Chapter 123

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Matt's POV: When Gabby came into the bedroom, I turned to look at Christie to make sure she didn't overreact. "Okay, please don't overreact or get mad because we really want these triplets okay Christie?" Christie nodded and understood. Meanwhile, Gabby looked at me. "Christie, as in..." I nodded and smiled at her. "Yes. Gabby, meet my sister Christie...Christie, this is my wife Gabby." Gabby then walked over to her and then went to hug her. "Sorry, just concerned he's going to back out of moving to the Bahamas with me and my brother." I then laughed, shaking my head. "Believe me, that is not going to happen you can relax okay?"

Gabby nodded and agreed me. Looking at Christie, she smiled. "So, how have you been?" Christie smiled. "Good, just sad to be loosing my brother to the Bahamas. Well, more jealous than anything." I laughed and nodded. "Believe me, I am not going to miss these Chicago winters. Instead of having to build snowmen in the winter with our triplets...I'll be building sand castles and playing with them in the water." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled when I said that, obviously liking that idea. "God, that sounds like the perfect life. Can't wait." I smiled and nodded when she said that, kissing her forehead softly. "Me neither."

Gabby then looked at Christie again before smiling. "You of course have to stay for supper later okay? I want Matt to spend as much time with his family while we are here." Christie agreed and smiled. "I mean, only if you aren't too tired." I then looked at Gabby and sighed. "I think we'll have to see how tired you are at the end of the day okay Gabby? Then we'll see if we can have supper with my sister." Gabby nodded and agreed me. Meanwhile, Christie just smirked. "Good, because I still need to show your wife how adorable you were as a baby. I don't think she's ever seen those pictures." I then groaned when she said that. "Christie!" 

Christie smiled as she walked up to me and then hugged me. "Just relax, it's all fun and games. I am not going to be around to tease you as much until your kids are born. By the way, I expect a call when she gives birth. I am going to take time off and meet my new...." Gabby then smiled. "2 nephew and a niece." I smiled when she said that. "Andrew Daniel, Emma Elizabeth and Matthew James, Jr." Christie laughed when I said that. "The last one is cocky much now aren't we?" I then smiled. "Hey, I wasn't the one that picked that one. It was all her. Now listen, I need to keep packing. You can either help or you can go socialize." Christie agreed.

I then remembered something...I had to show Gabby what I found. "By the way Gabby, I found this in the linen closet." Going to grab the box of linens, I took out the linen we used on Louie's bed. Gabby smiled when she saw it. "We still have it." I nodded and smiled at her. "I was just as shocked. We are going to be able to use this in the future for the kids." Christie was confused when she looked at the kids' bedsheets. "If these are your first kids...then why do you have kids' bedsheets?" Gabby then sighed. "We fostered a little boy for a bit. His name was Louie but, his dad came back...on our wedding night of all nights...and he took him back home."

Wrapping my arm around her, I went to rub her back and then kissed her forehead. "You okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Yeah, just hard sometimes." I nodded and understood what she meant. "Listen, I am going to relax. How about you get back to work? I would rather we do this faster." Christie was confused when she said that. "Why exactly?" I sighed when she said that. "She doesn't want this to take too long. She wants to move by the end of the month because that is when it starts getting riskier for her to fly. But, I want to wait until after my birthday." Gabby sighed when I said that. "I want Valentine's Day on the beach!"

Gabby then went to walk away and I knew that this was a loosing battle. "Honestly Matt, think about it...wouldn't you rather spend your birthday in the ocean instead of in the snow?" I then thought about it and agreed. "Fine, we are going to try and be out of here by then." That's when I remembered. "Actually, babe!" Gabby then turned to look at me as I Walked out. "We have to be out of here by the end of the month remember? We already gave our notice." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Yes, so come grab some food and then you can keep packing. You still haven't really done much. Heck, the kitchen is more packed than any of the bedrooms."

I nodded and agreed with her. "I promise Gabby, I am going to buckle down and make sure that we get through all of that right after I go and eat." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Yes, so let's go eat." Grabbing my hand, Gabby led me out to the living room so we could eat lunch with our friends and family. Christie followed us closely behind so that she could eat some Molly's too. "By the way sis, this is the restaurant that Gabby started with our friends. You remember that I said that?" Christie nodded and agreed. 'Yeah, I remember that. I think we went once and I had the wings." Gabby nodded and smiled. "We got some. Now, come eat and socialize." 

I agreed and smiled when she said that, making my way out to the living room with her so that we could socialize with our friends and family while eating lunch.

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