Molly's Fire Part 2

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Matt's POV: As I waited for both Severide and the HAZMAT team to arrive, I realized what this meant. Two toxic fires meant that I had to close the house. I then sighed and went to radio to the dispatch. "Chief Casey to Dispatch."  Dispatch then spoke to me. "Go ahead Chief Casey." I then sighed. "I need to take Firehouse 51 out of Service for the next 72 hours. We need to Detox. This is our second consecutive fire with HAZMAT on scene."  Dispatch agreed with me "You have all 3 shifts on call today correct?" I agreed. "Yes. I am going to proceed with HAZMAT Protocol when we return to the firehouse. We will do showers there. If you can get HAZMAT team there?"

Dispatch agreed. "Understood chief. I will do that." I then went to hang up and turned to look at Hermann. "Hermann, you are in charge for a minute." Hermann then looked at me. "Why?" I then sighed. "I need to get Gabby and Louie out of there. The house is closing for the day. Second consecutive HAZMAT fire means that your house needs to close for 72 hours." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Of course, get Gabby out of there before we get back. Wait, you going to tell her about Molly's over the phone?" I froze when he said that and sighed. "No." I then went to grab my phone from my pocket and sighed as I went to call Gabby.

Gabby then answered the call and was worried. "Matt, you okay?" I then sighed. "I'm fine Gabby. I just need you to pack up all of our things." Gabby got scared when I said that. "What's wrong?" I sighed. "We are currently at our second HAZMAT fire today. That means we need to close the house for 72 hours. They need to detox the trucks and they need to clean our gear. By the way, I am just going to tell you this. Babe, it was Molly's." Gabby then got quiet when I said that. "How bad is it?" I sighed and then turned to look at it before going to take a picture.

Sending her the picture, I waited for her to see it. "You get the picture?" Gabby then went to look at it and was shocked. "Oh god, the toxic materials were..." I then sighed. "All of the cleaning materials." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "You want me out of the house before HAZMAT gets here?" I agreed. "Yeah, they are going to set up there. And we are closing the house for 72 hours. So, I don't work for a while. How about you pack up everything and just leave...we don't want to expose you or Louie to this stuff." I then turned to look at Hermann. "Hey Hermann!" Hermann then looked at me.

"What's up Chief?" I then sighed and looked at him. "Can I get a ride home? I am going to get Gabby to leave the house before we are back." He nodded and agreed with me. "Of course Matt, me and Cindy can give you a ride home." I nodded when he said that before going to talk to Gabby. "Hermann and Cindy are going to give me a ride home okay Gabby? I'll do the HAZMAT stuff at the firehouse and then take another one at home. I am going to call Antonio and ask him to meet you at our place." Gabby was confused when I said that. "Why?"

I then laughed. "You are going to be stressed. He can stay with you until I'm home and safe. Then, we can take a minute alone to relax after this crazy first shift." Gabby agreed with me. "Good point, I will call Antonio."  I nodded, liking the sound of that. "Just promise you won't drive by here okay? Just go home. I am already going to be worried about you driving home while pregnant and with COVID. So promise me that you are going to go right home and send me a text when you're there okay?" Gabby agreed. "Of course Matt. I love you, see you later."

"Oh, can you leave me some clothes?" Gabby agreed. "Right, of course." I nodded and smiled. "Love you babe." I then went to hang up and sighed as I just watched the crew work. They already knew what to do because it was a pretty standard bar call. However, my stress levels were still high since my best friend was in there. At least, he was until I saw that Stella and Cruz got him out. They brought him to the Ambo right away who was going to transport him to the house. He was going to do HAZMAT there.

Now that that was done, I could really concentrate. However, I was just (secretly) glad that I was going to get to go home early for 72 hours afterwards. That'll be fun.

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