Chapter 203

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Matt's POV: After arriving at the Walgreens, I went to get out and then looked at the fire we were dealing with. Seeing it was a structure fire that was also going to affect the building next door, I turned to look at Severide. "Severide, evacuate the building next door!" I then went to radio Chief. "Chief, you en route?" Chief then agreed. "Yes, I am almost there. Go in Casey!" I agreed and then went to grab my mask and went to get ready to go in. "Kidd, get the aerial up." Kidd then yelled back. "Got it Casey!" I then looked at Hermann. "Hermann, get water ready."

He agreed and yell back. "Got it captain." Looking at Antonio, I pointed to the people flooding out of the building. "Antonio, get Jay and help with crowd control. We have no clue how many are in there." Antonio nodded and agreed with me as me and Severide went to go into the grocery store. I then went to yell. "CFD PLEASE EXIT IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. AND NO LOOTING. CPD IS ON SCENE!" Severide then turned to look at me. "You really need to say that?" I nodded when he asked me that. "Yeah, I would rather not have to bring my brother-in-law in here."

Walking around, I watched as the firehouse followed me in. "Stella, take Truck 81 and do the clothes and household items aisles." She nodded and agreed, talking away. "Hermann, take Engine 51 and do the center aisles. Severide, take Squad and do frozen areas. Truck 810, come with me and we are going to do the executive offices as well as the storage area. When you are done your area, radio me." Everybody nodded and agreed as we all split up in the store to go search for any victims. "FIRE DEPARTMENT....CALL OUT!" I then went to walk past the cashier.

That's when I decided to do something. Grabbing the intercom, I decided to check if it worked. Seeing it did, I went to make an announcement. "This is the Fire Department. If you are in trouble, yell out and we will find you. If you can, make your way out to the front." Severide then radio'd to me when I did that. "Good idea, thanks for that." I then went to start searching upstairs when I saw it was tiny. Going up to the offices, I saw that there was some people up here. Smelling gas, I got scared. Carefully making my way through the scene, I looked in.

Arriving at the last office, I saw it was the maintenance room. That's when I realized this fire was not created by was a gas spill. Grabbing my radio, I went to radio to everybody. "Attention Firehouse 51, this is a gas fire. I repeat, this is a gas fire." Chief then radio'd to me. "Casey, you want to keep searching or would you rather come back?"  I then thought about it. "All members of Engine 510 and Squad are to exit and be backup. We will rotate coming in an out. Agreed Severide and Hermann?" 

Severide got back to me pretty quick. "Good idea captain." I agreed and then turned to look around when I saw some executives passed out. "Chief, get the ambulance ready we have 2 victims passed out with gas intoxication." He agreed when I said that. "Just bring them out Casey." I agreed and nodded when he said that until I someone yell. "Boden!" I then heard Boden get crushed by something and I got scared. "Chief, report..."  Antonio then grabbed a radio and went to speak to me. "Casey, Chief's been crushed. An ambo just slid on ice."

I then got scared when he said that. "Oh shit." Hermann then spoke to me. "Take lead Captain, you're in charge now." I nodded and agreed. "Right of course. Guys, let's get this out of here. Ambo 61, report." Sylvie then spoke to me. "Go ahead Casey." I then sighed. "Call Chief Walker, the district Chief and tell him what happened." She agreed when I said that. Meanwhile, I went to keep searching the offices for the rest of the survivors in the building.

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