Chapter 242

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Matt's POV: Once I finished calling Herrmann, I went to put the phone on speaker. I didn't know which Herrmann I was going to get didn't really matter. Whether we got Herrmann or Cindy, it was going to be fine. That's when I heard Cindy answer the phone. "Hi Chief, do you need to talk to Christopher?" Gabby then went to speak to us. "Actually, if we could speak to you both as friends...we have some news." Cindy agreed when Gabby said that. "Of course Gabby. Let me just get Christopher and we will both listen to the news. Is it exciting?" Gabby then sighed. "We can explain when you get Herrmann on the phone okay Cindy?" Cindy could probably tell that something was wrong by the tone of her voice because it didn't take long for her to get my Lieutenant on the phone. "Hey Chief, what's up? You said this is personal."

I sighed when he said that. "You want me to do the talking Gabby or do you want to say it? I understand if it's too painful for you to say it." Gabby then nodded. "You start and I will jump in whenever I feel like I can." I agreed and nodded while going to grab her hand and intertwining our fingers. "So listen, the reason we are calling is because we have some unfortunate and sad news to share. We wanted you to hear it ahead of time so that you know why me and Gabby are a little sad or just off tomorrow on shift. My first as official Chief." Herrmann laughed when I said that. "Oh boy. So, what's up guys?" Gabby then sighed and looked at me. "Unfortunately, we have lost one of the triplets." Cindy then felt really bad when she said that. "Oh no." I sighed.

"Yeah, we just found out this morning or was it last night Gabby?" Gabby then went to rub my arm. "This morning." I nodded and went to kiss her forehead softly. "We just wanted to let you know so that you can maybe be a bit sensitive when you are talking about the babies? We would like to also ask that you not refer to the babies as triplets. We have decided to use the term twins now. We are trying to get in the mindset where we come to the realization that we are only going to be bringing 2 babies home from the hospital in a few months instead of 3 babies." Cindy understood completely. "Are you guys going to get the surgery to get one of the babies out before you give birth or are you just going to wait until you give birth to the other two?"

Gabby looked at me when I said that and bit her lip. "I want to wait. I am not going to be ready for doing two surgeries within months of each other." I then went to rub her hand when I said that. "We can talk about it okay? She brings up a point we need to think about. Are you really going to be okay carrying the third baby in there for the rest of the pregnancy until you give birth to the twins?" Gabby then bit her lip when I brought that up. "Honestly, I haven't even considered that yet. We can talk about it okay?" Cindy then spoke up. "Listen Gabby, how about I come in to shift tomorrow and I can spend time with you? I've gone through this before. No, it wasn't triplets but still...we lost our first baby. And I know this isn't your first's similar."

Gabby then sighed when she said that. "I was considering this our first baby since it was our first pregnancy that was actually viable. The first pregnancy was an intrauterine pregnancy so....the baby was never viable in the first place. So, in my head...this was our first real pregnancy that was going to be able to go through to the end." Cindy agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Still, you loved both of the child the same." I nodded when she said that. "It's just...we had a name picked out and everything this time. And we have all the things for this baby boy we lost." Hermann then got sad when I said that. "Oh no, it was one of your sons. Wait, Matt Jr. or Andy?" I then sighed when he said that. "It was Andy...I just realized that, I have lost both of them."

Grabbing my hand, Gabby then went to rub it and just held me close. "Hey, I am here for you and whatever you need...the same goes for the both of us." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her head softly. "Chief, would you mind if I come join Christopher at the house tomorrow for shift? I can spend time with Gabby and we can talk. I know this is hard to understand but...there are just some things that women don't like to talk about even with their husband. But they will share it with other women who have gone through it themselves." I turned to look at Gabby when she said that. She then smiled and agreed. "Cindy, I think that would be great. To have someone to talk to would be great. At least for part of the shift." Cindy agreed.

Turning to look at Gabby, I went to kiss her head. "You want to tell the rest of the firehouse together or do you want to just ask Herrmann to do it for us?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "No, we are doing it because it's our news to tell." I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course. Listen Herrmann, we will see you on shift tomorrow okay? Just please be sensitive when you speak to Gabby about it." He agreed when I said that. "Of course and just know that we are always here to talk. Feel better and see you guys tomorrow." I nodded when he said that and sighed before looking at Gabby while hanging up. "Who's next?" Gabby then bit her lip.

"How about we call Jay and Erin next? We can talk to them and see if they want boy clothes?" I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before going to grab my phone to call Jay.

NOTE: I am going to do a check in on Jay and Erin after Matt and Gabby tell them.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें