Chapter 196

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Matt's POV: After giving Louie a bath and getting him changed into his PJs, I smiled because we were now about to be sitting in bed as a family. Unfortunately, all of the channels I like to watch were broadcasting the news. More importantly, the COVID briefing from the White House with Dr. Trump himself. Stupid idiot doesn't have a clue what he's saying. Deciding to just shut off the TV, that's when I saw Gabby come back to bed from the washroom. I could tell that something was wrong though because she has been a little bit down and that something was bothering her. Shutting off the TV, I looked at Gabby and patted the seat next to me. "Come here. I know that face. I know that something is bothering you." Gabby then sighed as she went to sit next to me.

Going to sit next to me in bed, Gabby then came close to me and laid down on my chest. I was just lucky that Louie was gone getting some books in his room so that I could read to him. Wrapping my arm around her, I went to kiss her head. "What's bothering you babe? Talk to me." Gabby sighed when I said that. "It's about how we saw our friends today. It was hard to just see them and not be able to hug them. I mean, I understand why...but it's still hard on me."

I nodded when she said that and couldn't help but feel bad for Gabby. I mean, this is not how she should be going through her pregnancy. She should be able to spend time with her family and friends, go through the pregnancy with them. These are big milestones that she would probably love to spend with her brother and Stella. "I'm sorry about that babe. Believe me, if I could do something that would allow you to hold your friends close to you and also have a safe and healthy pregnancy...I would do it right away. But for you not to be able to do that just breaks my heart. Almost as much as it broke my heart when I saw Louie's face when he asked if I was dying too. By the way, I swore he was asleep in his bed when I came up here. So, I'm sorry."

That's when I saw Louie come back with some books. "Daddy, can you read to me." I nodded and smiled at him. "Of course buddy. How about you come cuddle up to mommy and daddy in bed. Daddy is just talking to mommy right now because she is a little sad." Louie then came to get in bed with us. I thought he was going to want to lay down in my chest but instead, he got close to Gabby and went to hug her. "Don't be sad mommy." I smiled when he did that.

"It's okay buddy, I'm okay. It's just stuff that comes with being pregnant." Louie nodded when she said that before looking at me. "Daddy, I go to washroom...then we read?" I nodded and smiled when he said that. He went to the washroom pretty well already so, I trusted him to use the washroom. I then sighed and looked at Gabby as I went to sit down. "Listen, you think we can table this conversation for when he's asleep? Gabby, I know you are going to want to talk about it but...can we do it after he goes to bed? Then, we are going to be alone and aren't going to be disturbed. I think that's the best option for us when it comes to needing to talk about this. But, if you think we should talk about it now...we will and I will talk to Louie."

Gabby then bit her lip and then went to grab my hand. "Honestly, I think we can talk about this later. I want to think about it myself first. I will tell you when I feel like I can't wait to talk about it anymore okay? Does that work?" I then went to bring her close and kissed her softly. "Just remember that I'm here for you first. Yes, we are Louie's parents but...remember what we promised each other before we did this. We promised to always put our marriage first."

Putting her hand on my cheek, Gabby went to lean her forehead against mine and then went to kiss me softly. "And I still promise to do that. I made that mistake before I left to go to Puerto Rico and it almost ruined us. I am not going to do that now when we have a son and we have 3 kids on the way. We need each other now more than ever." I nodded and agreed with her, kissing her softly when I heard a thumb in the washroom followed by some tears. Pulling away from the kiss, I went to get up and looked at Gabby. "I got him." Gabby then went to sit up, obviously worried as I went to go see what happened in the washroom.

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