Chapter 145

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Matt's POV: After having breakfast with Gabby, Stella and Severide...I smiled as we made our way out to the cars. Carrying our bag, I held Gabby's hand with our fingers intertwined and just looked at her. "I asked them if we could drive separately okay babe? I want to talk to you about something on the way." Gabby nodded when I said that. "I figured that would happen after I mentioned that inside." Walking up to my truck, I turned to look at her and sighed as I went to step close to her while waving at Severide who was already in his car and leaving.

Bringing her close to me, I sighed. "Listen, about what I said in there...I just want to be safe. Gabby, I trust you okay? I just don't want anybody other than family drive you around right now. It's safer and just gives me peace of mind. Is that okay?" Gabby then looked at me as she grabbed my hands, intertwining our fingers. "Is this something that is debatable?" I sighed when she said that and thought about it. "I would take exception to Antonio. Just family okay? Gabby, I would rather we not take a chance. I don't want to have to loose friends if something happens."

Gabby nodded and understood as she went to hug me. "I understand Matt. Now, we need to get going before you are late." I nodded and agreed with her before going to help her into my truck. Getting in, Gabby smiled as she went to buckle up for me. I then went to put my hand on her stomach and just smiled as I stroke it with my thumb. "I promise that nothing is going to happen. I am going to be back here with you in 24 hours." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. Putting her hand on my neck, she then went to kiss me softly. "Let's get going."

I nodded and smiled when she said that, closing her door before going to walk around my truck to get in. Setting my bag down in the back, I then looked at Gabby as I went to turn on the truck. Seeing me look at her, Gabby thought she had something on her face. "Do I have something on my face?" I laughed and shook my head when she said that. "No, you just look extremely gorgeous right are glowing babe." Gabby smiled when I said that. She then watched me drive away. "By the way, no unbuckling while the truck is moving." Gabby nodded.

"Believe me Matt, you can trust me that I am not going to do anything that will put our child at risk." I nodded and agreed with her. "Babe, I know that. It's just...I am worried okay? You and these kids are my whole world. If I lost any of you would break me. Heck, it almost did when we first separated when you left to go to Puerto Rico." Gabby nodded and understood what I meant. "I promise, I am not going anywhere anytime soon." I smiled when she said that, carefully driving towards the firehouse. That's when I saw my phone ring. It was Antonio.

I then went to answer and smiled. "Hey Antonio." Antonio then answered us. "Hey, so I thought we could get together for lunch today? Voight said I could go see you guys at your house." I then sighed when he said that. "Well, I know you are guaranteed to see Gabby for lunch but...I am not sure about me. I might not be at the house when you come." Antonio was confused when I said that. "Where are you going today? God, is Severide proposing to Kidd?" I laughed when he said that. "How did you know about that?" Antonio laughed. "Erin is back in town remember?"

I nodded when he said that and agreed. "Well, Gabby is coming to the firehouse on my shifts from now on. It's to calm her stress about me going in and it's so that I can be there heaven forbid she needs me for something." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled when I said that. "I am sure that I am going to be fine. I might even help out around the house." I then looked at her. "You are thinking of cooking?" Gabby then smiled. "I mean, if you are okay with that." I bit my lip. "Only if I am at the house and you don't overdo it. Sorry, that's non-negotiable."

Antonio then went to defend Gabby. "C'mon Matt, she can cook while you are gone." I then went to tell him why I wasn't okay with that. "And risk her overdoing it, or not drinking enough water...and me walking in to find my pregnant wife passed out on the floor of the kitchen? Sorry but, no thank you!" Antonio then understood where I was coming from. "Of course Matt, I understand." Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded as she grabbed my hand. "I understand too and I promise to respect your wishes. It's triplets after all."

I smiled when she said that before going to turn towards the firehouse. "Listen, we are almost at the firehouse. I forgot how close we are. You should come see Gabby if you ever have a chance. She needs to congratulate you on getting your job back." Gabby laughed when I said that. "He isn't wrong Antonio. And bring Jay and Erin along, I want to talk to them. I hear rumors that wedding bells are in their future." Antonio laughed. "Yeah, he's thinking of proposing." Gabby smiled when he said that. "Let me know when it happens, I like them as a couple."

Antonio laughed when she said that. "Listen, you guys have a safe and good day. Talk later Gabby. If you ever need to talk while Matt's gone...I already told Hank that I am going to answer your calls. We do not need you to be stressed." I smiled when he said that. "I appreciate that Antonio. Thanks. Now listen, we are almost there." Antonio agreed when I said that and smiled as we both hung up while pulling up to the firehouse.

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