Chapter 256

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30 minutes later when Matt is back upstairs in the master bedroom:
Matt's POV:
As I make my back into me and Gabby's bedroom with Louie in my arms, I smile as I look at Gabby who looks really comfortable while laying down in bed. "Someone looks really comfortable." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Can you stay in your sweats tonight...and every night when Louie might sleep up here with us?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course babe, whatever I can do to make sure you feel comfortable." She smiled when I said that and nodded.

Going to set Louie down on the bed, I just looked at him. "I am just going to brush my teeth okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Tomorrow can we just be the three of us and maybe we can put him to bed early so that we can have some time just the two of us before shift." I nodded when she said that and agreed with her. "Romantic bath, just the two of us before bed tomorrow night?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Sounds perfect."

I then thought about it. "Wait, I don't work until April tomorrow isn't the night before shift." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Right but still, maybe we can take one?" I smiled when she said that. "I was thinking of working out in the morning if that's okay? I need to get back into shape. I know I didn't take much of a break but...I need to get back into a workout routine to get into shape." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Can you wait a bit longer babe? I might need you."

Looking at her, I knew exactly what she meant. She might need me to hold her more because she is going to still be grieving the loss of our third baby. Walking over to her, I went to grab her hand and then leaned over her to kiss her softly. "Whatever you need to get through this, I will make sure that you get exactly that." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that while rubbing my hand. "You know that I love you like crazy right?" I nodded and smiled before kissing her.

Getting up from the bed, I then looked at Louie and smiled. "How about mama shows you some of the books we have on her iPad? Then, you can pick one out and we can read it together tonight? Does that sound like fun?" Louie nodded when I said that and seemed to like the idea. "Yes please." I smiled when he said that before going to kiss the top of his head. "Listen, I will be right back okay? Can you help your mommy pick a book?" He nodded and agreed while I turned around and walked away to go brush my teeth so I could join then in bed.

Gabby's POV: Once Matt walked away to the bathroom so that he could brush his teeth, I went to grab my iPad from my side table and laid back against my pillow. Feeling Louie cuddle up to my side, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around him and then kissed then top of his head. "What book do you want mommy and daddy to read to you tonight?" Louie then looked up at me when I said that. "Mommy, what happened to the other baby?" I sighed when Louie said that because honestly, I hadn't even gone through the story with Matt yet, should we even tell him?

That's when I heard Matt come out of the washroom and look at me while brushing his teeth. "To be honest Gabby. I would like to know what happened that night too. Do you mind if we talk about that night...or would you rather not tell me yet because it's still too traumatic?" I bit my lip when he said that. "You really want to know?" Matt sighed and nodded. "Yeah because I want to know what you went through. Gabby, I can't help you cope with it unless I know what happened." I nodded and understood where he was coming from.

"Finish brushing your teeth and then come here, that can be our night time story." Matt nodded and agreed with me before going to spit in the sink. I could tell that Matt was (somewhat) both nervous and a little curious when it came to what happened that night. And honestly, he has every right to know what happened that night because it was just as much his child as it was mine. Watching him come out of the washroom, I saw him walk over to the bed and join both me and Louie. Slipping close to me, I felt him wrap his arm around me.

"Louie, do you mind laying down next to daddy? I am going to need him to hold me close for a little bit." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that, ready to learn exactly what happened on the night that I learned we miscarried one of the triplets.

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