Chapter 202

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Matt's POV: Once we finished with the briefing, I made my way back to my office where Gabby was in the midst of feeding Louie some supper. "I guess we are eating right now?" Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that and nodded. "Yeah, eat up. I made supper for the house during your briefing." I nodded and agreed with her, going to kiss her head softly. "I am going to actually eat out there. I just wanted to let you know that. And listen, I know we said you would stay in here but's our friends. We can trust them right?" Gabby then bit her lip, nodding. "I think we can. I mean, only until one of them tests positive." I agreed and nodded.

That's when I decided to go set up my laptop on my desk. "Listen, I am just going to set up my laptop and then we can head to the common room to be with everybody." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that when I heard someone knock on the door. Turning my head, I saw it was Antonio and smiled at him. "Hey, come join the family." He nodded and agreed with me before going to sit down. "Funny enough, I think the last time I was in this office was before you were married and Gabby was trying to adopt Louie on her own last time." I then looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds just about right considering the circumstances."

Antonio then smiled at me. "Listen, I want you guys to stay safe tonight and just stay in here until your shift is over. I just checked the weather forecast. It's not going to let up tomorrow. It'll stop overnight but then come right back tomorrow. are going to be busy. Just remember to stay safe." I nodded and agreed with him when I saw Chief at the door. "Casey, can I talk to you about something?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course Chief." Going to get up, I went to look at Gabby. "Be back soon." She agreed and smiled before going to walk away with Chief. "Listen, I want to talk to just the officers right now to really figure out how we work."

I nodded and agreed with him. "You coming to the calls tonight?" Chief sighed when I said that. "I am not sure if I am coming to all of them. But are you going to be working on truck and going into fires or are you staying outside?" I bit my lip. "What would you prefer I do?" Gabby then came out and looked at me, having obviously overheard the question. "Matt, tonight is different. You can go in but be safe. I know what I said earlier at home but..." I then went to look at her and then walked up to her. "Listen, I am not going to have you changing your mind all shift." Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, as long as you keep your mask on...I am okay with it."

I nodded and agreed with her before going to grab her hands and just wrapped my arms around her. I then went to tug her mask down and went to kiss her softly. "I love you, you know that right?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Yes, now get to work." I agreed and nodded before letting her go. I then went to walk away with Chief again. "Sorry, looks like I can go in fires with my mask on." Chief nodded and agreed with me. "Only if I am on the scene. I would rather you be scene commander if I am..." That's when the bells went off for our first fire. 

"Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3. Structure fire at Walgreens, Western & Madison." 

Running out onto the apparatus floor instead of towards Chief's office, I went to grab my jacket so that we could get going to our first fire of the shift to the Walgreens. Antonio decided to tag along too and looked at me. "Have a spare seat in your truck?" I then shook my head. "Get in your car with Jay!" He agreed and nodded. Once my entire crew was in, I went to hit the side of the truck as we raced off to the Walgreens.

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