Chapter 235

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Gabby's POV: Once me and Matt finished in bed, I smiled as I felt him grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. Looking at him as we just laid there...I laughed because of what I considered that amazing time we just had. "What's so funny?" I then looked at him and went to give him a quick kiss. "Best make-up sex ever." Matt laughed when I said that and smiled as he rubbed my hand. "Oh definitely. Really helped having these little ones in between us." Turning to look at him when he said that, I then nodded. "Yeah, about that...."

Matt then looked at me, getting a little concerned. "No, please don't tell me that's why you didn't bail me out babe. Please don't tell me something happened?" I then looked at him and knew that this was going to break his heart. "Matt, with all the stress that happened yesterday...I was going to wait to tell you until later but, there was another reason that I didn't come get you yesterday." Matt just looked at me and went to stroke my hand. "We lost one of the boys." Matt then stared at me and then came to hold me close. Cuddling up to him, I just held him.

I then started to cry as I put my head in the crook of his neck. "Matt, I'm so sorry." Matt then shook his head when I said that. "Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. If anything...I should be the one that's sorry. I am the one that caused this to happen." Wrapping his arms around me tight, Matt just kissed the top of my head and held me close. "Matt, you need to promise that this can't happen. I can't loose any of these. I can't loose our daughter or other son." Matt nodded when I said that before wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"Does anybody know but us?" I shook my head when he asked me that. "Matt, I couldn't tell anybody but you first. And I just needed time to process. I was so scared that you would be mad or..." Matt then shook his head. "Hey, I am not mad...nor will I ever be mad. You are my wife, this was not your fault. I love you Gabby. And I am mad at myself. I caused you to get so stressed and mad that it must've done something." I then sighed and nodded. "Matt, I want to say are not delaying your job okay? I am going to come in with you."

Matt nodded when I said that before kissing me softly. "Listen, you want me to do anything for you right now? You want me to run you a bath? Or do you want to take a shower?" I then looked at him and nodded. "I want to take a shower with you in silence. Just hold me for a bit. Then we can go have breakfast. Also, I want to say that I lied about Louie...I told my mom and she took him to let us grieve. Is that okay?" Matt nodded when I said that. "Hey, of course it's okay. I want to do whatever is best for you. Let me take care of you babe."

I nodded when he said that before going to kiss him softly. "Go start the shower for me okay?" Matt nodded and agreed with me. "Don't be long." I nodded and agreed with him as I watched him grab his towel and walk away to the shower. Meanwhile, I just teared up a bit because I was so sad. At least it wasn't the three babies. Still, I felt this whole in my stomach where one of the boys were. At least we were still going to have 2 boys but...not biological. Maybe I can convince Matt to try for a second biological son in the future.

Getting up to grab my towel, I then went to join Matt in the shower so that he could hold me. That's exactly what I needed today...his strong arms around me as we grieved the loss of one of our triplets. Let's just hope I don't end up blaming him. I don't want that because it wasn't his fault. It wasn't.

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