Chapter 133

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Matt's POV: Once me and Severide finished supper, I smiled while looking at Gabby as she started to doze off. He and Stella were just watching some TV right now but...I knew that after supper Gabby might want to rest. It's why we were headed to bed. Walking over to the living room, I looked at Stella and smiled. "I am going to wake her up. Go ahead and grab some food." Stella nodded and agreed with me, getting up to go grab some food. Going to sit next to Gabby, I smiled while I went to rub her stomach and kiss it softly. Waking up, Gabby looked at me. "What?" I then smiled at her before going to kiss her softly. "You fell asleep. Supper is ready."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, obviously quite tired. Putting my hand out so that I could help her up...I smiled as I went to stabilize her by putting my hands on her hips. Gabby had trouble sometimes when it came to her balance. She was after all, carrying triplets. While we were close to each other, I went to kiss her softly and just smiled. "You look tired." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Yeah. I don't know how but...triplets just tire you out." I laughed a bit and agreed with her. "Don't worry, we'll go relax after supper." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that, moving to hug me. Holding her close, I smiled while rubbing her back.

Letting her go, I went to lead her towards the kitchen so we could grab some food. "Sorry guys, this one is already getting tired so...that means we are going to head to bed when we are done eating. Severide, you mind doing the clean up?" Severide nodded when I asked him that. "Whatever I can do to make sure that you have a healthy pregnancy I will do for sure." I smiled when he said that and went to hug him. "No shift tomorrow right?" Severide shook his head. "Me and you can work on packing. I want to help in whatever way I can." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "Good, I'll pay you by signing over the lease to you. I have to talk to the landlord."

Severide nodded when I said that. "I appreciate that man. If I don't have to find another place to live, I don't want to. This place is nice." We all agreed when he said that and smiled. Looking at Gabby, I went to wrap my arm around her and then kissed her forehead. "Just go sit down okay babe? I can take care of making you some supper." Gabby nodded when I said that, going to sit at the table. "Matt, can you get me some sparkling water?" I agreed and nodded, walking over to the fridge to grab her some. That's when I saw that it was gone. " bring it to the gym with you?" Severide then bit his lip. "Maybe."

Gabby didn't like the sound of that. "Severide! Out of all the drinks you can have, you take the one fizzy drink that I can have. You can have beer, pop, water and everything else. I can have water and non-alcoholic drinks. The fizzy water was to replace the pop and beer. Please, can you not touch it when Matt goes to get me some tomorrow?" I nodded and agreed with her. "I promise, I am going to get some in the morning. Make me a list of whatever you need and I am going to get it. And this time, I am going to make sure that Severide doesn't touch it!"

Going to grab Gabby some water, I walked over to her and smiled. "We could also get one of those machines they advertise on TV." Gabby smiled when I said that. "That sounds great. Can you look into it?" I nodded and smiled at her. "I will." Walking back over to the kitchen, I went to grab the tacos so that I could give some to Gabby. However, Severide was blocking me. "Dude, I already told you this...when you are eating here, you do not grab you food first. Gabby does because she's pregnant!" Severide then turned to look at her and apologized. "Sorry Gabby." She nodded and smiled at him. "Just don't forget."

Severide then went to walk away, having grabbed one taco. I then went to make Gabby some tacos and smiled at her. "You want salsa on it or is that not good right now?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Put it on one of them. I want four please." We then all turned to look at her, seemingly shocked that she wants that many. However Gabby just looked at me. "Your sons have your appetite." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Okay then, three tacos it is." Severide then looked at how many shells we had. "Can you take soft tacos Gabby?" Gabby then nodded. "Wait, is Matt making me hard tacos?"

I turned to look at her and nodded. "Why?" Gabby then sighed. "It's easier to digest if I eat soft tacos." I nodded and understood. "Of course, sorry." I then went to move the meat I already put in the hard tacos into the soft tacos. Once I had the meet in them, I went to grab the toppings as well as the salsa, carrying it all over to the table. Stella however wasn't please. "Hey...where are you going with that?" I then looked at her. "Gabby needs to reach them easier." She then understood. "Right. And you don't want to get in trouble." I laughed and agreed with her. "What can I say, this guy actually likes to sleep in the same bed as his wife."

Gabby then looked at me (again). "I am sure that you can find a comfortable spot on that big couch of ours. I mean, it is so comfortable after all." I nodded in complete agreement. "We are both in complete agreement on that. By the way, did you tell Antonio that it's coming with us?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "He already knows. I told him that we bought the couch because we wanted to have it when we played with the kids. So, he already knows that we are taking it if we ever decided to stay down there permanently." 

I smiled when she said that and nodded while walking over to the table with all of our stuff. Quickly bending over to kiss her, I smiled and went to set the stuff down. "Guys come and join us, we have everything here." Severide and Stella nodded in agreement before walking over to the table so that we could eat supper together. But before Gabby did, she decided to say a little prayer. She has started to do it before every meal to ask for protection when it comes to the babies. I waited to eat of course because I wanted to support her.

However, Severide was confused. "What she doing man?" I then sighed when he asked that. "She's praying for the safety of the babies. Don't bother her right now." He agreed and nodded while going to grab some food. Meanwhile, I joined in with her. Might as well pray for the safety of the babies too. Two prayers are better than one in this case because it also involved Gabby's safety. I will do whatever I can do make sure she's safe. 

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