Matt Dream

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20 Years in the Future - Firehouse 90
Matt's POV: As I walk up to my son and namesake's firehouse...I smile as I see him waxing Truck 90 while being yelled at by my counterpart here at 90. "I said I want to see my face sparkle candidate!" I then looked Patterson, shocked he was yelling. "Excuse me Patterson but, can you please not abuse my son?" He then turned to look at me and then smiled. "Chief Casey." I smiled when he said that before going to shake my hand. Matt, Jr then turned to look at me and smiled. "Okay, I keep it dad when you come to visit me or is it Chief Casey?"

I smiled when he asked me that. "Unlike your sister, you can just call me dad when you are on shift." I then went to hug him and smiled. "How's it going? I wanted to come check on you after that joint fire we had. I know, me being the helicopter dad...but your mom is obsessing over it. You know her, she is going to be determined to know how you are." That's when I heard Gabby come in. "What's that babe?" I then turned to look at her when I saw my favorite paramedic duo...Andrew "Andy" Casey and Gabriela Dawson. I then went to walk over to her and smiled while going to kiss her softly. "Hey."

However, both our boys were not impressed. "Mom, dad...not in front of us when we are at work please." I just shook my head before looking at my candidate son. "Keep talking and you are never going to get to work on truck at Firehouse 51. I am trying to work it out so that you can transfer when you are done your candidacy." Patterson then looked at me and smiled. "Sorry again about the yelling. He is just being a pain sometimes. I expect more when it comes to him. I mean, his dad is a chief." I nodded and agreed with him. "Please remember he is still a candidate. And don't assume he asks for tips."

Patterson then nodded and understood while looking at Gabby. "How are you Gabby? What's it like being up for Paramedic Regional Supervisor?" Gabby smiled when he said that. "About damn time! I mean, I have worked here longer than the current one and my husband is a chief." He agreed and smiled when she said that. "Matt asked me to put in a letter of recommendation and I did." I then looked at him because he wasn't supposed to say that. "Patterson!" He then remembered he wasn't supposed to say that when the bells went off.

Backing up, me, Gabby and Andy watched as MJ got ready to get to work. Getting in his gear, we watched as he did it just like we taught him. I knew that Gabby was scared but, I knew this was exactly where our kids were supposed to be. Serving on the streets of Chicago as firefighters and paramedics. Just like their parents. Gabby then looked at MJ. "Be safe MJ!" MJ Nodded and agreed with her when she said that before blowing a kiss. Truck 90 then left the garage to go to a fire. "We both know he's going to be safe and come home tonight."

I nodded and smiled while going to kiss her head. "I will see you both at the house okay? You guys go to where the call was and see if they need backup okay? By the way are not escaping eating with me and your mom tonight. You do not go into that bedroom of mine. We all agreed that we would have supper together at the table because we can. We put our lives on the line each day and we don't know when it will be our last. We need to remember that." Andy nodded and agreed.

"Mom, let's go...we have to go fill up remember? That's what we were supposed to be doing." She agreed and nodded. "See you later." I smiled when she said that, walking down the driveway with her before squeezing her but as we still played sometimes even though we were now in our late 50s. "I swear, sometimes you act like you're still kids. C'mon dad, calm down and keep it in your pants. At least when we're at work. I already hear it sometimes at home." Gabby then turned to look at him. "Yeah, how's that apartment search going with your brother?"

We then both smirked when he said that. "You said you were moving out. So, move out for crying out loud. But don't complain when you do the same thing with Cassie!" He then nodded and sighed, knowing where we were coming from. "By the way, Terrence says hi. We were out last night. He says that he can't wait to come back to work." I nodded and agreed with him. "Yeah, once his father clears him." Gabby then turned to look at me. "I left it up to him, he's our former chief...he knows when he's ready." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled.

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