Chapter 178

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Matt's POV: After making the two pizzas for us, I smiled as I went to cut up Louie's mini pizza and put it on a plate. Meanwhile, I had me and Gabby's pizza on the cutting board. I just hoped that Gabby didn't think that we were having just cheese pizza. She needed protein so, I made a little pizza for Louie and a big pizza for the two of us.  One I was done cutting Louie's pizza, I went to do the same with our pizza and then went to put it on a plate. I hoped that half a pizza was enough then we would have leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. If I can cook less...I am going to do that. That's when I got a text from Severide. "Hey, I got a case for you tomorrow."

I sighed when I saw that and decided to give him a quick call. I was just glad he answered. "Hey man." I then smiled. "Hey, so you have a case for me?" Severide agreed. "I took a bunch of pictures. What time you want me to come over?" I sighed when he said that. "You are not coming over here anytime soon. Sorry but, I am not having my nightmare from last night become a reality." Severide was confused when I said that. "What are you talking about man? And I can tell I am on speaker, can you talk about it or is Gabby in the room?" I then laughed.

"Dude, she isn't on the first floor at all anymore. Remember, she's on bed rest. Plus...she likes to cuddle up to Louie in our bed." Severide then remembered that. "How is that going anyways...being called daddy again?" I then laughed when he said that. "Good. It's going to happen eventually. But listen, you need to send Erin a congratulations text. She's pregnant." Severide was shocked when I said that. "Her and Jay?" I laughed and agreed with him. "Yeah, I am shocked that he is still living. It's a known fact that Hank is very protective of his daughter."

Severide laughed when I said that. "Oh, and you aren't going to be protective of your little girl when she gets to the stage in her life where she is interest in boys." I then shook my head. "Can you please not mention that right now? Heck, my daughter isn't even born and you are already saying that! Please man, let me live in my bubble where my daughter is going to be the most adorable baby girl in the world. I mean honestly, between Gabby's gorgeous looks and my model good lucks...our kids are going to be gorgeous." 

Severide groaned when I said that. "And there's your cocky side! Dude, you are really full of yourself sometimes, you know that right?" I laughed when he said that. "You might want to stop insulting me. Remember who Chief has asked to take over furlough. I am off so, he has asked me to take care of the furlough requests. Since you are my best friend, I was going to try and put you first but...keep talking and you keep moving further and further down the list." Severide then got scared when I said that. "I think I'm going to propose to Stella on vacation so...when I put in for that vacation, you do not deny it please." I agreed with him.

"Of course man, just let me know. But listen, as much as I want to talk...I am in the midst of finishing up supper. I just finished cutting up Louie's pizza and I have some ready for Gabby. So, I am going to get this upstairs before she changes her mind about tonight." Severide was confused when I said that. "We are going to take a bath together tonight." Severide then laughed when I said that. "Good luck changing that to you know..." I then smirked. "Oh, I already had that earlier." Severide was shocked when I said that. "Lucky, I haven't gotten any action in 3 weeks!"

I laughed when he said that. "Hey, not my fault...well it kinda is my fault that Gabby is pregnant and hormonal. But listen, I have to go. Talk later Severide and stay safe." He agreed when I said that before going to hang up. Doing the same, I went to put my phone back in my pocket before carrying our supper upstairs so that we can eat as a family.

NOTE: I am not going to be writing them eating supper. I am going to skip just an hour when it's getting close to Louie's bed time.

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