Funeral Eulogy

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Matt's POV: As the ceremony went along, I couldn't help but be moved at how well planned and executed it was by both Boden and the Pastor. The songs were beautiful and the prayers chosen were just as good. However, it was now time for my part in the ceremony. It was time for me to give the Eulogy on behalf of the Firehouse and the CFD-at-large. This was going to be emotional but, I was ready for it. That's when Commissioner Grissom introduced me. "And now for the eulogy, I invite Chief Matthew Casey of Firehouse 51 to say a few words." I nodded and looked at Gabby before going to get up. Kissing her cheek, I smiled. "You got this Matt. Good luck."

Nodding as I got up, I could see everybody watching me. Walking by the casket, I went to bow my head and put my hand on it. Whispering under my breath, I just smiled. "Goodbye old friend. I hope to make you proud." Walking past the casket, I then made my way to the microphone so that I could do the eulogy. Looking out at everybody...I just took a moment to take a breath. Looking at Gabby, I saw her telling me to breath and did that again before begging my eulogy.

Matt's Eulogy:
Donna, Terrence, Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Acquaintances and name is Chief Matthew Casey of Firehouse 51. I have been asked to give the eulogy on behalf of the Firehouse and the Chicago Fire Department. However first, I would like to say a few words as his friend and someone who saw him as a father figure. My dad died young, so for years...I have seen Boden as a father figure. His warmth and caring nature is something that was the epidemy of the man he was. You could tell every time he came in to work that he was not there to work...he was there to serve the city along with his family. And that's what I felt like when I spoke to his son.

Over the past 10 years, I have been through a lot and honestly...he has been there for all of it. I am going to spare you the details because that is not why we are here. We are here to talk about the type of man that Boden was. So, what words can we use to describe Wallace? For me, the words Caring, Loving, Strong, Tough, Passionate, Dedicated and Courageous. I don't think I've ever seen a man with a more caring heart in the entire world. He cares for the city of Chicago and fore his men-at-large. When we were going through hard times either individually or as a firehouse, we could always count on Boden to get us through it, he was our rock.

And he loved us as if we were his brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. When one of us were hurt in the line of duty, he wasn't rushing our men back to the firehouse to make sure we could be there to serve the city, he was telling us to go to the hospital. And we did, every time. Now, I am going to get a bit personal here so forgive me Gabby. (Gabby then looked at him and nodded). A few years ago, me and my wife went through a hard time. My wife suffered a miscarriage while she was at the office. Boden stayed by her side from when she first felt her stomach drop to when she arrived at the hospital. He didn't leave her side and I felt so grateful.

He knew something was wrong right away and called both me and the ambulance

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He knew something was wrong right away and called both me and the ambulance. And then, he stayed. And I know what you are saying...what's so special about him staying? But that's the thing...this was not normal. And sure, we were off shift at the time...but this was just an example I am using. Whenever one of us were hurt in the line of duty...we all went to the hospital and were together as a family. There was never a question in his mind as to where we should be. He always fought against the system and said screw us being there for the community...we are going to be there for each other first. And that is a quality you do not find in many chiefs.

By the way, I am sorry for saying that. I need to say that because my bosses are here. (Everybody laughed when I said that). But seriously...Boden wasn't just a chief. He was our everything at the house. He was our biggest fan, our biggest supporter and boy did he play devil's advocate sometimes. He knew how to set us straight and how to keep us in line. And he told us exactly what we needed to hear when we were down. When we grieved, we didn't go through it alone...we did it as a firehouse and we got through it together as a family. You see...I want to just highlight that word I am using. The word is family.

At firehouse 51, you never felt like it was just this workplace where you went to work. It was a place where you could feel safe and like you were with family. You could be yourself and you didn't need to hide what was wrong with your life. And that is what I am going to strive to do for my tenure as Chief. Chief Boden revolutionized how things are done in the CFD and I am positive that he is looking down at us today and he is smiling. Smiling at the fact that he oversaw some the biggest advancements in the firefighting profession. At firehouse 51, I am proud to say that we had one of the most diverse workforces under him.

Our paramedic-in-chief was a Latina whose family is from Puerto Rico, most of our support staff are minority population. Heck, most of the firefighters at the house are minorities. When I look at Firehouse 51...I see America. I see the racial diversity from the top down. And that is not lost on me, the advancements that he made as Chief in our house. And that is who Wallace Boden was and always will be in our hearts. The most caring, loving, courageous, forward thinking man that I have ever met. I am going to miss him but I know that he is going to be looking down from up above and he is going to be proud of us.

May he rest in peace and always be in our hearts.

(End of Eulogy)

Going to fold up my paper, I went to put it in an envelope and then walked over to Donna. "This is for you Donna." Donna then agreed and went to get up, hugging me. "That was a beautiful eulogy. Thank you." I nodded and smiled before looking at Terrence. Bending down, I looked at him. "Your dad is always going to be in our hearts. If you ever miss him, you ask your mom to come to the firehouse and we will tell you a whole bunch of stories about him." I then went to hug him and got up once again. "I mean it, we can help him through his grief." Donna smiled when I said that before going to hug me again. "Come to the firehouse after?" She nodded.

Once I was done speaking to her, I went to walk back over to Gabby and then sat down with her. Grabbing my hand, Gabby looked at me and went to kiss my cheek. "That was beautiful baby." I nodded and agreed with her, kissing her softly as we held each other close for the rest of the funeral.

NOTE: I am skipping to after the funeral next chapter. I do not know much about it.

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