Chapter 277

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Meanwhile, back at the Firehouse - Chief's Apartment:
Matt's POV: As I come out of the shower after taking an hour nap with Gabby, I sighed as I checked the time because we were now 10 minutes away from being back in service. Looking at her as she slept, I couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty about waking her up but...I had to tell her I was going so that she can listen to Louie more. Compared to me, she was a hard sleeping. Me, I can hear a pin drop in the room and it will wake me up. It's the firefighter in me.

Moving to sit down next to her on the bed while just wearing my boxers, I went to rub her arm and smiled at her. Looking up at me, Gabby smiled and woke up. "You have no idea how much I just want to stay up here and not leave you and Louie..." I then bent down and went to kiss her softly. "..but unfortunately, I have to go downstairs and get back to work." Gabby sighed when I said that but understood. "Of course, I know you only had the house closed for a little while." I nodded when she said that. "Listen, maybe I can come back later."

Gabby then smiled at me. "Don't worry, I am going to come down soon." I agreed and nodded, going to kiss her softly one last time before getting up and going to grab my clothes at the end of the bed. Starting to get dressed, I smiled at Gabby as she just laid down in bed wearing one of my t-shirts from home and her underwear. Holding the sheets close to her, you could clearly see her baby bump and I loved the sight of it. "God, now that's a nice sight."

I then went to put my pants on before grabbing my shirt as I admired the sight of my gorgeous naked wife laying down in bed. "You know, this is very tempting..." Gabby laughed when I said that. That's when I heard Louie wake up. "Daddy?" Looking at him as I went to grab my shirt, I smiled as I went to put it on. That's when I decided to walk over to him in his bed. Picking him up, I smiled as I held him close. "Hey bud, did I wake you up?" I then went to kiss his head.

Louie smiled as he cuddled up to me and just held me close. "No, you can't get too comfortable there buddy. Daddy has to go back to work." I then went to walk over to bed and sat down next to Gabby for a minute. Holding Louie on my chest, I smiled at Gabby who was holding the covers up. "This bed is very comfortable. I think I am going to be okay staying here overnight on shift nights." I nodded when she said that before going to lean over her, kissing her softly. "Good."

I then went to check the time and smiled. "Listen, there should be food ready downstairs in maybe 45 minutes to an hour. You going to come downstairs and sit with everybody or is that too scary?" Gabby then looked at me and smiled. "I think I will come downstairs. I saw that people were using the briefing room to eat." I nodded when she said that. "Well, we do have one less group of people. Severide was dismissed remember?" Gabby nodded when I said that.

"About that. I want to let you know that I think you made the right move. We can't have insubordination here at the firehouse. And what Kelly did was a prime example of insubordination." I nodded when she said that. "And you are saying that as a former CFD employee and not my wife right? Gabby, be honest with me okay. I need to know that I did the right thing." Grabbing my hand, Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "You did the right thing a babe. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't really believe that."

I smiled when she said that and agreed with her. "Listen, as much as I want to stay up I said, I need to go downstairs to work. I am going to work on reports until our next call." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Can you look over the list of things I put in the Food cart?" I then sighed. "Gabby, maybe later okay? Right now, I am chief and not your husband...I mean, of course I am always your husband know what I mean right?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Hey, of course I do. You don't need to explain."

I sighed and looked at her. "Listen, if I have a minute...I will look at it okay? But we still have plenty of food at home." Gabby then laughed. "Oh, that's for here. We are going to put some food in that fridge." I agreed with her. "Okay, I will take a look when I have a chance. Now Louie, how about you go lay down with mama and you can let daddy go back to work?" He nodded and agreed with me before getting off my chest and moving to cuddle up to Gabby, hugging her baby bump. I smiled when he did that before putting my hand on her baby bump. "Only a bit longer."

Gabby nodded when I said that. Leaning over her, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby nodded and smiled. "I love you too. Stay safe." Grabbing my neck, Gabby gave me one last kiss before I got up and went to head back downstairs to resume shift.

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