Chapter 121

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Matt's POV:
After watching Gabby come back into the house and run right to the bedroom, I knew something was wrong. I just looked at all the guys who were in there before turning to look at Antonio. Antonio put his hand on my back and looked at me. "You going to..." I nodded and sighed. "Everybody, can you guys just listen to Antonio and ask him if you have questions? I am going to talk to Gabby in our room." Everybody turned to look at me and nodded. Chief then spoke up. "Matt, go ahead and take all the time you need. Make sure she breathes too." I nodded and agreed with him because I had to make sure the triplets were going to be alright.

Making my way to the bedroom, I went to knock on the door so that I could let Gabby know it was me. "Babe, it's me. Can I come in? I want to talk." I then heard Gabby speak to me, scared. "Yeah, alone please." I nodded and understood as I turned to look at everybody. They all nodded at me and knew that me and Gabby just needed a moment to ourselves to talk. After walking in, I went to close the door behind me and locked the door. We needed time alone so we could talk. "Hey, you okay?" Gabby just looked at me as she laid down in bed, tears all over her face.

Going to get in bed with her, I went to walk my arms around her because I wanted her to know that everything was going to be okay. "Hey, I'm here. Talk to me babe." Gabby then sighed as she looked at me. "I just had a fight with Sylvie. It just all came out thanks to the hormones." I nodded and agreed with her, going to rub her arm. "Just breathe for me okay Gabby? Tell me what happened out there and tell me that you are okay." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I just said stuff I feel like I might regret now. I was mad that she flirted with you. It came out and with my probably sounded worse."

Looking at her, I went to kiss her forehead. "Did you talk or was it more like yelling? Because that's what I heard out there." Gabby sighed when I said that and nodded. "Yeah, it was yelling. I was furious with her for flirting with you. I mean, she told you it was time to move on when we were still married. I just needed time. It's one thing to do it when we're divorced...but to go after her best friend's husband while we are still married....I am not sure I can forgive that." I nodded and understood what she meant, kissing her forehead while holding her in my arms. "I just want to make sure that you know I never had feelings for her."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "Hey, of course I know that Matt. You were only friends. I believe you 100%. It's her that I don't believe or trust. I mean, she admitted it to me that she tried to push you to let me go." I nodded when she said that. "Never in a million years could someone ever make me do that. I love my wife too much." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded because that was exactly what she wanted to hear. "I just hope she got the message to stay away. Sorry but...I trust you but I do not trust her." I nodded and agreed with her, understanding where she was coming from. Sylvie should've expected this.

That's when I decided to finally wipe her tears from under her eyes, something that I should've done the moment I got in here. "I also might've said something about how she wanted all the men in my family. First my brother, then my husband." I laughed when she said that and nodded. "Well, that is true in a way. Not that it's funny of course." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to cuddle up to me more. Moving to wipe the tears away again, I went to kiss her forehead softly before pushing her chin up so that I could kiss her slowly. 

Taking it slow with her as we stayed close to one another, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that we were getting this moment alone even though everybody was here. Moving my hand to her, neck...I made sure she stayed close to me as I gave her reassurance she was was the only woman I wanted in my life. That...and I wanted to make sure that she was calm since she was pregnant with our triplets. Moving my hand to her stomach, I went to rub it and smiled at her while looking into her beautiful eyes. "You are my one and only Gabby...I promise you that forever." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I never doubted that."

I smiled when Gabby said that before just holding her in my arms. That's when I heard a knock on the door. Turning my head, I saw Antonio pop his head in. "Sorry, just concerned. Everything okay?" Gabby nodded when he asked us that. "We are getting past it. However, I think I need a moment to just breathe and relax in here. Think you guys can keep working?" I nodded and understood what she meant. Going to kiss her forehead, I just smiled at her while giving her reassurance that I was in this with her.

Getting up, I smiled at her and then went to grab her hand. "If you need anything...just let me know okay? I will get it for you within minutes of you asking for it." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, letting me go. "Excuse me Antonio." Antonio then let me out and while I knew that he should follow me out of the room and give Gabby time to rest, I fully knew that was not going to happen. He was just as concerned as me and was going to talk to her.

Antonio's POV:
Once Matt left his and Gabby's room, I walked in because I knew that this was not over...I was going to talk to my sister whether she liked it or not. She was pregnant with triplets and I needed personal reassurance that was really okay. "Okay, now that Matt has's my turn to make sure that you are okay." Moving to sit at the end of hers' and Matt's bed, I just looked at her. "What the hell was that all about? You know, out there on the steps?" Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "While I was gone in Puerto Rico...Sylvie flirted and tried to push Matt to divorce me."

I was shocked when Gabby said that. "No..." Gabby nodded and sighed. "I have the proof. Matt told me and texted me about it whenever she did it. Some friend. Please promise me that you are never going to ever think about being with her." I nodded and agreed with her. "Oh believe me, she is never stepping foot in my house ever again! That bitch tried to steal my sister's husband from her...that is unforgivable. You done being her friend?" Gabby laughed and nodded. "Oh yeah. And believe me, she comes near me...I am going to be furious."

I nodded and understood what she meant. "I am proud of you. You stood up for what you wanted." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Now listen Antonio, as much as I would love to talk and just forget about all of that....I need to take a minute to breathe and relax. Last time I checked, I was still pregnant with triplets. And we both know that stress and pregnancy are enemies. I do not want to have to be rushed to the hospital because I miscarried." I nodded and agreed with her. "We don't want that. You relax and get changed into some sweats." Gabby nodded, agreeing. "I might try and take a can you keep it quiet?"

I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, because power tools are quiet. You want mom to come in here?" Gabby bit her lip and nodded when I Said that. "Might give Matt reassurance that everything is going to be okay." I nodded and agreed with her. Walking over to her, I then went to hug her. "Everything is going to be okay. Now listen, I am going to go get some pizzas for everybody. That okay or should I get Molly's?" Gabby then smiled. "Our restaurant please!" I laughed and agreed. "Of course, mom will be right in." Gabby smiled and nodded. Meanwhile, I got up and went to go back out there so I could talk to Matt and get everybody's orders.

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