Saving Andre

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Matt's POV: As I made my way up the building to go help command the scene, I went to take the final steps to see who it was taking the jump. To my great surprise, it was a man I never hoped to see again. The man who turned my life upside down and basically ruined my wedding night. Can this day get any worse? He is basically family. God, this is going to be hard to deal with. Just remember you have to keep your emotions out of this. That's when Severide started to talk to him. "C'mon man, you can figure this out....just back away from the ledge." I then looked at him. "Severide, let me take control. I know this guy and I can talk to him."

Severide turned to look at me, confused. " to me. Where's Louie?" Andre then turned to look at me. "Oh god, not your truck." Severide then looked at me. "Wait, this is?" I nodded and just looked at him. "This is Louie's biological father...Andre Keys." I then thought about it. "Guys, before you take any other steps...know that this man may have PTSD. He is a war vet!" They all agreed when I said that. I then went to get close to him. "Matt, don't get close. I am doing this for Louie." I then looked at him. "Andre, how are you doing this for Louie? Talk to me love your son. I know you do. It's why we gave him back to you. By the way, our wedding night!"

He then looked at me. "I am so sorry about that." I nodded when he said that. "You know how you can make it up to can take a step back and just let me help you Andre. Right now, I am putting our history aside because this is my job. Man, I understand how you feel now. Gabby is pregnant. I know what it's like to want to have your child with you...I know it man. You are going to hate yourself if you do this to Louie. He is too young to remember you. You haven't had him very long. He's what...7 now?" Andre then looked at me and nodded. "Yeah and back with CPS. I failed him...I failed you." I then looked at him. "Hey, stay calm. How?"

Andre then looked me. "I got on drugs again. I almost hit him. I am so sorry Matt." I just looked at him. "Andre, I am not his are. You need to be there for him. You can work it out." Andre shook his head. "CPS has determined me to be unfit for parenthood. He's back looking for a new family. Are you still with Gabby?" I nodded. "Yeah, expecting kids." He then sighed. "Tell Louie I love him, I'm sorry and that you're his dad now." I then saw both Hermann and Severide get into place. "Andre! You are his father. This is just your PTSD talking." He then looked at me. "It's too much!" I then looked at Severide and got worried. I knew he was getting close.

That's when I saw he had a gun. Oh shit, he's really determined. "Okay guys, take a step back. Victim is armed! I repeat, victim is armed. Andre, I am going to get close to you. Just give me the gun man. You can do this. I'll help you get Louie back. I'll talk to Tina. I can tell her to help you. I have people who can help you. I know people who can help you." Andre then shook his head. "It's too much. I almost hurt Louie. I can't have him back. He needs a real you." I then listened to him. We weren't able to do anything since he hasn't said trigger words yet. That's when I saw CPD arrive. It was Antonio, Jay, Erin and Rojas. Antonio then looked at me.

"You're leading this call Matt?" I then looked at Severide. "Andre, you stay there..." He then looked at me, ready to jump anytime." I then sighed while walking over to Antonio. "Why do I recognize the name Andre?" I then sighed and looked at him. "That's Andre Keys. Louie's father." He then stared at me. "Oh god." I nodded. "Louie is back in the system. Jay, I need your help with PTSD...he is ex-military from Afghanistan. I can't do anything yet man. He has only said it once. I can't do anything until he's said it three times. I am not sure how to handle this considering our past. He actually said he wants me to take Louie in instead of it just being someone else."

Antonio then stared at me. "Could you guys do 4 kids?" I then looked at him. "Can we not think about that? Right now, I am trying to keep him from not jumping. Any ideas?" Antonio then sighed and just looked at the guy. "I am not good at this man. Heck, I am not sure if I can do anything. You're the fire captain." I nodded and agreed with him before walking back over to him. Looking at Jay. "Jay, come talk to him okay?" Jay nodded and agreed, walking over to him. "Name's Andre. He's army...served in Afghanistan." Jay then looked at me and walked over to him. "Hey man, the name's Jay. Hear you served in Afghanistan...I served there too. 75th Intel."

Andre then looked at him. "No, you are not doing this. I am not doing this. I am not living anymore when it's so hard. I can't go a minute without seeing it." Andre then looked at all of us. "Tell Louie I love him Matt." I then nodded as they went to try and grab him. But it was too late. Andre had already jumped. And now, Louie was officially an orphan.

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