Chapter 170

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Matt's POV: After starting Finding Dory for Louie, I smiled when I saw him move to the end of the bed to watch it. He was already transfixed on the movie so much that he didn't even notice when Gabby came to lay down on my chest. Cuddling up to me, Gabby went to kiss my neck and just smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. "You miss are very comfortable when you are laying down on my chest." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as I went to rub her stomach. "And there is nowhere I would rather have you lay down whenever you get the chance."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I am glad we already talked to Louie. I know this is hard for him...this time around we are pregnant. And it's not like he can adjust to it easily, he jumped into it because we were already pregnant when he came home." I then thought about that while going to rub her arm. Trying to play it off as if that didn't bother me...Gabby knew otherwise and just looked at me. "Matt, talk to me babe. What's wrong. I know that something about what I just said is bothering you." I nodded and agreed with her.

"It's the last part you's just like when you came back. We jumped right back into being pregnant. Louie is doing the same thing. He never had a chance to just be with us alone. He never had time with mom and dad before we were expecting. I think that is definitely bothering him. I mean not that I would change anything." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Hey, me neither. I wouldn't change anything in a million years. I want these babies." I then went to grab her hand and smiled at her. "And we are having these babies. They are ours."

I smiled when she said that before going to lean my forehead against hers. Rubbing her arm, I smiled as we held each other close. "You know I love you like crazy right?" Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded while going to kiss me softly. "I know baby...I know. And I love you like crazy too. I mean, think about how much we have gone through together. I hate to say this but, there were so many times that I was scared we were going to be over. And when I went to Puerto Rico...I thought that was going to be the last straw." I shook my head when I said that. "Never."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to lay her head down on my chest. "What do you say later we go out for a drive. Just go look around the city and get out of the house?" I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, I am not sure if I am okay with that. I mean, sure...we would stay in the van." Gabby then interrupted me. "By the way, good call getting that right before we got Louie." I nodded and agreed with her. "Now, as I was saying...I am really comfortable here with my girl, our son and our triplets. I am just too comfortable to want to move."

Gabby nodded and understood. "Fine, but you owe me a date tonight." I then looked at her when she said that. "Gabby, we can't go's not safe." She then looked at me and smiled. "I never said that you had to take me out. Anyways, you cooking a nice romantic meal for me after we put Louie to bed sounds much more romantic anyways." I smiled when she said that and nodded, agreeing with her. "What do you want to eat and what time are we putting him to bed?" Gabby then smiled at me. "We can have snacks but...he is going to bed at 7:30. Supper at 8?" 

I agreed with her and nodded. "Sounds like a date. But, I am going to have to go out shopping so, can I get up and get us some nice food?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Just to let you know, you already had your pleasure for tonight so don't even think about it." I then smiled at her. "Who said that our date was done after supper?" Gabby then looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" I then smirked when she asked me that. "You are going to have to find out when we are having our date." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she kissed me softly.

I then went to pull away. "Listen, I am going to get up and go get some food for us okay? You okay with him for a while?" Gabby agreed and nodded, ready to have a nice date with me. "Want to do it early and we can do it with Louie or are we going to do it just me and you?" Gabby then smiled at me. "Like I just said, just me and you. Now be safe as you go get us some food." I nodded and agreed with her, giving her one last kiss before going to get dressed so that I could go get some groceries. "Oh make me a list for Louie." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as I went to get dressed.

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