Chapter 205

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Matt's POV: After returning to Firehouse 51 as acting Battalion Chief, I got out before the trucks to see Gabby helping in the field hospital with a mask on. "How did I know that you would be here when I came back?" Gabby then turned to look at me. "Sorry, I couldn't hep it." I nodded when she said that before going to walk up to her. "Hey, why are you back with Truck 81 isn't back?" I sighed and then went to rub her arms. "Chief got crushed under a vehicle that lost control." Gabby then got worried. "Oh god, is he okay?" I nodded and went to rub her stomach. "Yes, he's okay and he's at the hospital. But...I have been named acting Battalion Chief for a while."

Stepping close to her, I felt Gabby move to grab my jacket, tugging me close. "Listen, I can talk to Chief walker if you don't want me to do it." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "No, you do it babe. It'll be fun to watch you do it. It's a step in the right direction." I smiled when she said that and nodded before looking at Louie who just walked over to me. "Papa, I hungry." Bending down, I went to look at him and then went to poke his stomach. "Didn't we just have supper before I left to go to work?" Louie then looked at me and blushed. "Snack?" I then looked up at Gabby and smiled at her. "Want me to make him some popcorn? Then he can watch a movie."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded before grabbing my hand. That's when I heard Severide walk over to me. "So, acting Chief Casey eh?" I laughed and agreed with him. "Just for a while. I am going to take a bit of family time right now though. Louie wants to watch a movie and have some popcorn. I am going to move my laptop to Chief's office and pack up his things for when Donna comes to get it." Hermann nodded when I said that. "Here Matt, let me do that. She's going to the hospital right away she said. I am going to go too. I mean, if that's okay?" I nodded and looked at him. "Take Truck 81 and go on a ride. Just keep your radios on."

Hermann nodded and agreed with me. That's when I heard Jay, Erin and Antonio come in. Jay then looked at me. "Boden going to be okay?" I nodded and smiled at him. "He's at the hospital. I have no clue yet. However, you now work with me. I am now acting Chief." Jay nodded and agreed with me when I saw Voight come into the firehouse. "Voight." Voight then walked over to me. "I heard what happened to Boden. Wanted to come see who was in charge." I then went to shake his hand. "I have been asked to take over Firehouse 51 in an acting capacity until he is out of the hospital. Speaking of which, I need to go make a phone call to the Fire Marshal and OFI."

Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "C'mon, I will help you bring your things from your Captain's office to Chief's office." I then bit my lip. "I changed my mind, I am going to just stay there. I am just going to use my cell phone as a way of speaking to the others." Gabby nodded when I said that. "I can be the receptionist for a while." I laughed when she said that and nodded before going to kiss the side of her head, leading her inside the house so that we could make some calls and spend a bit of time as a family. God, I just hoped I could have a little bit of a break for now.

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