Making it Official

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Matt's POV: As I stood in my office at home, I took a deep breath because this was the last chance I had before backing out. Sitting in my chair, I saw Gabby come in. "I didn't hear you talking yet so...I thought maybe you'd like to have a bit of moral support." I nodded when she said that before watching her go sit at her desk. "I'm just scared. I mean, what if this isn't the time." She then rolled over in her chair and went to grab my hand. "Matt, just listen to me for a minute."

I nodded and agreed with her, deciding to just listen. "Matt, he's been grooming you to do this since you became Captain. His dying wish was for you to become his successor and now, you are going to make his dying wish come true. Matt, we made one man's dying wish come true already this year and look how great it turned out for us...I know it's bad timing with me being pregnant but Matt...this is your destiny and what you are born to do. You are a leader and I am going to be honored to serve under you as a paramedic in a couple years." Gabby then came to sit in my lap.

Putting my hands on her stomach, I felt her grab my neck and kiss me softly. "Matt, you are going to be the best Chief the city of Chicago has ever had. Babe, you are ready for this. You are a born leader and Boden would be so proud of you if you said yes. Do this for yourself babe. Do it for Boden and make him proud." I then thought about it and nodded. "On one condition...we do this together. You are there with me, every step of the way. Kids come with us to every shift."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "I might not work okay? I know that's against what we said but...your salary is going to be bigger now and we can save." I nodded and just looked at her. "Let's wait to make that decision okay? I am already making a huge decision and I am hoping to make the announcement at the funeral. Now, I need to call Grissom. Stay here." Gabby nodded and agreed as she moved closer to me and just held me close while I grabbed my phone and went to call Commissioner Grissom to tell him that I was going to accept the position.

Grissom answered his phone right away when I called. "Grissom, make this quick please. I have places to go." I then sighed and spoke to him. "Commissioner, it's Captain Casey." He then started to calm down and realized it was me. "Oh, Captain Casey. You on your way to the funeral?" I nodded and agreed. "Yes but, I wanted to let you know something. When I am there...I want you to treat me as a Chief." The commissioner seemed shocked when I asked him to do that. "Wait, is this you calling me to tell me that...." I agreed.

"Commissioner, if the position of Battalion Chief is still open...I would like to accept the permanent position. But, on the condition that I can still take my paternity leave that I have already booked." Grissom agreed with me when I said that. "Then welcome to the ranks Chief Casey. We will make it official ceremony wise at a later date but...I am going to sign the documents. When would you like to start?" I then looked at Gabby. "Next shift if possible. We can make the announcement today at the post-funeral reception at Firehouse 51."

Grissom agreed when I said that. "Good, I was going to announce my intention to keep you on as interim chief until we found a permanent replacement but now, we can announce you are the permanent replacement. We can talk at another time. But welcome to the ranks Chief Casey. I will talk to you at the Funeral. You going to sit with the other Chiefs?" I then sighed. "If it's okay Commissioner, I'd like to sit with my house. But, can I be introduced as Chief pre-funeral so that I can be addressed as such when I give the eulogy on behalf of 51?" The Commissioner understood. "Of course Casey, see you at the funeral procession." I agreed and went to hang up.

Looking at Gabby, I saw her put her hands on my cheek and then grabbed her back. "Did we really just do that?" Gabby then nodded and smiled at me while going to rub my cheeks and leaned her forehead against mine. "I hate to say this but, I want to celebrate your new job after the funeral and celebration of life okay? And I can't stay long here though, I am a pallbearer." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Let's go downstairs though and we can tell Severide that you've made it official and that you are now officially Chief."

I nodded and agreed with her before going to get up with her, a little happy to be the new Chief at Firehouse 51.

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