March 22, 2020

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2 months later in their new home:
Matt's POV: As I stand in the kitchen on the first day of Illinois' stay-at-home order, I sigh considering I have to talk to Boden still about how I am not comfortable working. I have a pregnant wife with triplets and I have a 20-month old son at home. Yes, you heard that right...son. Louie is now our official son, certified by the courts. We decided to keep his name intact but, he has the same last name as me and Gabby. His name is now Louie TK (Thompson-Keys) Casey. Seeing him come downstairs from his bedroom, I see him walk over with his blanket.

"Hey buddy." I then went to bend down, wanting him to walk over to me. "Come here." Louie then nodded as he walked over to me. "Daddy." I smiled when he said that before going to pick him up. "Yeah buddy, I'm your daddy. And your mommy is upstairs. Do you remember why she's in bed all the time now?" Louie nodded when I asked him that. "Babies." I smiled when he said that. "You going to be a good boy today and help daddy unpack your bedroom? We can get your toys out and stuff. You like your bed?" He nodded and smiled. "It's the same one from before."

He smiled when I said that and nodded when I got a call from Gabby. I then smiled and went to answer. "He's down here babe. Want to say hi to mommy?" Louie then nodded as I went to put it on speaker. "Morning mommy." Gabby liked the sound of that. "You downstairs with daddy?" He nodded, still a little shy even though he knows us. "He nodded yes. But, he's going to go upstairs with his blankie. Today we are going to spend some time in bed with mommy. I can unpack later." He agreed and smiled. "Want me to send him upstairs to you Gabby?"

Gabby liked the sound of that. "Yeah, how about you come spend some time with me and your siblings buddy? You can cuddle with me. How does that sound?" Louie nodded when she asked him that. I then went to kiss his head and smiled at him. "Just remember, we are going to be spending a lot of time together buddy. Daddy is on permanent vacation  now. At least I hope." Gabby didn't like the sound of that. "You still haven't called Boden?" I sighed when she said that. "I am going to do it right when I send Louie up." I then went to get her water bottle.

"Hey buddy, how about you take this to mommy upstairs to our bedroom? Make sure she drinks a lot of water okay?" He agreed and smiled. "Can you make eggs daddy?" I nodded and smiled when he said that, kissing his forehead softly. "Yes, now how about I let you down and you can go see mommy." He agreed and nodded as I went to let him down. I then smiled as he went to walk away. "He's on his way back up babe. I am going to call Boden and make sure that I get to stay off for the rest of your pregnancy and however long this lasts. I am not taking a chance."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "Okay. Good luck." I agreed and laughed. "I might need it. Love you, see you soon." Gabby smiled and agreed as we both went to hang up. Going to grab some eggs for Louie, I then went to put some toast in the toaster. Once that was done, I grabbed a pan and put it on the stove. Starting the eggs, I then went to grab my phone again and went to talk to call Boden. I hoped this wasn't a surprise to him. I was already off on paternity leave since we adopted Louie but...I am not sure I am even going to come back because of health.

That's when he answered. "Morning Matt, you making some food for that little boy of yours?" I laughed when he said that. "He's already back upstairs with his mother. God, I love saying that. But listen...I am calling to talk to you about the pandemic." Boden then sighed when I said that. "You worrying again?" I then sighed. "Listen, I know I am already on paternity leave since the adoption but with the change in circumstances when it comes to the pandemic...I just can't risk it Chief. I have a 2-year old son and a pregnant wife on bedrest with a compromised immune system. I am not taking a chance. Boden, you know how bad we want these kids."

Boden agreed when I said that. "Oh, I know that." I smiled. "Plus, I need to get the nurseries ready and stuff. Maybe I can just work from home or something. Do OFI work from home? I don't care....I just can't go into the firehouse anymore. If it comes down to it...I will quit to protect my family's health. So, I am just hoping that you can help me out and give me a job. Hopefully something with health benefits and a similar salary. I promise to come back eventually in the same position." Chief agreed with me when I said that. "Of course, and just like last time...we will welcome you back with open arms. I will talk to OFI and see if I can get you a job."

I agreed with him. "Can you make sure that they know I am not going into the field because of our circumstances?" He agreed when I said that. "Of course Matt, want me to get Severide to bring your things to you?" I then laughed. "I already have them Chief. Remember, I am on paternity leave right now. Heck, maybe I can just take Gabby's maternity leave since she isn't an employee of the CFD. Does that work?" Chief laughed when I said that. "I'll figure something out. You can also use furlough have a lot." I agreed with him. "I will for sure. But, if I can work from'd be better. Now listen, I need to feed the family."

Boden agreed with me. "Have a good day and stay safe Matt." I agreed with him. "Same to you and the firehouse. I can still do reports if you want." He agreed when I said that. "Yes, that I can let you do. Heck...maybe you can just do your captain duties from home and that's good enough for a paycheck."  I liked the sound of that. "Get Hermann to do the on the ground stuff, I do all of the paperwork...I like the sound of that and agree to that. Thanks Chief. And if that doesn't work, get me into OFI please." He agreed with me. "Of course Matt, now have a good day." I agreed and smiled as I went to walk away so that I could go see my family.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now