Chapter 122

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Matt's POV: As I stood in the guest bedroom helping with some packing, I looked at the spare linen that we had in there when I found some kids linen from when we had Louie. I was shocked it was still there but smiled at the sight of it. That's when I heard Cindy (Herrmann) come into the room. "You guys still have that eh?" I turned to look at her and nodded. "I guess we do. I didn't even know we did. I think I just packed it up heaven forbid we ever did have kids. Well, looks like I did the right thing." Cindy smiled when I said that. "You miss little Louie?"

I sighed when she asked me that. "Of course I miss him, he was our first son. We still love him like crazy. But now, we have our own triplets coming and I know he's in a better plate. At the end of the day, that's all we want for him." Cindy nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "So, what is life going to be like when you move down to the Bahamas?" I shrugged because I wasn't sure yet. "Honestly, I have no clue. But all I know is that it's going to be a hell of a lot nicer than living here. No winter and a whole bunch of fun in the sun with my family." Cindy laughed.

That's when I heard Cruz come in. "Oh be honest Matt, you're going to miss the snow." I shook my head. "And all the horrible car accidents that we have to deal with in the middle of winter? Uhm, hell no. Sorry but, someone else can deal with that from now on...this dad-to-be is officially retired from the CFD and is ready to start over in the warm Bahamas while looking at your social media accounts and laugh at how freezing you guys are." 

That's when I heard my niece walk into the room. "I bet you are going to miss me though." I then looked down at Violet and was shocked. "Violet, what are you doing here?" I then walked over to her and went to hug her. "We heard from grandma that you guys are moving to the Bahamas. I asked mom if I could come see you guys one last time here in Chicago." I smiled when she said that and nodded. That's when I saw my sister. While we weren't close, we still cared for each other. "Same here Matt." I smiled when she said that and went to hug her.

"Why didn't you guys tell me you were coming? I would've came to get you guys at the airport." Christie then sighed. "I didn't know whether I would get a warm reception." I bit my lip when she said that. "Guys, do you mind if me and my sister take a minute to talk? Violet, Gabby is in our room. How about you go say hi?" Violet nodded and agreed, walking towards our room to go see Gabby. Meanwhile, everybody else cleared the room so that I could speak to my sister alone. Looking at her, I smiled. "So, how's life in...Florida right?" 

Christie was about to respond to that when Antonio came in. "Oh sorry, I was going to get food from Molly's. Want anything?" I then looked at him and nodded. "Get the the Cesar Club Wrap." Antonio nodded and agreed. "Fries?" I smiled and nodded. "Salad too please. Gabby likes it. She takes the same. We split the fries and the salad. Get mine with fries, hers with salad." My sister then turned to look at Antonio. "Can you just get me the same as my brother? With salad though." Antonio then looked at her. "You must be Christie."

I nodded and smiled. "Christie, meet my brother-in-law Antonio Dawson." Christie then went to shake his hand. "You never told me how handsome your brother-in-law is." I then glared at her. "Uhm, not happening sis. He lives in the Bahamas which is where we are moving because we are having triplets." Christie then nodded while turning to look at me. Meanwhile, Antonio waved and smiled. "Be back soon." I agreed and nodded while looking at my sister. "So, Florida?" Christie nodded. "Yeah, it's nice down there. Just hate the GOP Governor."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Yeah, he's a jackass. But how've you been?" Christie then sighed. "Matt, can we cut to the chase? Are you happy that I'm here or is this not a good idea?" I then smiled while grabbing her hand. "I love seeing Violet and I want to see more of you. I want you to know your nieces and nephews. We are having triplets remember?" Christie was shocked when I said that. "Holy shit. You are going to be so busy in the world are you going to have time to work?" 

I shrugged, still unsure about that. "First, I need to get a job. At least I have my pension here for a while...they gave it to me after having served for over 16 years in the CFD." Christie nodded and agreed with me. "By the way, I love the house. This still the same place you had when mom was in Jail?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, have you spoke to her much?" Christie shook her head. "Nope, and I would rather keep it that way. I am not in a place where I can forgive her yet." I sighed when she said that. "Christie, you don't believe her yet?"

Christie then laughed. "Matt, dad wasn't abusive! I refuse to believe it. Why are you on her side anyways?" I then sighed and looked at her. "Because I was abused by him too!" Christie then stared at me, shocked. Meanwhile I went to sit on the bed and just looked at her. "Christie, he was verbally abusive to me. He yelled at me all the time and I couldn't live up to his standards. Sis, you have to believe me when I say was in self defense."

Christie then turned to look at me and went to grab my hand. "I believe you Matt, I know you wouldn't lie to me about something like that." I nodded and agreed with her. "Christie listen, whatever problems we have...we need to put them in the past okay? I am having triplets. Andrew Daniel, Emma Elizabeth and Matthew James Jr." Christie smiled when I said that. "God, those names are adorable." That's when I heard Gabby at the door. "Seriously, I thought we said that we were keeping the babies' names between family only? This another political consultant trying to convince you not to leave Matt?" 

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