Chapter 160

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Matt's POV: Once I finished taking Louie to the washroom, I smiled as I led him back to bed. "I swear, the least the man could've done was potty train him." Gabby then looked up at me when I said that. "Oh no, how bad is it?" I then went to look at Louie and sighed. "This one needs to learn how to pee like a big boy. No messes like that when daddy's back at work and momma is taking care of the babies." I then went to kiss his forehead and smiled at him. Louie then smiled when I did that before going to sit back in bed. Smiling at him, I went to grab my water and took a drink. I then looked at Gabby to try and give her the hint. Seeing me do that, she got a bit annoyed. "You are seriously going to do this aren't you? Make sure I drink hourly on the hour?"

I sighed when she said that and then went to sit down next to her and Louie. "Sorry if I am still a little scared after your fainting spell on our honeymoon." Gabby sighed when I said that before going to grab my hand. "I am so sorry about know that right?" I nodded when she said that. "At least there was one benefit to your fainting spell...we learned it was triplets. Then, we came back to Chicago. Maybe that set stuff in motion for his one here to be back with us." Gabby smiled when I said that and went to grab my hand. "Why must you make me blush to easily?" I laughed when she said that and then smiled at her. "Hear that buddy...mommy blushes when I make her smile." Louie then turned to look at me and smiled while looking outside. "Snow!"

I smiled when he said that. "Yeah buddy, it's snowing outside." I then looked at Gabby and just wrapped my arm around him. "No, I am not taking him outside. I am resting after a couple of stressful shifts recently. We've been hearing the rumors of the virus and now that I am in bed...I am not leaving. Plus, you want this guy here right now anyways." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "There is nowhere I would rather have my girls right now other than by my side in bed." I smiled when she said that and then went to lean over Louie, kissing her quickly. That's when I saw that she was looking at something on her iPad. "What's this?" Gabby then smiled. "We aren't going to be able to shop in store so...I was thinking of ordering some clothes."

I nodded when she said that. "That sounds like a good idea. Now, are we talking about for the triplets or for..." Gabby then smiled at me. "I was thinking more Louie right now. They didn't give us much so...I would rather buy him some stuff." I then bit my lip when she said that. "Gabby, as much as I hate to say this...I think we should try and go to the used stores for him right now. Just hear me out. Baby clothes are expensive and we are going to need 3 of each outfit. Just think of that. A good outfit for babies can cost like $15. That's $45 worth of clothes just for 1 day." Gabby bit her lip when I said that and nodded as she went to push a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe I can text Boden and see if he has anything left from Terrence. But you're right." 

I sighed when she said that. "God that sounded horrible. You know what, maybe we can buy him a few outfits and PJs. We can do it slowly. Right now, we have a bit but...I know what you mean. You want to get him stuff from us...his parents instead of somebody else." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Exactly!" I then thought about it. "I think I still have some gift cards somewhere for stores. And I am sure I can talk to Boden...see if he and Donna still have stuff from Terrance." Gabby then looked at me. "From 6 years ago. Who are we going to ask next...Hermann?" I laughed when she said that when I heard the door. "You invite somebody over?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "Please be careful and make sure to wear a mask."

I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Stay with momma okay buddy? I am going to go see who's at the door." Louie nodded and agreed with me as he went to cuddle up to Gabby again. Meanwhile, I went downstairs to see who could possibly be at the door. 

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