March 29, 2020

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Matt's POV: As I wake up the next morning before Voight even comes to get us, I move to roll over on the small bed because I thought I was in my bed. Unfortunately, that was not the reality and instead I was in a holding cell with Antonio. I found that out by falling right onto the ground, flat onto my face. "Ow." Antonio then rolled over when he heard me and started to laugh a bit. Looking up at him, I was not pleased. "You just going to stay there or am I going to have to beg you to help me up." Antonio then put his hand out and smiled at me, helping me up.

"And of course, I fall off the bed right when I have a great dream." Antonio then looked at me as he got back on his bed. "I am up now, what was the dream about." I then sighed. "I dreamed that I was in bed with Gabby, rolling over to give her a morning kiss." Antonio nodded when I said that and smiled. "That must be nice. You sleep at all?" I nodded. "I am used to these types of mattresses." Antonio was confused when I said that. "How many nights have you spent in jail?" I then laughed when he said that. "You think the city isn't going to bulk buy mattresses?"

Antonio was still confused when I said that. "Okay, explain." I then smiled at him. "These are the same mattresses that they have at the firehouse." Antonio nodded when I said that. "That makes sense. Heck, I didn't sleep much last night because I am still trying to figure out how to explain this to my mom and to my ex-wife." That's when we both heard Gabby, Camila and Laura (Antonio's ex) walk up to our cell. "I can't wait to hear your explanation to our kids too Antonio." Antonio then looked up and saw his family. "Mom, Laura." I then smiled at Gabby. "Hey babe."

Gabby smiled at me. "Louie is at home with your sister. She is going to watch him this morning while you get some well deserved rest in our bed." I nodded when she said that and smiled. Walking over to her, I then went to reach through the bars before going to kiss her softly. "You know that I am sorry right? I know it wasn't entirely my fault but..." Gabby just looked at me and shut me up by kissing me softly. "You weren't to blame. He was. I just wanted to teach you a lesson to make sure you never continue a fight, you need to learn. You're chief now babe."

I nodded and agreed with her. "By the way, they called last night. They want you to start Monday instead of Tuesday." I nodded and understood. "Of course. I might stay a couple days though. You are staying though." Gabby smiled and agreed. "Yes, I promise. Now, I am going to go pay your bail." That's when Hank walked over to us. "We are not making them pay bail because we aren't charging them. The charges were just pending last night so that I could keep them in jail like you wanted Gabby." I smiled when Voight said that. "Thanks Voight, I appreciate it."

Voight then smiled. "You owe me a favor now." I then shook my head. "Voight, I am not going to be that type of chief. So, don't you dare say that. And technically, I have the ability to press charges since I was the one who was instigated. So, I am doing you a favor by not pressing charges against your senior intelligence officer." Antonio then looked at me. "I started it." I nodded when he said that before going to hug him. "Listen, you go home and rest. I am going to do the same with Gabby and Louie. But first, I have to take a shower. I smell like pepper spray."

Gabby then went to smell me and nodded when I said that. "Yeah, you do. Now listen...let's get out of here okay?" I smiled when she said that and then grabbed her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I went to grab my jacket before looking at Camila. "See you soon Camila." Camila nodded and smiled. "Good luck this week." I smiled and agreed with her as I walked out of the district with Gabby so that we could head home. "My mom keeping Louie for a while or is he at home?" Gabby then smiled. "He's coming home at lunch." I nodded when she said that.

"And no you are not getting any attention in bed. We are taking a shower together and then we are resting. We can pick you something up for breakfast." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Then you drive, I can eat on the way home." Gabby smiled when I said that, ready to get me home where I belong.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now