shelter we are setting up here or no?" I then looked at Gabby. "You helping with the shelter we are setting up at the house in case power goes out?" Gabby then nodded. "Uhm yes, I am going to wear a mask. I promise babe...I am going to be safe. It's just the people I get really close to." I agreed and smiled at her. "Listen Chief, we will be there soon. Just need to make sure we are safe. We will be there for the briefing." Chief agreed and went to hang up again. Meanwhile, me and Gabby got packed up before leaving to go to the firehouse for a shift.

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