Chapter 124

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Matt's POV: After eating lunch with our friends, I smiled when I made my way back into our bedroom so that I could pack some more of my clothes while people worked on digesting. This would also allow me to make sure nobody disturbed Gabby since she wanted to rest a bit after eating lunch. Going to put all of my shorts in the big suitcase I bought, I smiled when I looked at Gabby. "Make sure to keep one out for the flight down okay? Or are you just going to wear some gym shorts?" Looking at her, I smiled. "I am going to wear some jeans and a t-shirt to go down." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Don't want you to pass out on the way down."

I nodded when she said that but knew the reason she brought that up was because something was on her mind. "Gabby, what's up? We both know there's something on your mind." Gabby sighed when I said that. "What if I did something when I passed out. What if one of the kids are special needs?" I then looked at her and went to sit down, grabbing her hand. "Gabby, if that's the case...we will deal with it like everything from now on, together." Gabby then nodded when I said that. That's when I heard Boden at the door. "Matt?" He then saw we were in an intimate moment. "Oh sorry." Turning to look at him, I smiled. "What's up Chief?"

Chief then looked at us. "The fire extinguisher? Does that belong to the building or is it yours?" I then looked at him. "Which one? The one in the closet or the one in the kitchen?" Boden then looked at me. "The one in the front closet. Donna was going through some of your shoes." I smiled when he said that. "The one in the closet belongs to the condo board. The one in the kitchen belongs to us personally. I got it from the CFD Union for a discount." Chief smiled when I said that. "Smart man." Gabby nodded and agreed with him. "That he is." I then went to get up and leaned over her, giving her a quick kiss. "Love you." Gabby smiled.

"Love you too. Now get back to work and make sure that you pack up all those nice shirts. I don't care if we are moving to the Bahamas, I still want you to have suits to wear on special occasions like Valentine's Day and our anniversary." I nodded and agreed with her, walking back over to the closet to get my suits. "I think we might need to make a couple trips. Either that or charter a private jet." Gabby laughed when I said that. "Maybe we can talk to Antonio and see if the CPD has a plane we can use to move. Either that or we sell our bed and buy a new one." I then looked at her when she said that before putting more of my shirts in my luggage.

"You want to sell our marital bed?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Matt, I want to leave as much as we can here. We are already bringing the couch. I mean, if we can rent a private plane to move stuff...then that's a different thing. I don't want this to cost a lot of money." I sighed when Gabby said that. "Babe, I already have a new credit card with a $10,000 credit limit. We can do it." Gabby stared at me when I said that. "Excuse me? But who told you that you could do that?" I was confused when she said that. "I need your permission to do that?" Gabby nodded. "In your scenario, yes. If you die, I am the one who is liable for all of those debts."

I shook my head. "Nope, that's the life insurance. I still have it and just recently renewed and got more. I don't care if I am no longer a firefighter...I am going to be sole income for a while so...I am not taking a chance on my life either." Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Listen, we will be talking about this later. I don't want to stress about it." I nodded and understood. "And I don't want you to stress about it. That's not healthy for you or the triplets." Gabby sighed when I said that and agreed with me. "Just promise that you won't make any big financial decisions without me okay? I get that you are trying not to worry me but...we are in a no-income situation right now." I nodded and understood. "Okay."

Walking back over to the closet, I went to grab a couple more of my clothes when I saw my formal service uniform. I then sighed and looked at Gabby. "Want me to keep this or..." Gabby then turned to look at me when I showed her my uniform. "Of course you are going to keep it. I don't want you to have to ask the CFD for a borrowed uniform heaven forbid we have to come up here for you know..." I nodded and new exactly what she meant, a funeral. That shouldn't be something that we should need to think about during that time. "I am going to give my medals back though. I don't think I'm allowed to wear them anymore." That's when Chief came in.

"Matt, you retired from the didn't resign. You can keep wearing all of your medals and awards. However, I hope that someday you will come back. I understand now you need your family but...I hope when I retire, you can come back and take over." Gabby then looked at me. "We will definitely consider it chief. But, no promises or pressure on us to do so okay?" Chief nodded and understood while looking at Gabby. "You sure are growing aren't you?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I am already uncomfortable though. It's why we got that big couch. By the way, that stays put together until we move. It's coming with us just like our marital bed."

I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that because our bed was very comfortable. "You realize that we are not putting this in Antonio's place right? We are not going to reassemble it until we have a permanent place. Or are we going to live at Antonio's place permanently?" Gabby then bit her lip when I asked her that. "I think we are going to live there permanently. He is moving into the basement apartment remember? We are going to take the home upstairs. And we are staying there for a while. Sorry Matt but...can you just settle for that? I want our bed there for when we are taking care of the newborns. Is that okay?"

Walking back over to the closet to get some more clothes, I nodded and agreed with Gabby. "Of course it's okay Gabby. I am going to do whatever you want to make this transition as easy as possible for the both of us. I don't want to stress you out and I hope that you feel the same way." Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Of course I do Matt. I don't want to do anything that will stress you out." I then smiled at her, walking over to her before going to kiss her softly. "Unfortunately, that isn't possible though considering you are pregnant and I am always worried about you guys." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I know you are."

Just looking into her eyes before a bit, I went to lean my forehead against hers and smiled at her. I then went to give her another quick kiss before getting up when I heard Hermann come in. "Well, if it isn't the love birds. Cindy was wondering if there was any clothes that you guys aren't bringing to the Bahamas. If you have any...can we maybe have them? Lee Henry is getting big and we know he is not going to fit in his current wardrobe much longer." Matt then bit his lip. "I have to keep some clothes but, I think I will let the others pick them out. What do you think Gabby?" Gabby then looked at me. "I would rather keep it. If we ever do decide to move back, then we don't have to buy you an entirely new wardrobe. That's what Antonio did."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Then that's what we're going to do. Sorry Hermann. Maybe if I find stuff I don't like to wear...I can send it back to you via the mail. But, that's the best I can promise." Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "You guys might also want to come out to the living room. We have a surprise for you guys. It's why we've all been coming in here for the past little bit. We needed to keep you in here." Me and Gabby were both confused when he said that. "Okay, we'll be right out." Hermann nodded and smiled as he walked out to the living room. Meanwhile, I turned to look at Gabby. "Wonder what they set up for us?" 

Gabby then sighed as she went to get up. "Can you help me change into sweats...then we can go out? I forgot to get changed." I nodded and agreed with her, going to grab her sweats for her so that she could get changed. Then, we would head out to the living room for whatever everybody wanted to do for us.

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