Chapter 253

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Matt's POV: After calling both Antonio and Gabby's mom to give them updates on how she's doing, I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. Groaning when that happened, I just went to get up because I already knew who it was. It was my Lieutenants. Do they not realize that we have a kid now and that when we say we want them to come in an hour, I mean an hour. I mean seriously, he is in the middle of napping (well, I hope he still is). Going to knock on the washroom door, I went in quickly and looked at Gabby in the shower. "God, that's still such a turn on."

Turning around to look at me, Gabby smiled. "Changing your mind about joining?" I shook my head. "I just heard a knock on the door. I have a feeling it's them. Take your time but...I am going to talk to them for a bit okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. She then went to open the door to the shower and looked at me. Stepping close to her, I felt Gabby grab my face and kiss me softly. "I love you and I am ready to have these twins with you. No more sad times." I nodded and agreed with her before giving her one last kiss and heading downstairs.

I then sighed when I heard them ring the doorbell again. That (unfortunately) woke Louie up. Seeing him come out of his room when I walked onto the second floor, I saw him carrying his blanket and just sighed. "Did they wake you up buddy?" Louie nodded when I said that. Deciding to pick him up, I went to wrap my arms around him and then kissed the top of his head. "Mommy and daddy are having your uncle Severide and aunt Stella over for a bit. We want to talk to them about the fact we lost one of your siblings." He nodded and agreed.

Holding him close as I made my way downstairs, I smiled as I went to set him down on the ground. "How about you go sit down on the couch okay buddy? Just wake up a bit." He then looked at me. "TV?" I shook my head. "Not yet buddy. Maybe when mommy is down here." He nodded and agreed, running off to go sit on the couch. Meanwhile, I went to open the door to see Severide and Stella there with the Chinese food. "You could've called before you came. Last time I checked, you weren't due to be here for another 30 minutes."

Severide then sighed. "This one here was intent on seeing Gabby ASAP. She didn't expect to see her until shift in a couple days." I nodded and understood. "Just promise you will be gentle with her? She says she's okay but...I can see it in her eyes that she's putting on a brave face for me and Louie. I asked her if she wanted me to delay my start and she said no. So, I am not sure what to make of that...just promise you will be gentle?" Stella nodded and agreed. "Of course. Now, I am going to go see Louie okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Can you wash your hands first?"

Severide then looked at me. "Seriously man you..." I then looked at him. "My wife is pregnant and there's this thing called COVID out there." That's when I heard Gabby come downstairs. "Severide, just do it before he goes all chief on you. And do it because I want a hug from my adoptive big brother." He nodded and agreed while going to take off his boots. "That was fast." Gabby then nodded. "Yeah, I can take another one later with you." I smiled when she said that. "I am going to hold you to that." Wrapping my arm around her, I went to kiss her softly.

I then looked at Stella and smiled. "I want to talk to you before you leave. Sorry, I am going to talk to you as your chief. Lieutenant stuff." Stella nodded and agreed with me. "Am I going to stay at 51? I know there was rumors I was going to have to leave." I shook my head. "Not anymore. I have already put your name forward as my replacement Lieutenant on Truck 81." Stella smiled when I said that. "Wait, not captain?" I sighed and shook my head. "I am not doing one yet. Right now, I want 3 deputies...not just one." She agreed and nodded.

That's when Severide came in. "And sorry babe but, you would be third in line to be a Captain. I would be first, then Herrmann and then you. Sorry but, I've been a Lieutenant almost as long as Matt's been going up the ranks." I then turned to look at him. "Yet you haven't done anything to become a captain." Severide sighed when I said that. "You want this Chinese or not?" Gabby smiled when he said that. "Thank god you brought that now, I am starving." Gabby then went to walk over to the kitchen. "'s only 4. It's too early for supper."

I then looked at him while closing and locking the door. "Dude, she's pregnant with twins." Severide nodded when I said that. "Hey Stella, can you take Louie and get Gabby to make him a plate? I want to talk to Matt for a minute alone." Stella then looked at Severide when he said that and nodded. Looking at Louie, she smiled at him. "Hey Louie, how about you come with me and we can go get some Chinese food for supper?" Louie then got up and looked at me. "Daddy?" I then went to bend down and looked at him. "Come here buddy." Louie walked over to me, scared.

Looking at him, I smiled and held him close. "These are your uncle Severide and aunt Stella. Can you say hi to your aunt and uncle?" Louie then got scared and just went to hold me close. I then sighed when he did that and went to pick him up. "C'mon little guy, I will help you pick out some food. Severide, we can talk about that later while the girls gossip after supper." Severide then smiled. "Over beers?" I laughed when he said that. "I'm a dad and pending father. I don't drink beer." He nodded and agreed with me when I said that, following me to the kitchen.

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