Chapter 140

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished eating breakfast, I went to grab one of my suitcases I had just outside of our door since I wanted to start unpacking. Looking at her, I smiled. "You know I appreciate this right?" Gabby then looked up at me as she read on her iPad. "I know you were hesitant...I could see it in your eyes. But for you to agree to it means a lot babe, you know that right?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I know Matt." Walking over to her, I went to sit next to her on the bed and smiled at her. Putting my hand on her stomach, I bent down to kiss her softly. "Just know and these babies here will always be my priority even if I am a firefighter. You can always call me and I am going to rush home to you."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Honestly, I already knew that Matt. Stuff has been different since I came back and learned we were pregnant. You have put me first all the time. But also, you have to remember that I am going to the firehouse with you every shift. I don't care if you want me to rest at home....I am going to go so that I am not worried sick and risking my health." I nodded and understood what she meant. I knew that even when she was in Puerto Rico, she worried whenever I had shifts. I made sure to always text her every once and while on shift. And I always called her when I was safe at the firehouse. That was the deal we made.

"I am just glad that Antonio is okay with this. Honestly, I was scared out of my mind that I was going to get yelled at by him." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Just admit it Matt, you are scared of my brother." I nodded when she said that. "You are just realizing this now?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Babe, he is a boxer. He could probably beat me up easily. Why do you think I never took him on in the Battle of the Badges?" Gabby smiled when I said that. "Actually, you did once. I think you were still with Hallie at the time. 2008?" I then thought about it and nodded. "Yeah...I remember that. Hallie had to stitch up my eye at the ring."

Gabby nodded. "Yeah but, I remember it for another reason." I was confused when she said that. "I got bullied for supporting my brother instead of you." I then smiled. "That's because you were still new to the house. We were all mad that you took his side. You learned that year the CFD sticks together." Gabby then laughed. "And you all learned that you don't mess with latinas and them supporting their brother. However, that would not be the case if you guys ever went head to head. Sorry but, I will always support my man before my brother from now on." I smiled when she said that before going to hang up some of my clothes. "You want me to do your clothes?"

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Thanks, that will be helpful." That's when we heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Stella then yelled through the door. "I need to talk to my Captain." Matt laughed when she said that and then went to open the door for her. Looking at her, he waited for her to speak first. "It true?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm staying. By the way Gabby, we have to tell your brother." Gabby then remembered that and sighed. "God, he is not going to be happy." I sighed when she said that. "Just call him and we can talk to him on speaker while I unpack my clothes. Stella, can we talk after?" She agreed and smiled before hugging me.

"Welcome back to Firehouse 51." I smiled when she said that before letting her go. That's when I heard Antonio and closed the door. "What's up sis?" Gabby then sighed. "Listen Antonio, we have to talk about us joining you in the Bahamas." Antonio then sighed. "You guys changed your mind about it didn't you?" Gabby agreed with him. "Yeah. Can we just explain?" Antonio agreed with us and I went to explain. "I had a dream last night where I was Chief, Gabby as PIC and our kids were all in the CFD with us. I just can't see that not happening. And us leaving just feels wrong. So, we decided to stay." Antonio understood. "Like that wasn't going to be the case." Gabby laughed and smiled at me. "Chief Casey. I like the sound of that."

Antonio agreed. "So, when do you want me to come over to help you unpack?" Gabby then laughed. "We might keep it packed actually. We are going to find a new place. Like soon before I am on bedrest." I nodded when she said that. "That's a good idea. I am going to keep my summer clothes packed." Antonio then asked again. "Do you want me to come over or no?" Gabby then looked at me. "How about we call you when we need you? You in town for a while." Antonio laughed. "I wasn't going to say anything but...I might stay at the CPD." 

Gabby smiled when he said that. "Seems like we all had the same idea. You can take us out of Chicago but at the end of the day...we are all Chicagoans at heart." Antonio agreed with us. "Now, I have to go. I have to make a meeting with Hank to get my job as his deputy back before he gives it to Erin." I smiled when he said that. "By the way, what are you going to do now that Sylvie's back in town?" Antonio then sighed. "We'll see." I smiled when he said that and then went to wrap my arm around Gabby. "Listen, talk later Antonio." Antonio smiled and agreed as we hung up with him. Turning to look at Gabby, I went to kiss her softly. "Care to celebrate?"

Gabby then smiled and nodded as she went to kiss me softly. "No sex." I nodded and understood as I rolled over in bed, moving to kiss her slowly while putting my hands on her hips. "I am so glad you are home. No more travelling until after the babies are born okay?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "We have to set up a meeting with a realtor okay? I want to buy a home ASAP." I nodded and agreed with her. "We can look at good realtors after this okay?" I then went to kiss her and just smiled as we took it slow with each other in bed.

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