Briefing Summary

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Shift Commanders: Capt. Casey, Lt. Severide and Lt. Hermann are going to be the officers in charge for the rest of shift and until you are dismissed. You are staying for the rest of the storm and are to rest whenever you can. Casey, you do not go into buildings. But you ride truck.

Senior Officers-in-Charge: The CFD has declared tonight to be a shift where all decisions are to be made by the most senior officer on scene. You do not need to request help. Trust your gut. Casey, Severide and Hermann, you can act independently of each other.

Length of Shift: You are all to say until you are dismissed. The CFD will be paying you time and a half until your dismissal. You will not be required to come in for 72 hours after this shift. So, that means your next shift will be March 26th at the earliest.

Reports: I am waving the requirement for reports to be filed after this shift. You are not going to remember everything about this shift can just relax instead. Casey, you are also on break from OFI for 72 hours after this shift. That is already cleared.

Community Firehouse: There is a potential for power outages tonight. We are opening the house to the community and this will be a local warming center as well as a triage center/mini-emergency waiting room. Patients can come here and will be triaged by Dr. Halstead.

Dr. Halstead: Dr. Halstead has been sent here to act as a Liaison. He will be on all calls with ambulances and will act as triage. If he can treat the patient on scene or here, he will do so. If the patient requires surgery or has to go to hospital since it is COVID, he will tell you.

Medical Assistance: During this shift, you are not to be staying in here. When you are not on calls, you are to assist the community. Exceptions are to Matt if he wants to stay safe, he can assist with vehicle maintenance after each call since we are expecting a lot of calls.

Vehicle Parking: For this shift, all vehicles are to be parked on the driveway. They have 2 of each type of vehicle. (E.g. 2 trucks, 2 engines, 2 squads, 2 ambos and 2 chief cars). The inside of the garage will be reserved for medical assistance and triage operations. After the briefing, you are to go set up chairs and move the vehicles. Stay safe.

Truck 81 - New truck
Truck 810 - Old truck
Engine 51 - New Engine
Engine 510 - Old Engine
Squad 3 - New Squad
Squad 30 - Old Squad

CPD Command Post: As the CPD's locations are far fewer than those of the CFD, we have been asked to provide space for the CPD to set up a command post at each house. Our CPD officers are Detectives Dawson, Halstead and Lindsay. You are to go on calls with the CFD.

Detective-in-Charge: I have been told that Det. Lindsay is the senior officer-in-charge at Firehouse 51. If any CPD officers come in to take a breath, they are allowed to do so and are to be directed to Det. Lindsay if they have questions about what they are doing.

Detective Lindsay: Sgt. Voight has told me to not let you leave the house. Since you are pregnant, you are to stay here and are to be masked at all times. This is not up for debate as he has said you either follow this command or you are to go home. 

Mask Requirement: For the duration of this shift, all firefighters, paramedics, policemen and intelligence officers are to be masked at all times due to the risk to Gabby as she is pregnant. This is a personal request from Capt. Casey. We all want to meet the triplets, right?

Stay safe and remember that we are here for the community. Have a good shift!

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