Chapter 153

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby got into the car to go back to the firehouse, I looked at her since I was sitting in the passenger seat while she drove. "If you want me to drive, I am good to do that." Gabby then shook her head. "Nope, if there is a fire and you are needed on scene...then I can drive you." I then shook my head. "Sorry but that is not happening. I agreed to you coming to the firehouse. You are not getting anywhere near any fire scenes anytime soon. Pregnant wives do not visit me when I am on fire scenes. Sorry, that's my rule. And it continues when we have kids. I recently had a dream about led to me sleeping at a hotel for a night."

Gabby then nodded when I said that. "And we wouldn't want that now would we?" I then laughed. "At the end, you called and apologized because Andy was getting on your last nerves." Gabby then bit her lip. "Are we going to call him Andy or is it going to be Andrew? And what are we putting on the birth certificate. Andrew or Andy?" I thought about it and smiled at her. "Do you want one of our kids to have a Hispanic name?" Gabby then thought about it as she turned towards the firehouse. "Honestly, that is something I on the fence when it comes to. I mean, I have to balance the well being of our kids and our values. So, that's bothering me."

I was confused when she said that. "What do you mean?" Gabby then sighed as she went to pull over. "Sorry, I want to talk about this now while we are on the subject." Parking the car, she turned to look at me. "I am just scared. Sure...if we were in Texas or California, I wouldn't think twice about doing Hispanic names. But, it's different here in Chicago. I know the crime rates are bad and I am already worried about the racial makeup of our children. Sure, Casey is an English name but....would other kids even care if their names are Hispanic?" I looked at her and understood her fears. "Hey, I get it. And those are valid fears in my opinion."

Gabby then bit her lip. "Think we could do Hispanic middle names?" I then thought about it and smiled. "Hey, of course we can. How about we go back to the firehouse...we can go sit in my office and we can talk about this more? Anyways, I think I have to do a report for the fire." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I got a call from Boden. "Casey?" I then went to radio back. "We have a jumper at Roosevelt and Canal." I then sighed when we were coming up. "Gabby, let me out." I then went to radio to Chief. "Chief, can you get 51 to pick me up? I am right down the street." I then went to lean over and kissed Gabby softly. "See you later." She agreed and nodded.

"Okay, your jacket is already in there." I agreed with him and then went to get out of the car to run towards the truck. Seeing Truck 81 pull up to me, I waved at Gabby and then went to get in. Hitting the side, I turned to look at Stella as she drove away and smiled at her. "You got back right on time didn't you Captain?" I laughed when she said that before going to get my jacket on. I then went to put my headset on as we drove away. "Let's get going. I am on a high after learning that the triplets are all safe and healthy right now I do not need anybody to die right after I learn that." That's when I heard Severide radio to me.

"Chief says he isn't coming. He's going to wait for Gabby to get back to the house. It's just me and you Casey. You're in charge he says." I understood. "Okay Severide, thanks for letting me know. Casey to Chief." Chief then responded. "Go ahead Casey." I then went to speak to him. "Can you just get Gabby settled and then you can come or do you trust me?" Chief then laughed. "Matt, you are in charge of this call. You got promoted after a similar call after all." I agreed when he said that and laughed. "Maybe I should put Severide in charge then so he can get promoted."

Severide then vetoed that. "Sorry Captain but...I am not doing that. I'm on keep Matt safe duty. Your wife just texted me. You want me to make her mad?" Everybody laughed when he said that because it was funny. That's when I got a call through my headset. I went to check who it was and then went to answer it. "I think this is the first time I use the Bluetooth feature here in the truck." Gabby laughed when I said that. "I heard what type of call it is. Be safe and don't fall okay? I do not want to go to the hospital again. However, win a medal babe!" I laughed when she said that. "Of course Gabby. Love you." I then went to hang up.

That's when Gallo spoke to me. "Okay, how exactly did you just talk to Gabby?" I smiled and turned to look at him. "You can connect your phone to the bluetooth. These headsets work as bluetooth too. However, I would rather it just be mine for right now. It's in case something happens and I need to get to the firehouse or hospital ASAP"

Note: I did read about this online and this is real. Firefighters can connect their phones to bluetooth in their headsets and talk on the phone on them.

Gallo agreed with me. "Okay, can I just say that's cool?" We all agreed as we went to pull up to the building at Roosevelt and Canal. Getting out, I went to grab my jacket and put it on. Looking up, I saw the jumper and then went to turn and looked at Severide. "Severide, you and me are going up. Hermann, get the airbag ready. Sylvie, get your ambo ready but back away." I then turned to look at everybody and went to grab my radio. "Captain Casey to CPD. Can we get crowd control at Roosevelt and Canal?" I then looked at my other men on scene.

"Cruz, Galllo...upstairs with me and Severide. Hermann, you are in charge on the ground. Get this place ready in case he jumps. Stella,  back the truck away and help out with the airbag." Everybody nodded and agreed with me as I went to run upstairs to the roof so that I can go rescue another life today.

WARNING: Next chapter will contain mentions of PTSD, Suicide and Depression.

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