Chapter 262

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45 Minutes Later - Firehouse 51:
Matt's POV:
As me, Gabby and Louie walk up the driveway of Firehouse 51 after parking the car, I smiled as we walked by the memorial statue of Otis for the first time since Boden died. Looking at it, I went to look at Gabby. "What if I got one of these commissioned for Boden? Think that would be a good idea?" That's when I heard some of my other Engine 51 Lieutenants, Abigail French and Hannah Acton speak to me. "Honestly, I think that would be a great idea." Turning to look at them, I smiled. "French, are you both this morning?" 

Gabby looked at me as I spoke to them. "Hey Matt, who are these ladies?" I then turned to look at her and smiled. "Lt. Abigail French, Engine Shift 2 and Lt. Hannah Acton, Engine Shift 3. I am not sure if you've ever met my wife Gabby and our son Louie." Hannah then looked down at Louie and smiled. "He's adorable...the perfect mix of both his parents." Gabby then looked at her and sighed. "He's actually our adoptive son. These twins in here are our first and only biological children." Abigail smiled when she said that. "Well congratulations, see you inside?"

I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled. "C'mon, let's get you into the Chief's office and up to our apartment." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Oh, is that how you get to it?" I nodded and smiled as we all made our way into the house for the first time since I became Chief. "You's a little weird walking in here as the new chief." Gabby nodded when I said that. "But it also feels right?" I nodded when she said that before seeing Sylvie speaking with her fellow paramedic-in-chief, Michael O'Connor. "Hi Sylvie." Sylvie then turned to look at me and smiled.

"First day Chief Casey." I smiled when she said that before going to hug her. "Sorry, I am going to hug our friends okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded before going to hug Sylvie. "God, it's nice to be back." I then went to look at the other paramedic-in-chief. "You like having multiple ambos?" Michael nodded. "Yeah, it'll come in handy. Heck, we aren't going to need any reinforcements today." I nodded when he said that. "Yeah, we are all going on runs together. I want to see you all in action. However, Sylvie is PIC-at-Large okay? You report to her if that's okay?"

Michael nodded and agreed with me. "Hey, you're the boss now Casey." I nodded when she said that. "About that, you can keep calling me Casey. I don't like the word Chief." Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, you need to use your title. You earned it...use it." I nodded and sighed. "I will eventually, just not when I am grieving. By the way, are we going to tell Sylvie?" Gabby then nodded when I said that. "Listen, can you take Louie up to the apartment and I will tell her?" I nodded and then went to kiss her softly. "Come up soon, you'll like it."

Gabby's POV:
When Matt said that I'll like the apartment, I knew that would be the truth. "Through your office right?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Yes, I will make sure you find it. I'll leave the door open." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "See you soon. Louie, go with daddy okay?" Grabbing all of our things (and Louie's bed), Matt then went to walk into the firehouse while I looked at Sylvie. "Think I can sit in the Ambo with you? I want to sit down." Sylvie nodded and agreed, going to open the back so that we can sit down together.

Getting in, I went to sit on the benches and looked at her before sighing. "You know how we told everybody it was triplets?" Sylvie then sighed when I said that. "Oh no, what happened Gabby?" I then felt her grab my hand and move close to me. Tearing up a bit, I went to rub my stomach. "I got stressed and lost one of the babies." Sylvie looked at me when I said that. "I know we aren't in a good place but, can I hug you?" I nodded and went to hug her. "Listen, fresh start okay?" Sylvie nodded and smiled when I said that. "How are you now?" I then sighed. "Better."

Sylvie nodded and smiled. "By the way, have you decided whether you are going to be in the wedding or am I in the wedding with Matt?" I then thought about it and smiled. "I think that is exactly what I be in Cruz's wedding. I hope it's not too late." That's when I heard Cruz walk up to the back of the Ambulance. "Nope, you can be in our wedding Gabby. In fact, we already knew you were going to so...we got Matt to give us one of your dress sizes. We tried to figure it out. Believe me, it'll fit you." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Thanks Cruz."

That's when I heard Matt come back and wrap his arm around me. "So, you agreed to walk down the aisle with me again?" Turning to look at him, I nodded and smiled. "I thought you were going upstairs?" Matt nodded when I said that. "Louie is insisting that mommy come up with us." I nodded and agreed. "Listen, I will come back down when we are all set up." Everybody nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Walking into the house with Matt, I smiled while going to kiss him softly. "Chief Casey, I like the sound of that." Matt smiled when I said that, leading me in.

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