Chapter 271

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Matt's POV: After grabbing some of the food that was prepared by the candidate, I smiled when I went to set my radio down on my desk in the Chief's office before making my way upstairs to the apartment where Gabby was. Walking in, I saw her sitting on the bed with Louie. Putting her finger up to her lips, she showed me that he was asleep. I nodded and agreed with her before going to take off my shoes and getting onto the bed with her and the plate I made for us. "Here, I got us some lunch." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to slip close to me.

"Do you mind if I ask what the hell happened down there between you and Severide?" I sighed when she asked me that but nodded. "He's not used to the authority I have over him as chief. I mean, I have always had authority over him since I became captain's different now because we don't have Boden as a buffer. So, me and Grissom spoke to him and he has been demoted from Senior Squad Lieutenant to just a lieutenant for the rest of shift." Gabby seemed shocked when I said that before going to grab some of the sausages they had for lunch.

Turning my head as I looked at Gabby, I smiled and went to kiss her softly. "I told them to forget about the reports since it was such a big fire. Also, OFI is going to do an investigation." Gabby nodded when I said that. I then went to kiss her forehead softly. "It was huge and not the best first fire as chief. God, there was at least 100 patients who went to the hospital for at least minor stuff, some for major stuff and it was crazy. We had to bring in doctors there and they did triage. I am just glad we had all the trucks there, it was incredible. Honestly...I should earn a medal."

Gabby smiled when I said that before grabbing some of the salad the candidate also made. "Okay, you can have all of the salad. Sorry that doesn't sit well with my stomach." I nodded when she said that. "What have you guys been doing while I was gone?" Gabby then smiled. "We played in the garage...then we practiced our spanish and we also went for a little walk around the block. Sorry but, it's hard to keep him entertained at times." I nodded when she said that before kissing her again. "We could look into a preschool for him at least during the day?"

Gabby thought about it and bit her lip. "Matt, I'd rather not. While I was here alone...I did some reading on COVID. They are saying that this disease hits minority populations the hardest. I know this is going to be hard to understand since you are not in the minority..." I then shook my head. "Gabby, relax. I understand. My gorgeous wife and our amazing son are both minority populations. Of course I understand. You can stay here at least. I would like that more honestly. I know this sounds bad but...I want to be here in case we need an ambulance ASAP."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Makes sense. I mean, they are right downstairs and we trust Sylvie." I nodded and smiled as I went to take a bite of sausage. Turning to look at Louie, I smiled. "Hey, can you maybe not lay down on me? I grabbed some for Louie. Hey Louie, come here...daddy has some lunch for you." Louie then looked at me and came to crawl over. Taking a bite off my fork, he smiled. "Was daddy safe at the fire?" I nodded and went to grab his hand. "And this is another reason why I want you here. We both know he would always be worried."

Gabby thought about it and smiled at me. "Hey bud, you want to be here with daddy on all of his shifts?" Louie nodded when Gabby asked him that. "Please daddy!" I then nodded and smiled. "I love that idea. Of course you and mommy can come in to all my shifts. Daddy would miss you if you didn't come. However, you need to learn how to take a shower." Louie nodded. "I know how to take a shower. You stand under the water." Gabby then looked at me. "There's a bath in there too. You just didn't see it. This is like a deluxe apartment for Chiefs and their families."

I nodded when she said that. "I think it's supposed to be for them if they want to live here." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Do you notice any changes I made?" I was confused when she said that before turning to look in the corner. "Oh, you moved the desks around?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "That's where the cribs and Louie's little bed are. The once from Terrence is there now." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "That's perfect. Hey Louie, you like your bed that you have up here in the apartment?"

Louie nodded and agreed with me before going to run over to it. I then smiled while just relaxing a bit with the family. "I like this little apartment. Now just to get a babysitter for a bit." Gabby laughed when I said that before kissing my cheek (and neck). "Listen, can we just finish eating and then we can relax a bit more? I put my sweats on for a reason." I nodded and smiled when she said that, glad to be relaxing for a while since I just had a quite stressful call.

That's when I got a text from Antonio. 'Me and Jay are coming in 10 to talk about Union Station Fire. Your office?' I then sighed when he said that. "I have to go talk to Jay and Antonio, they are investigating the Union Station fire." Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Come back up after?" I nodded and agreed, going to kiss her slowly for a little bit before I had to head downstairs to talk to Jay and Antonio. "Oh and please send Antonio up after okay?" I nodded and agreed, kissing her for a little while longer.

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