Chapter 184

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Matt's POV: As I finished looking at the bills, I smiled when I felt Louie come sit in my lap. "Hey bud, you done eating?" Louie nodded when I asked him that. Leaning back against the couch, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around him and just held him close in my lap before kissing the top of his head. "You know me and mommy love each other even though we fight sometimes right?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Good, because I don't want you to ever think that I don't love your mother. She is the love of my life." Louie smiled when I said that before getting up and standing in my arms. Wrapping my arm around him more, I held him close when I heard Gabby.

"Awh, now isn't that the most adorable sight?" Looking up at Gabby, I smiled and just rubbed his back. "I know, sometimes I can't help but cuddle up to my boy. Right buddy?" Louie nodded when I said that and just kept his arms wrapped around my neck. I then looked at Gabby and smiled at her. "I told him that...even though we fight sometimes, we still love each other. I just wanted to make sure he knew that." Gabby then got worried. "Did he say something?" I shook my head. "Just doing it ahead of time. I am sorry about yelling. How did the call go?"

Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Boden is going to help me get a job. He understands our situation and has promised me that he is going to talk to OFI today. I could possibly have a job with them this week. It would come with benefits and stuff so, I think that's the best idea for the pandemic." I nodded and agreed with her before looking at Louie. "Hey bud, how about you go sit with mama so that I can look at the bills we have here?" Louie nodded and agreed with me before going to sit down with Gabby. That's when I saw another receipt from our trip.

I then sighed and went to see that the hospital in the Bahamas charged us for our care. "Shit. I forgot to get the travel package on my insurance." Gabby was confused when I said that. "What travel package?" Turning to look at her, I bit my lip. "When we went to the Bahamas...I didn't get the travel insurance." Gabby sighed when I said that. "How much is it going to cost us out of pocket?" I then shook my head when she said that. "You don't worry about that. I am going to take care of it. Maybe I can see if the union healthcare can cover it since it's pregnancy."

Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Matt, I don't have coverage with the CFD anymore because I don't work there." I then shook my head when she said that. "Babe, you've always been covered by the CFD insurance because you are my wife. That and I made sure that Boden didn't leave you out to dry. I didn't want you to have to worry about that if something happened in Puerto Rico. I took care of it for you Gabby, believe me." Gabby smiled when I said that and then went to grab my hand. "Have I told you that I feel so lucky that you are still my husband?"

I smiled when she said that and then went to kiss her softly. "So am I...especially now that we are expecting these triplets here, not sure I would want to be expecting triplets with anybody other than you." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I swear, every single day we get closer to my scheduled delivery gets just even more real." I smiled and nodded when she said that. "For me too babe. Now listen, I am just finishing this up. Are we going to turn TV on for him because I am headed up to my office soon anyways? Or are you going to help me?"

Gabby then thought about it and smiled at me. "I'd love to help you with your OFI work. I miss working on stuff that helps the citizens of Chicago'll help keep my brain busy. I am still thinking of a lot of stuff that is worrying me." I got concerned when she said that. "Hey, you promised me that you would tell me if you ever got worried about something. What's bothering you Gabby? Talk to me." Gabby then sighed and went to grab my hand. "I am worried about whether COVID might affect the delivery. Like, how is it going to work? Will it be riskier?"

I shook my head when she said that. "Hey, I don't want you to even think about that. All I want you to think about is making sure that you are healthy during the pregnancy. That is your only concern right now okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Right, of course." Putting my hand on hers, I smiled at her. "Listen, you are obviously getting a little stressed with all this paper here. How about you just go relax in bed with Louie? I am done eating pretty much and I am off to work. Or are you coming into the office with me?"

Gabby looked at me when I asked her that and smiled. "I might come in and watch. Louie can play with his toys in his room and come visit us in the office from time to time. How does that sound?" I nodded and loved the sound of that. "That honestly sounds like the perfect day to me. Sure, I have to work but...I will have my beautiful wife sitting close to me helping me work, and Louie is going to be in and out of the office as he brings toys for us to play with. How does that sound Louie? That sound like a plan?" Louie nodded. 'Yeah."

I then put my hand out. "Can you give daddy five?" He then went to give me a high five when I went to tickle him, playing with him a bit before work. Luckily for me, that made Gabby smiled and honestly...that was all I needed to see to know that no matter what fires I have to look at, today is going to be a good day because my family is safe, healthy and happy.

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